the assumption that having a narrative arc or focus on gameplay is more important than exactly simulating the world the players are in.
I feel like you're going to get some pushback on this point...
the assumption that having a narrative arc or focus on gameplay is more important than exactly simulating the world the players are in.
I feel like you're going to get some pushback on this point...
the assumption that having a narrative arc or focus on gameplay is more important than exactly simulating the world the players are in.
I feel like you're going to get some pushback on this point...
Well, I did say that it's the assumption behind wanting combat balance. People who don't care about things probably won't care about combat balance. I'd hope that's not a controversial statement.
My feeling is that combat has detailed rules because combat is where rules need to be tightest, not because combat is intrinsically more important than any other part of the game. And yes, we're gamers and like to geek out over cool toys and fancy combat moves,
But most other interactions can be more easily dealt with via pure role play, GM discretion and a few simple skill tests.
DH is a game that focuses on the mysteries and horrors of Inquisitorial investigation. Yes it has combat, but combat is not the focus. If your players want a combat game they should maybe play Only War or Deathwatch. My group certainly prefers the subtlety of a DH investigation over the brash action of a Deathwatch shoot 'em up (though that can also be lots of fun).
Getting to kick arse and hose down some mooks from time to time is great fun obviously, and a hard fight against a boss is also always going to be part of the script. But good guys get beaten in action movies all the time. As long as they get to return to lay the smack down later then nothing has been lost, and they should be wiser for their scars.
Edited by KillingTime