Imperial sourcebook?

By whiteape1, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

Wanted to post this up.

Get opinions, as to if this book was made, what would you want in the book.

Maybe in the hope that that the producers may take notice.

Ok me first, I wouldn't mind, a book that concentrates on how the imperial army is made up, regiments, armor, weaponry, vehicles the lot. I know that there is vehicles an the sort scattered about but a book with the collected assortment would be much more useful, ecspecially if you don't have all the source and core rulebooks.

Imperial tactics, procedures and methods would be helpful too. !. it tells you how to run them which 2. allows players to exploit those predictable patterns.

Prebuilt squads for the squad rules would be good too. So you have 4 stormtrooper minions with the sergeant run using the squad rules for example.

Wanted to post this up.

Get opinions, as to if this book was made, what would you want in the book.

Maybe in the hope that that the producers may take notice.

Ok me first, I wouldn't mind, a book that concentrates on how the imperial army is made up, regiments, armor, weaponry, vehicles the lot. I know that there is vehicles an the sort scattered about but a book with the collected assortment would be much more useful, ecspecially if you don't have all the source and core rulebooks.

I would rather they have new Imperial Vehicles and Starships than reprint ones FFG has already done. Their are plenty of good options for both, or they could easily create all new ones.

I'd buy an Imperial sourcebook, or even a core rulebook based around playing the Empire.

An Imperial sourcebook that gives a perspective on "what you might be doing as an Imperial" would be useful even from the point of view of an Age of Rebellion campaign, in the sense that it might help a GM who wants to cover a "Rand Ecliptic" sort of campaign (that is, a group of fed-up Imperial recruits has witnessed too many atrocities, and is plotting to bail out and join the Rebellion), or else for a campaign that involves infiltrating Imperial territory in order to pull off an action (stealing secret battle station plans, hijacking a shipment of supplies, interfering with an Imperial attempt to locate a Rebel base, etc.).

It could also be fun from the POV of playing the "Imps" for a change, but if one is worried about encouraging a bunch of players to play a bunch of kitten-kicking nasties, it could always be done in the style of the LucasArts TIE Fighter video game series: That is, yes, you're on the side of the Empire, but you're somewhere on the fringe, fighting space pirates, warlord-wannabes, and general scum and villainy. After all, just because you're on the "bad guy side" doesn't mean that every OTHER "bad guy side" is now your ally.

I think it could be actually pretty entertaining. It could be done from a satirical angle, a la Paranoia, where you're working for the WORST BOSS EVER -- there's lots of room for promotion, but it's only because your local Darth-Vader-wannabe boss keeps throttling your superiors any time they make a mistake, so it might be in your interests to be successful ... but not TOO successful , because you really don't want to be next in line for your Dark Lord's ire when something inevitably goes wrong.

Or, of course, it could be played more seriously, though with the inherent tongue-in-cheek that goes along with hearing the Imperial propaganda spin on various things going on elsewhere in the Star Wars galaxy.

I think this is, like, the fourth topic about this.

My objections to an Imperial core book are already well established, so I'll just say that a source book would be all right. All the existing AoR careers and specializations can easily be used for Imperial stuff, and at least ninety percent of the Duty and Motivation tables are applicable. A breakdown of Imperial military and political information would be useful, including worlds of note, and I'd love more weapons, gear, and vehicles.

I think this is, like, the fourth topic about this.

Only fourth?

Would I buy it? Yeah - but then I'm an FFG whore. I'd buy a cinder block if it had threat and advantage symbols on it (and yet, I havent gotten the Talent Cards yet - go figure.)

Do I want one? Naw - I've got higher prioritys that I'd rather see come out first. I'd want to see it waaaaay down the proposed product list.

Edited by Desslok

I have no object to an Imps Source book.

It won't happen, but I have no objections to it.

I suspect we might something akin to Suns of Fortune or Lords of Nal Hutta for AoR, only focusing on large-scale insitutions, such as the Galactic Empire and perhaps a more in-depth look at how the Alliance operates, as well as other large-scale groups such as Black Sun (or maybe just criminal organizations as a whole) or even mercenary companies.

If they would write it I would buy it.

Have the old D6 Era Rebellion and Imperial sourcebooks, they're very handy for when you have to figure out a sector's forces at its disposal, order of battle, ranks and so forth. Plus from there is all the sub-components of the order of battle with infantry, special forces, stormtroopers, COMPFORCE and navy etc, etc

The hilarious thing about the Imperial book was how it displayed the cross-command org-structure where you have two different elements with 2 completely different command structures that simply don't talk to each other, but are expected to work with one another anyway.

ie: Stormtrooper command, COMPNOR, Navy and Army- literally do not have any cross-command structure! Then throw in things like the Ubiqtorate and all their sub-elements for extra confusion and no one basically knows who they're answering to anymore.

(Basically Palps wants them constantly punching each other in the head instead of getting delusions of granduer with a coup-de-etat)

The hilarious thing about the Imperial book was how it displayed the cross-command org-structure where you have two different elements with 2 completely different command structures that simply don't talk to each other, but are expected to work with one another anyway.

So. . . real life?

I'm not so sure this would need more then a pdf, possibly a small-ish source book. I mean, we already have more then 3/4s of anything they are going to put in it. Imp species: human, Imp gear: check, Imp vehicles: check, Imp: star ships: check. Maybe some system for "motivation/duty" of their own, and some NPCs, but I do know if it would really be worth the purchase considering most of it is already done.

Sorry, not trying to be debbie-downer, just how I see it.

If they rebadged the old WEG Imperial book under this system, I would buy it in a heart-beat. It was a great resource as a GM running rebellion themed games.

If they rebadged the old WEG Imperial book under this system, I would buy it in a heart-beat. It was a great resource as a GM running rebellion themed games.

I'd like to think that they could update it at least a LITTLE bit what with what's been added to (or removed from) canon since then.

* Clones: How do they figure in? Are there clone stormtroopers, or were all the clones retired (or "retired")?

* Imperial Viewpoint: Let's say you're a loyal Imperial sort. What's your take on the events of the Star Wars movies? Do you know about the Jedi, or were they just a "myth"? (This is a little harder to pull off when the Jedi slaughter happened only 20 years ago or so, versus whatever "once-upon-a-time" vagueness was implied with the original trilogy.) Would "Death Star" be in your vocabulary, or would it be some euphemism like "Defense Star," or perhaps even a secret? Was Alderaan a hotbed of Rebel activity that "deserved" to get blown up by the Empire ... or was it a loyal Imperial world that was destroyed by Rebel terrorists? Or maybe there IS NO uniform Imperial take on these things, and it's all up for grabs, but it'd be nice to have some guidance on this just in case you ever end up speaking with an Imperial rather than just shooting on sight. Are "aliens" inferior to "humans," or is it just that it's a lot easier to make stormtrooper uniforms if the people stuffed into them are "uniform" as well? (Also, what counts as "human"?)

* Imperial Commando(s): Is there such a thing? (I.e., like Republic Commandos, only Imperial.) Or has that been retconned out of existence?

* Tours of Duty: How long does one stay in the Imperial Army, etc.? Is it a lifetime appointment? Do you actually go to some sort of academy (e.g., Carida)? Do you get paid? Is there such a thing as shore leave?

* Force-User Attitudes: What is the Imperial attitude toward users of the Force who aren't explicitly "Jedi" and aren't waving lightsabers around? (E.g., the Nightsisters -- and Nightbrothers -- of Dathomir.) Apparently there are Sith (or Sith wannabes) who made their way into the Emperor's league, after all, rather than just being cut down as soon as they exhibited Force abilities. Is there such a thing as a Force-sensitive Imperial who isn't an Inquisitor with a red lightsaber?

* Equal Opportunities or Lack Thereof: Apparently there are female Stormtroopers and Star Destroyer captains now (as per "New Dawn"). What are your limitations in what you can choose to be if you were to be an Imperial character? (The same considerations, as always, are in play if you want to be an "ex"-Imperial.) Once upon a time, EU canon had it that being a "cyborg" earned you special disdain (unless your first name is "Darth," apparently).

* Aliens in the Empire: "Propaganda posters" for the Rebels TV show have a profile of the Inquisitor alongside various helmeted troops; he's a Pau'an (Utapau), but apparently he's good enough for Imperial service. Is he an "alien" and worthy of second-class status in the Empire? Or is it good enough to be a "near-human," while being a Kubaz or Shistavanen or Trandoshan might only get you contact work at best?

There's a lot I'd love to know regarding how to portray "life in the Empire," since, after all, the Empire is a pretty big deal in the Star Wars universe. New troop types, careers, weapons, vehicles, etc., might be handy, even though the basics (stormtrooper armor, TIE fighters, etc.) are pretty well covered. What I could really use, though, would be a little more context -- maybe some sample back-stories for some Imperial characters that I could mine for ideas, maybe a representative "Imperial outpost," a small Imperial ship and its crew, an idea of what training exercises might be for new recruits, etc.

And then ... how does one go from being Imperial to Rebel? E.g., I keep thinking back to Biggs Darklighter and the Rand Ecliptic. How does one go about finding like minds in the Empire to make a break for the Rebellion? How much freedom does an Imperial have to talk with others, versus being monitored by droids and security cameras and whatnot?

As a GM, to a certain extent I'm just going to have to wing it, I know, and a lot of my "research" consists of reading lots of Star Wars books. But I could use some inspiration and ideas in these areas, and maybe even a little convergence of relevant information in one place (so I don't have to delve through 50 bazillion Star Wars books) and so I think a bit more detail on the Empire would be a useful resource -- and not just for a catalog of Imperial droids, guns, ships and such.

There's always this .

There's always this .

Awesome. These books are great for their fluff.

I love the picture of the Imperial Army soldier on the "We fight. We win." poster. Don't care if it's canon, I love the Imperial Army. We-Fight-758x1024.jpg

Edited by HappyDaze

That poster is 100% awesome. :D

That poster and imperial book. Would be perfect for a game, where the players play imperials, and where I would have to explain how the imperial see the unfolding events and how the emperor uses his power to twist stories and propaganda .

My favorite posters were these.




But there are all kinds of them .

On 9/23/2014 at 9:17 AM, Jordan Peacock said:

I'd like to think that they could update it at least a LITTLE bit what with what's been added to (or removed from) canon since then.

(snip questions)

*How does the average imperial citizen view the Emperor? With fear, respect, as a distant father figure, as a near-god (We live and die for the Emperor! Burn the Xeno, Purge the Heretic!)...

*How much does the average imperial citizen know about the presence of the Sith Order in the government and its agents?

*What does the new SW Battlefront 2 game's Imperial Campaign story mode add or subtract to the current SW Imperial Military lore?

So many more questions, especially for those of us who don't own a copy of the D6 SW material.

9 hours ago, Giorgio said:

*How does the average imperial citizen view the Emperor? With fear, respect, as a distant father figure, as a near-god (We live and die for the Emperor! Burn the Xeno, Purge the Heretic!)...

*How much does the average imperial citizen know about the presence of the Sith Order in the government and its agents?

*What does the new SW Battlefront 2 game's Imperial Campaign story mode add or subtract to the current SW Imperial Military lore?

So many more questions, especially for those of us who don't own a copy of the D6 SW material.

Why not all of the above? For average person coreward of the Inner Rim, he's everyone's cool grandpa that's super smart and super decisive and ended the clone wars and stopped the eeeeeevill Jedi from usurping control of the galaxy and stopped the aliens from getting uppity! Wait. Did I say that last one out loud? ?

Other, more perceptive people notice something a little more sinister. But they have their careers and families to think of! Besides, there's no way a bunch of rebels hiding in a cave on Hoth could actually win, right? Better just keep my head down, and try and get through my life.

In the Military? Fear the rebel. Kill the rebel. Purge the xeno. For the Emperor! HAIL PALPATINE!

As for your other questions:

"A. . . siff?" What's a sith?"

I'm going to guess literally every mention of the word Sith was purged from the Holonet and burned from the libraries.

"As for Lord Darth Vader? We . . . Don't really know where he came from, but he's the Supreme Commander. I mean, you could always ask him. . ."


Iden's service, along with other works like Lost Stars, Thrawn, and Rebels , tells us that while Imperial indoctrination is strong, with officers being trained essentially as soon as they reach their teen years, it can be broken. There also seems to be an intense focus on hierachy in the military, with every decision requiring the approval of higher ups. This also leads to an intense focus on becoming The higher ups at any cost. Meaning, the second the chain of command is disrupted. . . Things get ugly .

Edited by Dayham