The idea just hit me for something that could potentially work and be a rather interesting game but need to work out the full logistics. It occurred to me that with how many various unit engagement things there are in rogue trader (IE the deploying contingents in a couple adventures, actions against boarders, monsters and beings of the warp that work their way onboard, etc.) that it would almost be cool to do a kind of dual game. I'm not sure if I'd do it as two separate games or one game with each player having two sheets.
Conceptually it would work like this, the rogue trader crew can use some of their starting resources to essentially either purchase a set military unit or to throw bonus points towards the Only War group. In addition if one of them chooses to play a xenos character or is connected to the cold trade in some way then Xenos weapons would become available for access, however there would also be limits on certain items as well (IE certain weapons might not be around due to the Rogue Trader disliking them or something similar) Now the thing is that while the Rogue Trader could boost the points for their starting squad there is a question of why they would, the reason is that they can get it back in spades from the guardsmen. See their private army might make discoveries on the ground like rare minerals or find supply caches. The might also go for bonuses on missions to improve profit factor further. Not to mentiont that you could leave trusted troops on a planet for a while to say protect a colony or help conquer a world or something similar and they might be able to push things further.
I am wondering if this idea intrigues anyone else or if anyone has thoughts on how this could work.