Lols, Tekken Cab, I remember that. And yeah, we're the same age. I remember beating adults with Blanka when I was a little punk who didn't know how to play worth a crap.
You're right playing alot of game doesn't mean I know them. But in my case, when I play a game I don't sample it. You're talking to a guy who has spent hundreds of hours with each iteration of these games. While it is impossible to be the best at every game (trust me it's not easy going from Tekken to Virtua Fighter and then back, lol), it is quite possible to be well-versed in them all. I understand the nuances and appreciate them. In many cases though, the smaller things don't add up. I've always found the control in Tekken to be unresponsive, and the combo system to be cheesy. That's not to take away from some very good moves and change-ups. I love me some Feng Wei, so don't get me wrong. However, IMHO, the option of just impacts, etc is mitigated by unresponsiveness. When I'm trying to do one thing and the game does another, not only does the wrong thing happen, but in most cases it leaves you open. I'm sure you know at a competitive level what the slightest opening can do for a skilled opportunist, with a penchant for instinctual tenstrings.