So If a ratling is using a solid-projectile Sniper Rifle they've got a net -40 to checks to detect them (-20 for silencer, -20 for baffles) and a +30 to stealth checks (+20 from chameleoline cloak, +10 from weedy). That's an impressive offset, but what exactly is the check to remain unseen while firing a weapon and how is it resolved?
Spotting Hiding Ratlings?
A perception-check against the ratlings stealth-check, would be my opinion.
Stealth Opposes, and is Opposed by, Awareness.
Every time it's relevant, one side rolls Stealth, and the other rolls Awareness.
The one with the highest degrees of success (or lowest degrees of failure) wins.
So, the total bonus for the Stealth Test would be +20 (Silencer), +20 (Baffles), +20 (Chameleoline Cloak), +10 (Weedy).
This is a Total of +70.
Note that you can never have more than +60 to a Test.
Thus the test would be at +60.
Actually, nevermind. This is hairier than I thought.
The enemy Awareness Test suffers a -40.
The ratling Stealth Test gets +30.
That's pretty boss.
The fact that it's stealth vs. awareness was already clear, but I'm more talking about the modifiers (the base check to detect a gunshot should be at +30 or something), including range.
The fact that it's stealth vs. awareness was already clear, but I'm more talking about the modifiers (the base check to detect a gunshot should be at +30 or something), including range.
Well you asked how it's resolved. I'm not sure what else to say. :|