When can a corp rez ICE?

By ddbrown30, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions

The title says it all. Other than through a card effect, can a corp rez ICE any time other than as a runner approaches it?

This seems like something that will have been answered before but Google is failing me and "rez ice" is an invalid search on the forums. :P

Nevermind, I finally manged to find what I was looking for in the rules. It's under the "Installing Cards" rules, for some reason.

Note: When an asset or upgrade is installed, the Corporation
can pay its rez cost to rez it at almost any time (see the “Timing
Structures” on pages 32-33). Ice can only be rezzed when the
Runner approaches it during a run (see “Approaching Ice” on
page 17).

Edit: ninja'd

Edited by Wh0isTh3D0ct0r