since this is a new game I thought people would appreciate a list of common (in my experience) misplays
1. Always assume you opponent has doom/exterminatus/warp storm
- while there is not a lot you can do about warp storm besides spreading your guys out (hard to do if you want to win planets)
2. while the warlord is ready assume an Eldar player has nullify
-I have on several occasions spent 3-4 resorces to play a critical event only for it to be nullified by the eldar player
3. remember mobile
-easy to forget
-also remember that if a mobile unit is at the first planet it can be trapped by your opponent
4. standing/readying effects
-Tau/Eldar/SM/Orks all have cards that can either ready themselves or supports to ready units
5. when considering a battle don't forget battle effects from planets other planets
-AOE 1,routing or moving a unit can all significantly affect the outcome of a battle
6. when attacking with your warlord always consider "if they attack my warlord with everything they have left will it be bloodied/die"
- if a warlord is bloodied that game is half won as they either have to avoid your units or sacrifice an attack to retreat their warlord
7.remember reducers
- you will hit yourself when you pass and realize you forgot to use your -1 cost support
8.if a SM players is pinging a high HP unit instead of a target they could kill (and would then be unable to attack) assume they have fury in their hand and shield (all or nothing)