Just a minor issue, but it does seem odd that in the sidebars on pages 194-197 the "light/dark" pip is represented with the dark side on the left, light side on the right, in contrast to regular text in which the light side is on the left and the dark side is on the right.
Force Pip Sidebar Nit-Pick
Just a minor issue, but it does seem odd that in the sidebars on pages 194-197 the "light/dark" pip is represented with the dark side on the left, light side on the right, in contrast to regular text in which the light side is on the left and the dark side is on the right.
It's because the text color is inverted. The light/dark pip is 'solid' on the right side and transparent on the left side.
So if the text color is black on white background, the appearance will be white on the left, black on the right.
If the text is white on a dark background, the appearance will be dark on the left, white on the right.