Hi all. I need help before this sunday. Im currently dming an huge anima campaign with some friends. As halloween is coming soon. As a Dm i like to make halloween theme game. As my title said it i want to make a 3 game session where the player are trap and need to face forces of the king in yellow. Like aspect of hastur, byankhee etc. Sadly ive never read anything with hastur. So i dont know how thing goes with him. As the only Call of cthulhu game i did was focus with cthulhu, hydra/dagon.
So is there somewhere that people have stats out anything cthulhu for anima? And how should I run my game to make it feel hasturian horror.
The current setting is that their aircraft needed to land on a weird island where a storm is alway active. They were ambusr by living doll with large needle and took shelter in a ziggurat. Where i was planning to seal them there for the hastur part.
All im asking is suggestion and link if u do know a place they have lovecraftien creature stats out foranima. Thank you for your time