learning to mill with Goo

By Goo4, in UFS General Discussion

i've played this game either way you look at it and i can tell you that i perfer a mill over anything, only because i can't stand attacking and something random happens. my theroy is fighting without fighting causes less hassle and more control over anybody that you play. the majority of players would play mostly 8 attacks which could easily get dimissed if you have the right stuff on the field. i choose bishamon only because of his ability to mill off the top of your deck and pray that some of the cards can't be added to their hand. i played a earth version of him because the amount of damage reduction that earth have is rediculous but the only thing is it has no protection from being negated. which led me to change to death to negate everything that is being played.

my latest is the kyo good mill which consist of flashy leg work and deadly ground.

i know that james and steve are trying to get rid of mill but it would'nt make any sense to do so if these cards exist and it also limit the style play for players which would make the game more one-sided. even so i'm the only player that mills and does it well.

Any mill questions? i would be more then glad to help.

Got mill?


Bishamon is awesome, so congrats for running him, ESPECIALLY off Death since I've only seen Earth builds. Also, that Kyo deck is genius. I've already had to face Kyo with Red Lotus, which was harsh, but I can only imagine him with even more of Good's nonsense. What's more, the only reason (IMO) to use Kyo is for the conjunction of his R and Red Lotus, meaning really, you could've build anyone else, but as you'd said, you like to have protection against the common meta, so congrats.

As a fan card designer, I'm gonna have to agree with Hata, I think Mill should be made because it's a game mechanic, but only rarely, and not as a major archetype. Obviously there's no "mill" in a real fighting game, and while some fighting games have say, "direct life reduction" or "ring outs", almost every game is won by hurting your opponent with attacks until they lose all of their life. Mill is also not that fun to play against because the element of surprise is lost whenever you find out not only that they are mill, but how they mill as well.

But, I do congradulate you for staying true to Mill, something that is all but neigh existent in this current format. Keep it up, and maybe I'll be talking to you about how to abuse mill =)

Goo said:

i know that james and steve are trying to get rid of mill but it would'nt make any sense to do so if these cards exist and it also limit the style play for players which would make the game more one-sided. even so i'm the only player that mills and does it well.

It would be a mistake as three strategies (burn, attack and mill) is better than two which is better than one.

I'm the same, I hate attacks and I'd rather mill. I thought mill was pretty much dead in block 3 but I'm glad that I was wrong. I think I should go build a mill deck now, go mill!

Goo said:

i'm the only player that mills and does it well.


You going to Gencon?

It's too bad there'll be another set between now and then, because I have a challenge for you.

My AYB Vs. Your Kyo Mill.

I challenge you to the great milloff

Antigoth said:

I challenge you to the great milloff

Staring contest GO~.

i love mill. definetely better more reliable than anything else cause of no bad checks.

trane said:

i love mill. definetely better more reliable than anything else cause of no bad checks.

Reliable checks? Yes

Reliable win? Um...

As epic as a match that may be, Brian.

I would need a pillow, because the game would get really boring really fast =p

What is Mill?

(when will we ever abancon direct MtG terminology! The dominance of MtG will never be beaten by continual reference and deference to its card specific terms! break the chain! rise above your oppresors! lol)

flashy leg work. lol

HolyDragonCloud said:

As epic as a match that may be, Brian.

I would need a pillow, because the game would get really boring really fast =p

If my guess is correct, the match - match - not game - would last at most 12 turns. Probably less.

Verm ~ Let it go, when you see an AYB loop mill through the cards as they're being overturned you'd probably feel better about the term.

Goo said:

i've played this game either way you look at it and i can tell you that i perfer a mill over anything, only because i can't stand attacking and something random happens. my theroy is fighting without fighting causes less hassle and more control over anybody that you play. the majority of players would play mostly 8 attacks which could easily get dimissed if you have the right stuff on the field. i choose bishamon only because of his ability to mill off the top of your deck and pray that some of the cards can't be added to their hand. i played a earth version of him because the amount of damage reduction that earth have is rediculous but the only thing is it has no protection from being negated. which led me to change to death to negate everything that is being played.

my latest is the kyo good mill which consist of flashy leg work and deadly ground.

i know that james and steve are trying to get rid of mill but it would'nt make any sense to do so if these cards exist and it also limit the style play for players which would make the game more one-sided. even so i'm the only player that mills and does it well.

Any mill questions? i would be more then glad to help.

Got mill?

Did you post a decklist elsewhere?

How do you survive off good? And what assets do you run in Kyo?

TummyEden said:

How do you survive off good? And what assets do you run in Kyo?

Is that a joke? All good does it not die. And in this case mill you whilst not dying.

Cards that keep you alive off the top of my head:

Holding Ground
Fight or Flight
Amy's Assistance
Mysterious Stance - Not Unique, SO GOOD.
Assassination Arts
Cage Arena
About Face - Reduce to 0.
Voice of the Land
Free Will
Kings Games
Nagase (Character)
Morgan (Character)

Cards that Keep them off your damage reduction, etc.

Torn Hero
Red Lotus
Journey of Repentence

Spiritual Center and More Machine Than Woman are worth mentioning, too

You know i know that kyo is really good with red lotus and all but this deck might be really good if fronted my morrigan...she already helps with mill my herself and shes a tank that doesnt die if built right

I hada tri symbol Mill (primarily off Good) with Promo Ken. But see here's the seconret to Good mill. Antisocial. Drop two or three or those and up to 14 cards could be gone from your opponant's deck.

B-Rad said:

I hada tri symbol Mill (primarily off Good) with Promo Ken. But see here's the seconret to Good mill. Antisocial. Drop two or three or those and up to 14 cards could be gone from your opponant's deck.

Order's calling. It wants it's kill mechanism back.

Antigoth said:

B-Rad said:

I hada tri symbol Mill (primarily off Good) with Promo Ken. But see here's the seconret to Good mill. Antisocial. Drop two or three or those and up to 14 cards could be gone from your opponant's deck.

Order's calling. It wants it's kill mechanism back.


orders already agruably the best symbol in the game right now do you want it to seriously be over the top with those 2 cards......selective recursion and character negation i think id rather not see that happen again

i don't have a decklist to share but it more common sense then anything else. i won't do the work for you, just look it up and study the cards.

Goo said:

i don't have a decklist to share but it more common sense then anything else. i won't do the work for you, just look it up and study the cards.

that's cool I was just figuring you were gonna post one :-p it seems like a cool idea though with that combo

MarcoPulleaux said:

Reliable checks? Yes

Reliable win? Um...

sry but ALL mill is VERY reliable rightr now... have you had to play against a well constructed Zangief or Jon Talbain mill deck? I had 10 attacks in my card pool all with huge speed / damage and STILL couldnt manage a kill on 1 of the afforementioned ALL mill decks...

...k Zangief and J Talbain can TANK, which is why you couldn't kill them, and having won Earth patch with an undefeated, untouched tiebreaker with Zangief, I should know, that guy is capable of greatness.

But Bishamon mills so much more effectivly, and has a better symbol spread...