Skills and Talents we're missing

By The Laughing God, in Dark Heresy General Discussion

I miss Rapid Reaction and Lightning Reflexes as does our gruops Assassin. I also wonder that Dual Strike and Dual Shot are gone, they added flavour and a tactcial option against high T opponents (without having to use heavy weapons).

The difference being that you will succeed rather than having the possibility of another failure. Depends on how your GM feels like being if you'd ever get checks to "see a rat, that's all".

This is my current Lost Talents List:

Use it if you want.

There are a lot of other Talents from DH1 Supplements my Players can only purchase when they take certain Elite Advances from the "Elite Advances Scriptum"

I would like to see the Demolition and Tactics Skill again. The former is cool to separate the dedicated demo-man from your average tech-guy. The later is perfect to have quick-and-easy narrative combats in case the group wants to run a non-combat focused adventure.

I am looking forward to a new kind of Blood of Martyrs book, bringing back all those Faith Talents. You can see some of what they can be in the Sister of Battle Reinforcement Character.

~ alemander