Tekken before worlds?

By Smazzurco, in UFS General Discussion

Lols, Tekken Cab, I remember that. And yeah, we're the same age. I remember beating adults with Blanka when I was a little punk who didn't know how to play worth a crap.

You're right playing alot of game doesn't mean I know them. But in my case, when I play a game I don't sample it. You're talking to a guy who has spent hundreds of hours with each iteration of these games. While it is impossible to be the best at every game (trust me it's not easy going from Tekken to Virtua Fighter and then back, lol), it is quite possible to be well-versed in them all. I understand the nuances and appreciate them. In many cases though, the smaller things don't add up. I've always found the control in Tekken to be unresponsive, and the combo system to be cheesy. That's not to take away from some very good moves and change-ups. I love me some Feng Wei, so don't get me wrong. However, IMHO, the option of just impacts, etc is mitigated by unresponsiveness. When I'm trying to do one thing and the game does another, not only does the wrong thing happen, but in most cases it leaves you open. I'm sure you know at a competitive level what the slightest opening can do for a skilled opportunist, with a penchant for instinctual tenstrings. :D

ROTBI said:

Lols, Tekken Cab, I remember that. And yeah, we're the same age. I remember beating adults with Blanka when I was a little punk who didn't know how to play worth a crap.

You're right playing alot of game doesn't mean I know them. But in my case, when I play a game I don't sample it. You're talking to a guy who has spent hundreds of hours with each iteration of these games. While it is impossible to be the best at every game (trust me it's not easy going from Tekken to Virtua Fighter and then back, lol), it is quite possible to be well-versed in them all. I understand the nuances and appreciate them. In many cases though, the smaller things don't add up. I've always found the control in Tekken to be unresponsive, and the combo system to be cheesy. That's not to take away from some very good moves and change-ups. I love me some Feng Wei, so don't get me wrong. However, IMHO, the option of just impacts, etc is mitigated by unresponsiveness. When I'm trying to do one thing and the game does another, not only does the wrong thing happen, but in most cases it leaves you open. I'm sure you know at a competitive level what the slightest opening can do for a skilled opportunist, with a penchant for instinctual tenstrings. :D

Timing in tekken is indeed very strict. Look at SF at negative edge. If you start a fireball motion, tap fierce so that you hit it "early" and then finish the motion with the button release, you will start to throw a fierce punch for a frame or 2 then go into a fireball. Tekken doesn't give you this luxory.

I have not played a recent Tekken in quite some time so i am speaking mostly about TTT but to me its the SF4 of its day; it seems simple at quick glance, but with the (focus) cancels and next-to-impossible muscle memory required to pull stuff off the games are extremely deep.

This thread is making me reminiscence about TTT too much lol. I'll shut up now and leave you guys with a few videos.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gb6oc9YGOk0&feature=related <- this guy sucks but couldn't find a better one

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38f9G-NKLKI&feature=related <- Dashin it up


Perfect example of not only what happens to you when you don't know what you're doing (in the case of Armor King), but you will notice at the 0:55 mark how the opponent drifts further away from Christie's spamage.

Thanks guys. Nothing I haven't seen before, but useful for anyone unfamiliar to the game. Getting back to UFS...I think once we get Alisa Bosconovitch (assuming the license includes Bloodline characters too) her head should be an asset card. Anyone who's seen her action should know what I mean.

Scubadude said:

If FFG follows the pattern they did with the releases last year it will be out before worlds. But then again set 12 was uber delayed so its possible it might not hit until after worlds. We haven't really had any info regarding set 13 and we are within 4 weeks for nationals so hopefully we can hear something soon.

Provided Set 13 isn't as delayed as Set 9 was, it hits before Worlds. In short, the delay that was there for Set 9 has been transferred this year for Set 12.

Regarding Tekken itself, yes I see it's extroadinary popular, I mean, it tops the arcade charts in Japan EVERY month, while I still hear mention of it from mostly casual gamers/jocks as people who play it. But I don't like it. I feel it's massively overrated, and does not have the ample depth that people give it credit for. For all the games. I hate a lot of character designs too, as in their physical designs. It is very pretty though, and I want to see that Tekken 6 sheep stage as a terrain card, as I can't stop laughing when I turn around (the Tekken 6 machine is a headturn from the Blazblue machine at the arcade here lol) and see sheep flying around.

And I didn't think of it like that Mr. Hatman, good point.

is it just me that wants yoshimitsu to be in the tekken set? and the soul calibur set? robot ninjas all round!

No, it's definitely not just you.

Not sure if he is even still around...like i said i dropped out of tekken after TTT....but a Dr. B promo would be awesome

madeofwin said:

is it just me that wants yoshimitsu to be in the tekken set? and the soul calibur set? robot ninjas all round!

One could assume he'll be in at least Soul Calibur. We have no playable Yoshimitsu, and with only 1 slot remaining in Tekken (assumedly), I sincerely doubt it's going to be Yoshi's, especially when Mr. Jin Kazama hasn't even been confirmed -_-

Where can you see who was confirmed for the Tekken set?

Kingdom Mom said:

Where can you see who was confirmed for the Tekken set?

Nina and Kazuya have been confirmed by Steve Horvath himself.

Christie and King have in a way been confirmed, but not publicly. But hey, don't trust me; I just hear words from little birdies =p

the 5th character hasn't been confirmed, but I think there will be uniform hatred if Jin Kazama isn't said 5th character, or at least the boxtopper.

MarcoPulleaux said:

madeofwin said:

is it just me that wants yoshimitsu to be in the tekken set? and the soul calibur set? robot ninjas all round!

One could assume he'll be in at least Soul Calibur. We have no playable Yoshimitsu, and with only 1 slot remaining in Tekken (assumedly), I sincerely doubt it's going to be Yoshi's, especially when Mr. Jin Kazama hasn't even been confirmed -_-

MarcoPulleaux said:

madeofwin said:

is it just me that wants yoshimitsu to be in the tekken set? and the soul calibur set? robot ninjas all round!

One could assume he'll be in at least Soul Calibur. We have no playable Yoshimitsu, and with only 1 slot remaining in Tekken (assumedly), I sincerely doubt it's going to be Yoshi's, especially when Mr. Jin Kazama hasn't even been confirmed -_-

MarcoPulleaux said:

madeofwin said:

is it just me that wants yoshimitsu to be in the tekken set? and the soul calibur set? robot ninjas all round!

One could assume he'll be in at least Soul Calibur. We have no playable Yoshimitsu, and with only 1 slot remaining in Tekken (assumedly), I sincerely doubt it's going to be Yoshi's, especially when Mr. Jin Kazama hasn't even been confirmed -_-

honestly id like for them to not put Jin in it...

I am not familiar with storyline in recent tekken games but i'm sure it will have a Mishima in it...but id rather see pimp-daddy Heihachi or even kazuya.

I am cringing that christie is in it. Eddy was trash. Christie was redefined trash. Christies ability should be something that commits and readies kicks, because lets face it, she is all about tapping kicks

Personally, although i feel that a Mishima will take priority, id love to see lei in the game. It would allow them to bring back the stance keyword. Maybe he will have certain attacks only playable (or with a E that is only playable) when you have a certain stance in your staging area.

-Kazuya is confirmed

-Jin is the main character, and is considered to have won Tekken 3, 4, and 5's King of Iron Fist tournaments. What's more, his karate that he gained in T4 is certainly a fun martial art to build off of.

-The capoera twins may not have ever been too good in Tekken, but as is the case with every character, each game gives everybody something new, and Christie in T6 has a LOT at her disposal. I'm sure she'll be kick-oriented, and really, the only reason why you call her (and Eddy) a button-masher is simply because newbs CAN button mash with them. If you've ever seen competitive Christies, you'll see that she's a much more technical character than given credit.

-Stance is gone. I wish they'd revive it, but I'm sure they won't. Lei Wulong would be kind of fun, but his role is not only stereotypical, but not something I'd want to fill that final slot for come Set 1.

i don't know anything about tekken, so i hope the characters are good, look cool, and have the under represented symbol's of death, life, and void.

Oh u r all wrong cuz Eddie Gordo will win all

and props to the Christie fans too

sry i forgot Eddie wont be in it til their second set so go Christie

trane said:

i don't know anything about tekken, so i hope the characters are good, look cool, and have the under represented symbol's of death, life, and void.

With my vast understanding of the Tekken world, there should be quite a LOT of Earth, Fire, and Water.