I'm very disappointed the monster minis were never finished.

By Stalin, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

I held out hope for a long while that the final monster minis would be released - after all, the only ones missing were Barnabas Marsh, Deep One Hybrid, Priest of Dagon and Star Spawn. However, it seems clear that FF is not releasing the final minis from the monster mini series. As someone who faithfully bought the miniatures as they came out, I am very disappointed that they couldn't finish out the series. It really dampened my enthusiasm for the Cthulhu games that have come out since then.


I'm not sure that I fully understand how something that has absolutely no bearing on the game could possibly "dampen" your enthusiasm. As someone who started a business focused on crafting thematic components for the game, I'm certainly able to imagine that it remains just as exciting for someone without our pieces. Why the dampened enthusiasm?



Edited by The Professor

Some people enjoy collecting all the official components, and the fact that FFG has not—and very possibly will not—complete the set is akin to writing an epic series and simply not releasing the final book.

There are a number of reasons I was set on avoiding the miniatures, but the failure of the company to publish a complete set is not one the problems I ever considered. Stalin's set may be forever incomplete. I would be bummed too.

Edited by Tibs


I guess so...I just can't imagine losing interest or enthusiasm for the main thing due to some ancillary issue.



It seems unlikely they will produce them (probably a price/cost issue), although if they are transferrable with Eldritch all may not yet be lost for you.

Edited by Jake yet again

Still, I keep on thinking sooner or later we'll see something Innsmouth-related coming out for Mansions of Madness. Could be a nice way to have the last minis being released.

(just sayin' even if there are no news at this regard, this doesn't imply the line is closed)

I'm annoyed they haven't yet released the final few pieces. While it hadn't dampened my enthusiasm for the game, I'd be more enthusiastic if they finished the set.

Every time I play the game I'm reminded of the fact I have an incomplete set of monster miniatures.

Dampen my enthusiasm? No. Make me think twice before pursuing another accessory line? Certainly. This isn't their first title to fall short for completionists.

Edited by GMmL

I was never a fan of the FFG monster models but I can understand why someone would be upset if they collected an almost complete set, at some expense, and then thought they would be unable to complete the set.

They are pretty poor TBH, I hope they release something else for mansions but doubt it TBH

They are the same models for Mansions, just unpainted versions.

They are the same models for Mansions, just unpainted versions.

Yeah the paint job is poor, the mini's are 50/50

They vary a bit, but in general the painting is fine. I have them all and not received one with a bad paint job.

On some the colour scheme used is a bit garish and on others it's subtle and well done. Some people may be able to do a better job, but I couldn't - and even if I could, I would not want to spend my time painting minis.

The Nightgaunt has a particularly nice paint job. Overall I like most of the sculpts; I feel they add a lot to the game.

The main problem is the bases make them too big to fit comfortably on the board, especially when you have multiple monsters per location. The incompleteness of the set is quite annoying.


It's annoying that the last minis were not released! (I have bought one for every monster token in the game.)

But there are metal minis for the missing ones out there.

You can buy the "eldritch demon" from reaper. And there are packs of deep one hybrids. You just need to find the bases. But if you own mansions of madness that's not a problem...

I have to admit, I am also disappointed they didn't finish.

And yes, that probably means I won't go out of my way to collect something like this from FF again.

Finally!! :D

Yes its really good news that the collection is now complete with release of the final painted figures.

My recent order has now reached London, they should be here any day.