New Player and Question on Aircraft Ratings

By mikemac212, in Wings of War (WWI)

Greetings all,

I just picked up the game last week and I am really enjoying it. I am an old Air Force player, and I will eventually start playing the WW2 variation, I am sticking with WW1 for the time being. My problem is I know very little about the planes of the period, so I have a question for all of the expert players out there:

I have been wondering if anyone out there has developed anything like a “rating” or “point” system for the aircraft in main sets and expansions to be used in scenario building? I am not familiar enough with the WWI aircraft to be able to comfortably whip up even moderately balanced multi-plane dogfights. It seems to me that based on maneuver deck, damage, and attack ratings, it would be pretty straight forward to assign a value to each craft, and then balance up the sides.

Has anyone tried anything like this?

Thanks in advance, and if the information is in another thread, please point me over there with only mild to moderate mocking. Thanks!

mikemac212 said:

It seems to me that based on maneuver deck, damage, and attack ratings, it would be pretty straight forward to assign a value to each craft, and then balance up the sides.

You'd think that -- but you'd be wrong. For one, the maneuver decks -- how does one calculate, say, a two-seater's inability to do Immelmanns; or the ability of a Fokker D.VII to perform consecutive stall moves, or a turn-while-stalling?

Actually, it has been done a number of times. The best rating system that I like can be found at boardgame geek:

An earlier thread in this forum also makes mention of this.

Or just go by when they were in service....

Nieuport 17
Albatros D.III
RAF R.E. 8
LFG Roland C.II

Nieuport 23
Albatros D.Va
Fokker DR. I
Sopwith Camel

Sopwith Snipe
Fokker D.VII
Ufag C.I

Thanks to all for your comments.


SHVAK said:

Actually, it has been done a number of times. The best rating system that I like can be found at boardgame geek:

An earlier thread in this forum also makes mention of this.

Read that one -- wasn't really impressed with it.