need help in making and boss/Npc

By slaamgebel, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

Hi all in my campaign i have 12 human general of the empire. They are base on the zodiac sign

Leo, cancer taurus etc.

Im having a hard time in stating Taurus each time i stats him. He is either too powerful or too weak.

Im trying to make this giant size human that strike fear only by seeing him. ( like the mountain in game of throne) he is wielding a giant sword ( like nightmare sword in soul calibur)

Do gore attack with is Ox helmet.

So im thinking of weaponmaster for class.

Anyone would be kind in helping me out.

If u need info like level and what book we play with

He is lvl 5 and we have all book

My group of player are

A human warrior

A human shadow

A human/ with monster blood summoner

A human wizards

You posted twice by mistake mate, right now I can't check on it too much, but will take a look into it later.

In the mean time, some extra info would be nice:

-If he wields bigger version of weapons, there the rule that make the weapon have +50% damage (and the other stats I can't remember).

-For the fear thingy, you could've him have a special attack and/or state that inflict Fear (from the powers in the creation section)

-"Gore attack", is it a special attack, or you mean some kind of DoT?

-I don't think there's such thing as "too" strong, so long you keep all the rules that players use when creating their chars, but you can always invest points in some "DP sinks", like wear armor or LP multiples to make him tankier, yet not too strong.

-For powers to make him more like a big damaging guy, you could go with "extra damage", which would make his attacks deal even more damage, but keep his attack skill "low", so it's balanced that way.

-Will he be using ANY supernatural skills? like you could invest some DP into some basic technics to "waste" DP and give him some unique abilities.

Thank for replying and telling me for the 2 post(sorry about that)

What i mean by gore attack is like in dnd when a minotaur charge and stab people with is horn. If DoT meant that sorry was not sure what DoT stand for.

As for supernatural ability. No he wont

Also thank for the rest :)

No, with DoT I meant a "damage over time" type of attack. I think it's still manageable as a special attack, will check in a bit :)

So been fooling around with the system, and here's something I came up with:

WM LvL 5

For the base stats I used 55 points (I usually use 45 for normal npcs, 55 for stronger npcs):

STR 12 (+20), DEX 6 (+5), AGI 5 (+0), CON 12 (+20), PER 6 (+5), INT 5 (+0), POW 5 (+5), WP 8 (+10).

I took 2 "Attribute +2" (STR and CON) and "Superhuman Physical stats" (for a total of 110 DP), to get them to those levels, as it would fit with the image and would give him a size of 24 (borderline enormous!).

Then for 125 DP I created this special attack to emulate the gore one:

Base damage of 80 (25 DP)

Adds 2 special effects that needs a PhR of 100 (50 DP)

Double damage (60 DP, PhR of 100) and Extreme Pain (40 DP, PhR of 80)

Requires 10 turns to prepare (-50 DP, more a fluff thingy to prevent spamming and lower a bit the cost)

Last power I gave him is extra +20 to Physical resistances (20 DP).

Then let's go into skills:


Bought 2 modules for 40 DP total (Area Attack and Defence against projectiles)

+150 Wear armor for 150 DP (total of 220, forgot about the +20 from STR, so those 20 extra DP can be tweaked around)

+70 Block (140 DP)

+90 Attack (180 DP)

Then, since the powers are not technically primaries, but in this case do damage, decided to stop spending on primaries.


+15 Feats of strenght (15 DP, bringing it to a +40 due to class bonus)

+30 Notice (60 DP)

+80 Withstand pain (80 DP, to make him even more badass)

+96 LPs (80 DP, with 160 base, + 100 for class, so a final of 354 LP)

As equipment I considered him using a Full plate (requisite of 100), but since there are those extra 20, you could go for the Heavy full plate too (requisite of 120), either way the natural penalties are reduced to 0, and the movement empairment by 2.

For the weapon, using the base stats of a two-handed sword, we get a 135 base damage (+40 for double STR bonus due to it being two-handed) and a -60 to initiative (which is 10 base, + 25 for class, + 5 for DEX)

Stat wise he seems to be quite strong, having a lot of damage, but his -20 to initiative could make him very vulnerable to special effects due to magic or other special moves, as he's likely to act second, he's got no range capabilities and no way to cause energy damage, so something like "Stone barrier", would shut him down hard

Not sure but i believe he was going for a human character, what you built was a monster. Human/other races can't buy from the monster abilities unless they have the right builds. Like Blood of the Great Beast, etc. Also suppose to either roll up the stats using one of the character creation methods. Or just GM it and decide what stats he has.

Unfortunately when I think of a character that's like the mountain I'd probably make them too strong, similar to one of my old NPCs Torga. He was an unstoppable Weaponmaster tank with loads of health. Using the Ars Magnus: Samiel: Final Retribution. Though i think he would have to be higher than lv 5 to get something like that. Think he would have to be at least lv 7. Might attempt to take a shot at this if i get some time.

Also your DP spent at the very beginning doesn't add up right with me (10x2) 30dp (5x3)15 (6x2) 12 (8) 8 (65dp)

Then the superhuman stats and the 2 +2 stats would total 100dp

altogether would be 165dp

Dont have time to check over the rest as I have to go.

Edited by cdcace

Because I didn't use DP points for the base stats, just the superhuman powers (it's one of the creation methods suggested in the GM toolkit [i think], to use a set number of points to distribute around). As for the use of powers making him a monster: actually didn't think about it that way, would make sense, but thinking back, I would've had those extra 120 points to use in the other skills, which would've meant even more life/attack/block/wear armor and such.

He did ask for that special attack, which making it with powers gives a nice benefit: it "uses up" some DP points.

But that was quite a fair point, and yes, would depend on the gm (so depends on what OP wanted)