The King in the North 2014; 27th September, Edinburgh, UK

By BaraBob, in 3. AGoT Organized Play

Breach the Wall! Stake your Claim as King of the North!

House GamesHub in Edinburgh welcomes challengers from the all the Noble Houses and any roaming Hedge Knights to present themselves at Castle GamesHub to stake their claim as King of the North!

The day will include both melee and joust tourna ments. We'll start with two rounds of swiss for the melee, so determine who is the table talk champion of the North. Following there we will all meet at the list for the joust championship to see who will break the most lances. Additional prices for the overall winner in addition to the individual events.

Prizes will include both FFG prize kit swag and alt art house cards. For more info and pictures of swag, follow link below.