Wildlings Attack: Massing on the Milkwater

By ThunderCloud, in A Game of Thrones: The Board Game

The lowest bidder: If he had more than one house card in his hand, he discards all house cards with the highest strength.

How the heck do you determine this? Every deck has a 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3 & 4. So if I have all cards, my lowest card is 0, does that mean I discard the other cards, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, & 4?

Or does that mean only the 4 card is the highest and therefore only 4 gets discarded?

Further, if I have a 2 card, then am I destroying both 3 & 4 card?

The way that I have always played is as follows:

In your first example, you would discard everything except the 0.

The second example you would discard the 3 and 4, and keep the 2.

It never occurred to me until just now that that may in fact be wrong. As I am reading it now you could argue that if a player has 0,1,2,2, then he would discard both two cards but keep the 0 and 1.

Anyone else have an opinion on this as I would like to hear as well?

Only the 4 (Highest Strength) gets discarded.

Which is your highest Strength card? Discard that card (or cards if you have more than one of the same "highest Strength").

Do not discard your "next highest Strength" card.

Edited by kauai1964

I concur with kauai , which is how we played it during our recent game.

another situation: If I am the lowest bidder and have only 2 cards with 2 strength in my hand as Martell, what should I do?

You have more than one card in your hand. 2 is the highest Strength you have. You discard both 2s.

Edited by kauai1964
On 8/11/2018 at 2:45 PM, kauai1964 said:

You have more than one card in your hand. 2 is the highest Strength you have. You discard both 2s.

Which indicates I can get my other 5 cards back? but I don't think there is any circumstance that you can retrieve your cards after you have on cards in hand other than when a battle is done according to the rule book.

Furthermore, I think the author didn't want players to retrieve cards by this wildling so there is a premise:if you have more than one card in hand, in case you can get your cards back and be strong instead of getting a penalty from this card.

So I'm really confused now:/

Sometimes things work out in your favor, even if they would have been bad for someone else.

If you need confirmation, contact FFG directly:


And please post the response here.

Edited by kauai1964
7 hours ago, kauai1964 said:

Sometimes things work out in your favor, even if they would have been bad for someone else.

If you need confirmation, contact FFG directly:


And please post the response here.

Actually, I thought you were the official guy XD

The official response is here~

Q: About Wildlings Attack: Massing on the Milkwater, If I am the lowest bidder and have only 2 cards with 2 strength in my hand as Martell, what should I do? Am I supposed to discards those two cards and get my other 5 cards back?

A: Yes. You would discard both 2’s and retrieve the other 5.

Q: A similar question is regarding the Patchface, can he discard the last card of an opponent? because I think the timing of retrieving cards is after a battle and after that comes the Patchface's ability.

A: Yes. This would cause the opponent to draw back the other 6 cards.

Answered by Jason Walden
Senior Board Game Producer
Fantasy Flight Games