Windows 8 / Phone App

By AtlasNR, in XCOM: The Board Game

First of all let me say that as an avid XCOM fan and tabletop player I am looking forward to the XCOM board game. At first the idea of a mandatory app had me a bit iffy; however, after watching some gameplay videos of the demo version I think it will be a unique take on random elements in tabletop gaming and may work out quite well. With that out of the way let me get to the real purpose of the thread.

Is there any chance we can get an app version made for the windows stores? I am a windows phone user and I plan to get a Surface tablet soon. I would love to be able to use a full-screen app rather than just a desktop application when playing on my devices.

I know the windows device community is rather small compared to iOS and Android but it does exist and we'd love to have direct support from the app developers.

Edited by AtlasNR

I second this request!

it will be available on the interwebz so you could access it from there. I use a lumia and it would be nice to have on there as well as my tablet though

I really hope they don't make the same mistake and only support iOS and Android. A webbased app just doesn't give the same user experience...

FFG: Please give us a universal Windows Phone and Windows Store app !

If however they do make the same mistake, I'll probably spend my €'s somewhere else.

I would like to request this as well, please add Windows 8/Phone app store app for this game.

I know they've stated at Gen Con that it will be on PC & Mac as well. They mentioned about wanting the app available for everyone, just a heads up on that.

Super glad to see this amount of support for a Windows version. Hopefully a person at FFG sees this and considers it.

As for there being a PC/Mac version I'm well aware. I was just hoping to have something native for the Windows phone/8 OS.

Super glad to see this amount of support for a Windows version.

Six people?

There is also a browser based system you can use instead of the app. So no worries at all about being unable to play it as long as you have something that looks at "The Internet"

I'd hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I would not hold you breath for a windows app. The reason being is cost. If the had built the app in a .net format or any other windows friendly format it would already be part of the release. For the small handful of Windows users out there the cost won't be worth it since they have the web based version to cover you. I truly love the Windows Phone, the live tiles and a Beautiful thing. As a former Windows Phone owner to a current Windows Phone user, get use to being left out of certain apps. This is the reason I gave up on the WP, the worse selection of apps among the big 3.

It was done in Unity... Porting it should be reasonably trivial given Unity's plugins. Even if they wanted to make it a universal app.

Edited by candlesayshi

I have to admit I sat around watching people play yesterday ... and what bothered me the most was the requirement for the App... and I'm a windows person (Windows Phone, Microsoft Surface etc ... ) my wife and I tried apple products didn't like them and tried android didn't make any sense to us but windows phones meet everything we needed.

Anyway ... I'm waiting to read about people who are using the website rather than the app... but even then that means wherever I go to play this with friends is going to require wi-fi rather than just an app... as much as I love xcom I think I may pass on this.

But I thought the PC version of the app would require no Internet connection once downloaded same way the Android app doesn't. Thereby making it possible to have it on say a laptop.

Edited by Fnoffen

Sad to say the unity player isn't compatible with the browser on windows phone. So we're left with zero mobile support.

Troublesome for me as well... I do own a SurfacePro as well and I use the Windows 8 application on it, but I would really have prefered to get an App for that too. And I disagree on the cost, sorry... The Windows Phone community might be small, but if you build a full store app it will run on phones as well as "normal" Laptops, which gives you the biggest market of them all...

But well, I still love the game...