Trapping Demons in Other Vessels

By Cinix, in Black Crusade Game Masters

My players in the game I'm running are planning to eventually try trapping a demon (Much like making a demon weapon or demon engine) but they're going to use a suit of armor.

Anyone have some ideas on what would happen? Also anyone have some ideas for how to make legacy armor. Something me and my players are interested in.

Oh boy that could be sweet, especially once the wearer looses control over the daemon.

Chaos space marine: "i say we go over here"

Bound daemon: "gothisssway"

CSM: "ack can't move legs wha-obey me **** you!"

BD: "fooolisssh mortal i'm the masssternow wegoooo overe here!"

CSM "what are you doing?"

BD: "killingggyyourrrr frrriendssss"

*daemon armor snaps its arm around in an impossible angle breaking the wearer's arm and fires it's stormbolter at his allies*

CSM : "god dammit!"

BD "bwahahhahahaa"

Legacy armor is definitely something I'd like to see.

Daemon armor ... definitely increased protective value, increased resistance to daemon or force weapon special abilities, possibly increased strength/agility, if it binds to the wearer, maybe a boost in toughness/wounds, possibly some healing ability(probably at the cost of corruption). Probably some form of built-in melee weapon. No need for a power supply if it's power armor, depending on the kind of daemon, possibly some form of mobility enhancement.

Oh, yeah, and if you fail mastery/loose control while wearing it, you are screwed .

I think failing a mastery test shouldn't be TOO harsh on the wearer. Maybe 1-3 DoF, wearer is stunned and cannot do anything to prevent stunning as the daemon tries to fully take control, but can't quite get it. 4+ then yeah wearer has lost control.

It depends on what you intend its purpose to be. It could be armour that gets daemonically-infused properties, or it could be a small Daemon Engine if you plan to use it as a daemon-driven automaton.

Legacy armor is definitely something I'd like to see.

Daemon armor ... definitely increased protective value, increased resistance to daemon or force weapon special abilities, possibly increased strength/agility, if it binds to the wearer, maybe a boost in toughness/wounds, possibly some healing ability(probably at the cost of corruption). Probably some form of built-in melee weapon. No need for a power supply if it's power armor, depending on the kind of daemon, possibly some form of mobility enhancement.

Oh, yeah, and if you fail mastery/loose control while wearing it, you are screwed .

I'd also give it Fear . Plus maybe something extra depending on what god the daemon belonged to:

Cloud of flies for Nurgle and the wearer has a disease. (p46 ToD)

Blood soaked fury for Khorne. but with an increased chance of hiting itself.

Slaanesh beguiling mists for Slaanesh. having a walking haluciogen grenade explosion around can be difficult for any nearby allies.

Time Sphere for Tzeentch. 1d10 impact past armor seems enough of a disadvantage.

As you can see i have used stuff usualy found on daemon engines. So far it seems to scale allright, but let me know waht you think about it.

Edited by Robin Graves

Similarly to how Daemon Weapons add the bound entity's modified Willpower Bonus to damage, how about adding the Bound WP Bonus to Armor?

Similarly to how Daemon Weapons add the bound entity's modified Willpower Bonus to damage, how about adding the Bound WP Bonus to Armor?

That was my first vote when i saw the topic. Mixing in the possession rules from ToD may be a nice place to go too where you can call upon the armors power but gain corruption.

Though I knew you weren't referring to them, the first thing I thought of when I saw your topic title was space vessels (starships).

Gods forbid you bind a daemon to the cogitator that controls the all-servitor crew of the ship...

Back on topic, I see the idea of Daemon-bound armour as...interesting. Just hope none of the gods decide to bind that armour to your flesh.

There are rules in Battlefleet Gothic for Daemon Ships. Methinks that could be the entire focus of a Dark Heresy campaign, or a fun opponent in others.