I just ordered all three decks from the FFG store.
Can't wait!
I just ordered all three decks from the FFG store.
Can't wait!
link please 8)
Click the Store link at the top of the forums page.
In the search box type Adversary
Enjoy multitudes of fun.
Edit: changed fop to top.
Edited by fatedtodieClick the Store link at the fop of the forums page.
In the search box type Adversary
I tried the search function. It didn’t work for me.
I found DC’s other post in the main EotE board and followed those links, and I now have all three sets on order.
Odd, I tried the Search and it worked for me... either way you found what you needed.
Just received mine today. They're beautiful and legible.
Make sure you get the sleeves to protect against soda and snack stains, though.
ordered mine, This website is downright goofy though! I admit I am not that computer savvy, but I have little or no problems browsing online stores on other sites. You should be able to go right to the store click once on the SW game and BAM! should be right in there with the other stuff. Here though, its like you have to know its there and dig a few layers to find it.
Edited by cyberknightsteve