simple question, not so simple answer

By GeneralReaction89, in UFS General Discussion

SO here it is: which character will win worlds? In my opinion i think seong mina will take the title home

My vote is for Andrew olexa.

I asked that around my college and they said Chun-Li :::: will definitly be around the top and then potential Jon Herr... though I don't know much about that character card but I personally believe that either a Void or a Death character will get world this year.

whatever character i play

come onnnn.......doesnt anybody see it promo revenant is the hot tech these days hes obviously going 2 win worlds

no seriously though i dont think chun-li will because anyone who builds a deck that has a shot at winning will be packin answers for here and shell fall on her face one of these days

id give it to olexa or herr i guess if i had to would be nice to see something other then evil win for the 4th year though : /

Many, many people were trying to pack answers for Miss Ibuki and look what James did with her last year.

Wouldn't it be funny if it was Ibuki again?

Air could do it. Inhuman Perception and End it All get rid of a LOT of asshattery, such as reversing with Felines, any Chester's Wars, BRT hax, etc. It also shuts down opposing Andrew Olexas (who has repeatedly done well) who abuse his R + A New Low. So yeah, End it All needs to be heavily considered.

After looking at the Mignon build, she COULD do it (and if she did, I'd lawl). After looking at some reports, the symbols capable of winning worlds are:


I doubt Chun-Li will take it all. Some of that is personal disdain, but I think enough people have started to come up with usable ways to get around miss Li.

Andrew Olexa is definitely going to be somebody to watch out for. His character is boss, and the conjunction with A New Low is simply too good.

Those are my thoughts right thurr.

Cascade said:

Wouldn't it be funny if it was Ibuki again?

isn't it funny that everybody stopped played Ibuki after kasumi susaku(or whatever it was spelled) got rotated? ;)

Not really; Suzaku was the reason to run 4Ibuki4. She's still useful now (she's won a regional and has topped plenty of others), she just doesn't have LOLBROKENATTACKLOL

if Mignon got worlds that would be awesome, and of course i'll smilely widly if an Air does win this year.

out of Air characters that i would like to see go and do well would be possibly
Raphael :: (my personal pick of course, still working on kinks)
Temujin *
Zi Mei *
Felicia ***
and (potentially as stated above) Mignon *

those I would love to see somewhere in the worlds lists but doubt it unless I was there with my Raph... though sadly would rather play my Bishamon deck because I'm lack of self-confidence like that.

My money is on Olexa/other strong Air character, or a strong Order character like Mina.

characters i think could win





seong mina


chun li



character that will win

olexa or mignon probably.

I am banking on a air character to be honest they seem to have the most of any other resource making the top 8 cuts.

I'm gonna bank on these characters for Top 8

Air-Felicia(I'm actually working on a mill deck with her, wouldn't that be funny to win)

Water-Sakura (Only because I might be playing her for worlds, be careful, lol)

Evil-Jon Herr(just sick)

Evil or Fire-Akuma(I hate this guy, and A new Low)

Fire or Water-Jacky Tang(Pretty Good)

Evil or Air-Andrew Olexa(A New Low, nuff said)

Air-Chun Li(no explaination needed)

Order or Water-Donovan(Best draw power in the game next to promo Alex)

But I could be wrong, will all could, see you there................HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

MarcoPulleaux said:

After looking at the Mignon build, she COULD do it (and if she did, I'd lawl). After looking at some reports, the symbols capable of winning worlds are:

Well that's what I'm running for the rest of the season so we'll see how that goes :) lol As long as evil doesn't win I'll be happy :)

Grizzlegrom said:

:) lol As long as evil doesn't win I'll be happy :)

MarcoPulleaux said:

Grizzlegrom said:

:) lol As long as evil doesn't win I'll be happy :)

second that one too, dern evil your hax

If it was Promo Rikuo I think whoever won should get 2 character cards lol...

But seriously it is going to be hard to say until tekken/sc4 2 comes out because a new symbol may be good enough to take it from Air Order and Evil but we'll see.

Grizzlegrom said:

If it was Promo Rikuo I think whoever won should get 2 character cards lol...

But seriously it is going to be hard to say until tekken/sc4 2 comes out because a new symbol may be good enough to take it from Air Order and Evil but we'll see.

touche, and for that I will agree and prouldy wait for Taki to come back... hell maybe even Talim or who ever else that's coming back will have crazy combo shenans... LAWL makes me think of Maxi now and how crazy he could be

also if they're gonna release the bonus characters for promos as well after the second SC4 set