I'd be perfectly fine with a few small tweaks to the rules, but with a change that drastic it's just not X-Wing anymore. :\
So, follow-on question: would playing a tournament with these House Rules be OK? I may run one someday if there is interest.
Your rules have a lot more justification, even if I don't agree with all of them. The problem, as Herowannabe says, is the scope of the changes: it's a lot to absorb and process.
Additionally, one of the things a lot of people look for in a non-sanctioned tournament is practice for the "real" tournaments, particularly this time of year. And from that perspective, a lot of small changes are just as bad as a single big change like Theorist's X-wing "fix": no sanctioned tournament will feature 26-point Biggs + Hull Upgrade any more than they'll feature a 35-point Biggs + R2-D2 + Combat Refit.
Yeah, I wouldn't want to run a non an "Alternate Universe" tournament anytime around Store Championship season and certainly not around Regionals. Nationals and Worlds season would be a better time frame as less people go to those.
There are certainly a lot of little changes. If I were to limit the changes though, I'm not sure which ones I would get rid of. I would rather just include them all, and give people time to absorb the changes up front. Since these are all new ideas I would let people add or swap out a list every other week, rather than being "locked in" to the same lists all from the start. That way as you figure out the balance tweaks you can change your lists later.