can i get a list of all the banned characters. Mainly i just want to know if the promo Zhao Daiyo is Banned. I got one she is really good, but she looks a little to good to be playable.
illegal characters
Promo Zhao is legal. The banned characters that I can remember off of the top of my head are promo Zasalamel, Cassandra**, Ibuki** and Talbain***. There should be a full banned list in the Q&A section somewhere though...
NoobFighterFTW said:
can i get a list of all the banned characters. Mainly i just want to know if the promo Zhao Daiyo is Banned. I got one she is really good, but she looks a little to good to be playable.
She is not banned. The entire banned list is located here
(If the link doesn't work, go to the support tab from the main UFS page, and scroll down to the Banned list.)
The Game rules, and banned lists are currently available from the UFS Main Page. Tournament Floor rules should be available some time in July, and the "complete" errata list will be available some time after that.
Antigoth said:
she isn't banned but was she ever made tournament legal when was she officially released
She is legal, she hit standard prize support in either January or February.
yeah shes been playable for quite awhile i only wish she had a 7hs and like 20 life then she would be tourney playable and probably win somethings as well