Character tokens for The Woodland - Opinion please

By talismanisland, in Talisman Home Brews

Apologies, but I realise that I change my mind as often as my socks, but I was wondering (for those of you that prefer to use tokens to minis) whether to have a change and create the tokens with a bit of a retro vibe?

ancient_oak_current.jpg ancient_oak_retro.jpg

The size is still the same as the Revised 4th Edition Adventure cards, but I've modelled them on the ones from 2nd Edition.


Could I please have the normal ones Jon instead of the Retro ones, as it will continue my set!

Just to them both, Jon :)

I would call them standees though, since in the Woodland expansion there are other "character tokens".

I happily play with miniatures, even though my co-players often take the wrong one when moving.

Fair point. Standees it is then! :)

...and yes, I'll probably make both available...

Thanks Jon ;-)

I have to admit after my convo with Talismanamsilat on steam the other night (shamless plug for Talisman Digital Edition on Steam) I'm thinking of using tokens instead of mins. That way home brewed characters can be used much easierly and you will never see the shortass necromancer model again (pisses me off he's a hobbit).

Ah, but which style of token would you go for?

Ah, but which style of token would you go for?

Oh Hell, I have no idea... What day is it :)

Too much Whiskey??? lol

I am liking them both, but IMO i think I would go for the 2nd Edition retro looking one. I loved the fact that with character 'standees' you could print out and play an endless amount of homebrew characters which looked just liked the original ones. Since the 4th Edition uses figures as standard, if you were to play with standees then they need to look oldschool!!! :D

Well that is just my two pennies anyways, and yes I will be making a point of printing out these for my 4th edition games

Thanks Jon!


Both sets of tokens are old school, but the first one is much better.