I posted about this in the beta forum, but I've gone ahead and added the last two disciplines and changed up the introduction. Some of these powers still need some editing or changing, but I'd like to throw them up for people looking for more interesting psychic powers to use. Let me know what you think.
Discipline Themes
Psychic powers represent literal raw chaos being shapes into the desires of man. The way this chaos is shaped is based on the desires of man. Man desires pain and destruction (Khorne), man desires mastery of life (Nurgle), man desires control and knowledge (tzeench), and man desires experiences and success (Slaanesh). Every time that a psychic power is invoked, it does so through tribute to one chaos god or the other. The needs that man shapes the warp for are the same needs that feed the chaos gods. I don't want the psychic powers to just feel like a risky magic system. I'd really like to see them reflect these themes at a deeper level than "melta gun that may cause a daemon to show up".
Here are my proposed themes for each of the Disciplines:
Biomancy: This represents human desire for mastery over life, and mastery of their own body.
Divination: This represents the human desire for knowledge and knowing what is to come.
Pyromancy: Pyromancy is both destruction AND creation. Fire or raw energy is the universal human tool used for both, and powers almost all technology at some basic level.
Telepathy: Telepathy is the desire for closeness to others, and secrets. This differs from the knowledge of Divination, as secrets are those things that another consciousness has deemed worthy of protection whereas knowledge is the raw state of facts.
Telekinesis: Control. This is mans desire to project himself into the world, to control his surroundings through will AND machine.
New Rules for Psychic Powers
So here are my basic ideas. First, assign every discipline a characteristic aptitude in addition to psyker. Biomancy is Toughness, Divination is Perception, Pyromancy is Strength, Telekinesis is Intelligence, and Telepathy is Fellowship. The psyker may choose a single discipline at character creation and can change one of his existing characteristic aptitudes to that of the discipline.
Using a psychic power is a roll of willpower, +5 per point of Psy Rating used. Psychic powers are divided into 3 categories: Minor, Major, and Pushed. Each power within a discipline has Minor, Major, and Pushed manifestations. Using one kind of manifestation for a power does not give you the benefits of another kind, unless specifically stated.
Minor manifestations are mostly narrative powers that add some story detail and grant bonuses or penalties of 10 or 20, depending on how specific their use is. Minor manifestations ALWAYS cause a roll on the psychic phenomena table, but never roll for perils of the warp. However, if a minor manifestation is used during combat, it will cause a roll on the Perils of the Warp table if doubles are rolled.
Major manifestations are typically for combat usage. They ALWAYS cause a roll on the psychic phenomena table or will cause a roll on the Perils of the Warp table if doubles are rolled, even if the power is not used in combat.
Pushed manifestations are usually powered up versions of major manifestations and will cause a roll on the psychic phenomena table if doubles are rolled or a roll on the perils table if anything else is rolled.
These rules are a bit harsher to psykers, but it helps to corral in their use of powers. I’ll also probably modify the phenomena and perils tables a bit to eliminate the chance of the party just being completely destroyed by the psyker.
Perfect the Flesh
Minor: the character may gain a +10 bonus to a roll involving strength, agility, or toughness by perfecting his existing bodily processes at the precise moment. This can be used successfully once per scene.
Major: The character may add his Psy Level to the bonus of Strength, Agility, or Toughness for the remainder of the scene. This power can only affect a single trait at a time.
Pushed: The character may add his Psy Level to Strength, Toughess, AND Agility for the remainder of the scene.
Reshape the Flesh
Minor: The character may gain +10 to a roll involving his appearance, whether that involves disguising himself, influencing someone with his appearance, or other uses. This may not be used to copy features of another character. This lasts for one scene.
Major: The character may gain one Trait from the list below (I'll have to see what the traits are before I could make a list). The player may keep this trait for a number of rounds equal to his Psy Rating.
Pushed: The character may choose up to three Traits from the list. The player may keep these traits for a number of rounds equal to his psy rating.
Corrupt the Flesh
Minor: The character may mark a target human such that they are now detectable by psyniscience due to the mild corruption of their flesh. The target also exudes an air of unease that causes them to gain -10 to social rolls meant to make a positive impression. This power lasts for 1 day and can be used on one target at a time.
Major: This power causes a target's body to warp and deform. Choose strength, agility, or toughness and reduce its bonus by 1 for every 2 Psy Rating. If this reduces the bonus to 0 or less, the target suffers damage to the body equal to the Psy Rating, ignoring toughness and armour.
Pushed: The same as above but reducing all three characteristics. Deal damage for each characteristic bonus reduced to zero or below.
Reflect the Flesh
Minor: The character may copy the appearance of another human. The character keeps all of her characteristics and traits. This power lasts for one scene.
Major: The character may copy the appearance and body of another human (non-space marine). The character may copy the strength, agility, and toughness characteristics of the target character but not traits. Characteristics increased in this manner may increase a maximum of 10 points for every two levels of Psy Rating. This power lasts for a number of rounds equal to psy rating if characteristics are copied, or one scene otherwise.
Pushed: The character may copy the body of any target of size one or less greater than herself. The character may gain the strength, agility, toughness and traits of the target. Characteristics increased in this manner may increase a maximum of 10 points for every two levels of Psy Rating. If those are copied, this power lasts a number of rounds equal to 1/2 psy level, otherwise it lasts for one scene.
Destroy the Flesh
Minor: The character is able to stimulate the nerves to inflict a brief moment of excruciating pain on a target. This does not inflict wounds but can be used to gain a +20 bonus to intimidate. The target must make a willpower check or suffer -10 to his next action.
Major: This would be your basic psychic attack. Have it be the lightning. 1d10 + Psy Rating, +1 Pen per 2 Psy Rating, Tearing.
Pushed: This attack can target a number of characters equal to Psy Rating divided by 2.
Mend the Flesh
Minor: The character can diagnose the number and nature of a target's wounds, as well as any poisons or diseases. Gain +20 to any attempt to treat the target or for aiding treatment.
Major: The character can heal damage based on his Psy Rating. I'd have to see the wound system to know what values to give this.
Pushed: The character may may revive a dead target that has less wounds over his death total than the characters Psy Rating. The target must burn a Fate Point or will die again at the end of the scene.
Control the Flesh
Minor: The character may cause a single part (head, body, limb) of a target to spasm. The target takes a -10 for one round to any test made using that body part.
Major: The character may choose a single limb of the target. The target may not move that body part for a number of rounds equal to Psy Rating divided by 2. Tests made that require that body part for assistance are at -20.
Pushed: Make an opposed willpower test with the target. On a success the character may cause a target to not be able to move her body at all for a number of rounds equal to Psy Rating divided by 2. On a failure the target may choose 2 limbs that cannot be moved for a number of turns turns equal to Psy Rating divided by 2.
Know the Flesh
Minor: The character is able to detect all living things within a 10m radius. The character knows the exact location of all living things within 30 yards.
Major: The character chooses a target and reduces the damage number needed to roll a Righteous Fury against the target by 1 for every 2 Psy Rating.
Pushed: The characters next hit against a target will be a Righteous Fury.
Knowledge of the Past
Minor: If the character is touching a person or item, he may learn about a single event from the target's past. This knowledge can provide a +10 bonus to relevant rolls in which it is used. If the past event is something that the target person or target items owner considers a secret, the character only learns a single sense (touch, taste, smell, sight, sound) of the event. This power cannot be used repeatedly to gain each sense.
Major: The character briefly gains instant knowledge of the entirety of a target's past. Due to the sheer volume of input, this knowledge is almost instantly all forgotten. The lingering knowledge allows the character to gain +5 for each level of Psy rating to all rolls made against the target for the remainder of the scene. When used with an object, the character gains +5 for each level of Psy Rating to all uses of that object for a number of uses equal to Psy Rating. The GM should tell the player information about the person or object each time the bonus is used. This cannot be used for attacking with weapons.
Pushed: The character's connection to the item or person's past is permanent, though specific information is murky. The bonus from Psy Rating becomes permanent. This cannot be used for attacking with weapons.
Knowledge of the Future
Minor: Whenever the character is surprised, he may use this power as an immediate reaction. If successful, the character knew that this was coming, and gets a +20 bonus to his next roll if that roll uses his lack of surprise. This power cannot prevent the effects of being surprised in combat but can still grant the bonus to a roll.
Major: The character's knowledge of the future allows him to predict the actions of others. A number of targets equal to the character's Psy Rating take -20 to all rolls made against the character for the remainder of a scene. This power may also be used as a reaction to being surprised in combat in order to avoid the effects of surprise.
Pushed: The character may choose a number of rolls made against him for the remainder of the scene equal to his Psy Rating divided by 2 and reduce their degrees of success by his Psy Rating divided by 2.
Knowledge of Space
Minor: The character knows the location of any item or person whom he has previously touched (the character must specify the target), although his knowledge of the location is limited to the immediate surroundings and not necessarily a direction or place. This power grants +20 to rolls made to find the object or person.
Major: The character may choose any location to which she has been or seen in person within a number of km equal to her Psy Rating. The character may perceive this location as if she was actually there, although only visually. The character may also view locations she has not been within ten meters for every level of Psy Rating. The character may use this to blind fire without penalty.
Pushed: The character need not have visited the location personally, although she must know its exact location.
Knowledge of the Weapon
Minor: The character may choose a single one-handed weapon when this power is acquired. It must be a weapon that the player considers to be his own. The player may use this power to gain knowledge of where the weapon is at all times/+20 to finding this weapon when it is not in his possession, knowledge of how to maintain the weapon/to ignore when this weapon jams, and knowledge of exactly how to keep the weapon safe to prevent this weapon from being damaged. The chosen weapon may be changed by meditating with another one for one hour.
Major: The character may increase the degrees of success of any attacks he makes by half his Psy Rating. This lasts a number of uses equal to half his Psy rating or for one scene.
Pushed: The character's next attack cannot be dodged and succeeds with a a number of degrees of success equal to half his Psy rating.
Knowledge of Self
Minor: The character is able to perfectly recall a personal experience of her own. The character gains +10 to rolls affected by this memory.
Major: The player may roll a number of d100 equal to his Psy rating and record the results. For the remainder of the session, whenever the player makes a roll, he may choose to substitute one of these rolls. Each roll can only be used once. At the end of the session, these rolls are lost. This major/pushed power can only be used once per session.
Pushed: As above, but the player may instead roll against his Willpower and record the degrees of success or failure. If you have previously used the major version of this power in session, you may use the pushed version and roll a number of times for each roll that is left from the major power, replacing those rolls with the degrees of success or failure from the pushed power.
Knowledge of the Battle
Minor: The character learns his opponent's technique for battle. This gives the character +10 against his next opposed roll with the target.
Major: The character gains perfect insight into an ongoing battle. He may add his Psy Rating to his initiative and may choose what order anyone with initiative less than his goes in.
Pushed: The character may add his Psy Rating times 2. If the character has the highest initiative, he gains 1 AP/action that cannot be used for an attack.
Knowledge of the Present
Minor: The characters situational awareness allows him to discover a part of his surroundings that may have otherwise been unnoticed. Have the player describe this surrounding. It will give +10 or -10 based on what it is and is being used for.
Major: The character is able to determine exactly how to navigate his surroundings. The character ignores any modifiers for movement or his attack related to the environment.
Pushed: As above, and the characters attacks ignore cover.
Knowledge of Time
Minor: The character with this power is able to time actions perfectly. The character may gain +10 to a non-attack action requiring timing.
Major: The character is able to plan things well ahead of time. Once per session, the player may use this power in order to retroactively state that his character or another performed an action. This action must had taken place within a number of hours equal to the characters psy rating and cannot be an attack against another character. Some example actions may be acquiring a particular item, setting up a trap, contacting another character. If this action could not have been done by the character himself, it can be performed by another character. This other character can be an NPC who just happens to come across the character at this point. If the action requires a roll, use the character's stats for it. This can only be used once per session.
Pushed: As above, but the timespan is equal to Psy rating times days.
Forge the Flesh
Minor: The character can add a +10 bonus to healing a target as he uses flames to seal up and cauterize wounds. This power can also be used to instantly extinguish a fire on a single living target.
Major: The psyker's body becomes a living flame, lashing out at anyone nearby. The psyker becomes immune to flame weapons. Any time the psyker is hit by a melee attack, regardless of if the attack causes damage, the flames around him lash out at the attacker, causing Psy Rating damage that ignores armor and toughness.
Pushed: As above, but the psyker is also immune to energy damage and any attacks within visible range of the psyker, melee or ranged, will be struck by the flames for Psy Rating damage ignoring armor and toughness.
Burn the Flesh
Minor: The psyker can manipulate the flames of passion within those around him. Whether it is biological or spiritual in nature, the end result is that the psyker can choose a single target who will take a +10 to his next roll to make an aggressive act, or -10 to his next roll to make a non-aggressive act, whichever comes first.
Major: The psyker shoots a jet of fire from his hands. The attack deals 1d10 + Psy Rating Damage, +1 Pen per 2 Psy Rating. The attack has the Flame Quality.
ranged attack based on pr
Pushed: The attack ignores cover and armor.
Forge the Tool
Minor: A player may temporarily smooth and repair all of the imperfections of a single target item that he or she can see. The item can be treated as Best Quality for a single use, after which it reverts to its previous quality or common quality, whichever is higher.
Major: The psyker may utilize metal materials in his environment to create a simple tool (no mechanical or moving parts). The use of these materials does not cause any damage to objects within the environment or the environment itself. The object itself, if a melee weapon, deals 1d10 + X damage with Y penetration; X and Y can be any numbers equal to or less than the Psy Rating of this power. Shields created with this power add 1/2 Psy Rating Armor points to a single target area (Torso, Limbs, Head), stacking with existing armor. Other objects give a bonus to their use equal to +5 for every two Psy Rating, to a minimum of +5. These objects count as weighing 1kg and can be held with one hand. They last until the end of the scene.
Pushed: As above, but the item becomes permanent.
Burn the Tool
Minor: The psyker may target a single object being wielded by a target. The object is heated up to nearly unbearable heat and must immediately be dropped, and cannot be used for the remainder of a scene, or for one round of combat. If the object cannot be dropped, it causes no damage but still cannot be used.
Major: The psyker may destroy an item with a rarity equal to or greater than his (1/2 Psy Rating + Degrees of Success) * -10. The item cannot be repaired.
Pushed: As above, and the psyker may target a number of items equal to 1/2 his Psy Rating at once.
Forge the Soul
Minor: The psyker can create a single source of flame within his hand that is the size of his palm. The psyker may manipulate this source of flame to move and wane if he desires, although he may not increase it in size. If the flame is placed near a flammable object, however, it can catch fire or combust, at the psyker's choice. Uses of this flame grant the psyker +10 to applicable rolls.
Major: The psyker creates a living creature of flame, roughly humanoid sized, taking any form the psyker wishes. The creature is Incorporeal, although it maintains the vulnerabilities of fire, such as needing a source of oxygen to burn. The creature has toughness and wounds each equal to the psyker's psy rating. The creature is able to manifest any pyromancy abilities as if it were the psyker him or herself. The creature uses the psyker's skills and characteristics for any rolls. It cannot directly cause damage, but if it succeeds in striking a target the target will automatically be On Fire. The creature can block attacks directed at the psyker through parrying. The creature has no will of its own and the psyker must use his own actions and reactions to direct the creature. The creature can be within 10 yards per Psy Rating of the psyker, and the psyker can perceive anything within eyesight of the creature. The creature lasts for one scene or until it is destroyed.
Pushed: The construct gains the full number of actions and reactions of a basic character to be used in addition to any extra actions given by the psyker.
Burn the Soul
Minor: The psyker's eyes burn bright red with flames. The character is able to detect the heat signature of anything within eyesight of him, even through barriers. This power lasts for one scene and grants +10 to any applicable rolls.
Major: The psyker wreaths his surroundings in a gout of flame, one which licks and stretches toward those around him. Any character attempting to approach the psyker or look directly upon him must make a successful willpower test with a penalty of -5 per Psy Rating, although characters may fire or attack blindly if they fail this test. This power lasts for one scene.
Pushed: The psyker may include any number of characters within eyesight in addition to himself in this ability.
Forge the Light
Minor: The psyker can produce light that he chooses who can see. This light can illuminate an area and give +10 to a relevant roll.
Major: The psyker creates an armor of pure heat that can melt anything attempting to pass through. Any attacks toward the psyker have their degrees of success reduced by the psy rating. Energy weapons ignore this ability.
Pushed: The psyker may cover a number of additional characters equal to his psy rating.
Burn the Light
Minor: The psyker can create a blinding flash of light in the area that causes a -20 penalty to all actions involving for anyone not protected from the bright flash.
Major: The psyker can increase the damage of all energy weapons within his eyesight by 1/2 his Psy Rating.
Pushed: The damage of all weapons within the psyker's eyesight is increased by his Psy Rating.
Touch the Fear
Minor: The psyker may learn one fear of a single target, and can use this information to gain a +10 in interactions with the target or cause the target to suffer a -10 penalty.
Major: The psyker gains a Fear Rating equal to ½ his Psy Rating rounded up. This Fear rating only affects targets the Psyker chooses.
Pushed: The Fear Rating is equal to Psy Rating.
Touch the Desire
Minor: The psyker may learn one desire of a single target, and can use this information to gain a +20 in interactions with the target.
Major: The psyker may use this power as a reaction. When a character within eyesight of the psyker makes an attack, the psyker may cause the target to instead target another eligible character. If the new target is an ally, the target of this power may make a willpower roll to resist, with a penalty equal to Psy Rating * 5.
Pushed: The target of this power will not stop attacking that target until the target is dead.
Touch the Hate
Minor: The psyker can choose a target to instill hatred in. This hatred must focus on an object or person to which the target has neutral or negative feelings toward. This can grant a +10 bonus to interactions with the target.
Major: The psyker may choose a number of targets including himself up to his Psy Rating. The targets all gain Hatred (Psyker’s Choice) for the rest of the scene. Characters already possessing a Hatred Talent (even one not of the Psyker’s choice) gain +20 to melee attacks against the new Hatred target and +10 to ranged attacks.
Pushed: The psyker may inflict the Frenzied condition on a number of targets of his choice.
Touch the Memory
Minor: The psyker gains access to a single memory from the target. If this memory involves the investigation, the psyker can use it for a +10 bonus to interactions with the target. If the memory is unrelated, the psyker can use it for a +20 bonus.
Major: The psyker may ask if the target remembers something and then have it described by the GM. This may be done a number of times equal to Psy Rating. If the target does not remember something, this counts as one of the questions.
Pushed: The psyker may ask as many questions as he wants, but the target will know that his mind has been read.
Touch the Mind
Minor: The psyker may read the surface thoughts of the target. The GM will tell the psyker’s player in one word how the target perceives the psyker or whomever the target is talking to (e.g. “threat,” “inferior”), and one word what the target’s current emotion is. This information can be used to gain +10 to a relevant roll.
Major: The psyker is able to read the surface thoughts of every character in the scene, but is only able to process so much information at once. For the remainder of the scene, the first attack made against the psyker each round suffers a penalty of -10 times PR.
Pushed: The psyker is able to read the minds of a vast area, perhaps even an entire city. The psyker may automatically gain the one-time benefits of any Minor Telepathy power with everyone he meets in the area.
Touch the Senses
Minor: The psyker may choose a target within eyesight and rolls this power then. If the power is successful, the psyker has the one-time ability to choose one of the target’s senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell) and perceive through it for the duration of one minute or until ended. This power can be used no matter where the target is. Only one target can be active at a time.
Major: The psyker may use this power to appear invisible to a number of targets equal to his Psy Rating. This power lasts for one scene, and persists even if the psyker takes action against the targets. Attempts to target the psyker suffer the same penalty as shooting blind.
Pushed: The psyker may also make a number of targets equal to his psy rating invisible as well.
Touch the Bonds
Minor: The psyker may communicate telepathically with one or more characters at once within eyesight. This ability can be used to grant a +10 to a test when appropriate.
Major: The psyker may use his connection with a target’s mind to blast him with psychic feedback. This attack deals 1d5+PR damage and ignores armor.
Pushed: The attack gains the Shocking quality and the target suffers an additional penalty to the roll to resist equal to PR*5
Touch the Will
Minor: The psyker is able to immediately determine the short-term goal of the target and can use this information to gain +10 to interactions with him or her.
Major: The psyker may gain control of the target for the rest of the scene. The target makes an initial Willpower – PR*5 test to resist, and may make an additional willpower test for any actions made to harm the target itself. Any actions taken by the target are shared with the actions available to the psyker himself.
Pushed: The psyker and the target each have a full amount of actions they can take.
Control of Matter
Minor: By concentrating on an object, you may instantly separate all non-attached matter, as though blasting it with strong winds. This can be used to instantly clean an object or person, remove makeup, clean wounds, or other uses. It grants +20 to relevant rolls.
Major: Can move non-creature item of huge size or less
Pushed: Can move a massive item
Control of Space
Minor: An item that is owned by the psyker may be attuned to him over the course of an hour and can then be teleported to his hand. The psyker may also teleport a single unattended handheld object within eyesight of himself to his hand.
Major: Teleport self to attuned area, or to area within eyesight
Pushed: Teleport all within radius to attuned area, or to area within eyesight
Control of the Machine
Minor: You may reset the loyalty of a machine spirit such that it becomes loyal or disloyal to a single target. This grants a +10 or -10 to the target for the rest of the scene.
Major: A single pistol-sized weapon possessing a machine spirit may be floated around your person. You may make an extra attack each turn with that weapon as a free action using all normal modifiers and rolling against your Psy Rating times 5 . You do not suffer a penalty for being untrained with the weapon,
Pushed: You may use any size of weapon
Control of Gravity
Minor: The psyker can ignore damage caused by falling for a single fall or may walk on walls or ceilings using his normal movement for a scene.
Major: You may inflict zero gravity in a fixed area around you equal to 5 meters times half your Psy Rating. You are able to move in all three dimensions with no difficult. You can instead grant yourself Flight (PR)
Pushed: A number of allies equal to ½ your Psy Rating can also move with no difficulty, or you can grant yourself Flight (PR * 2)
Force of Matter
Minor: By concentrating on an object, you may instantly separate all non-attached matter, as though blasting it with strong winds. This can be used to instantly clean an object or person, remove makeup, clean wounds, or other uses. It grants +20 to relevant rolls.
Major: Your mind picks up every loose hand-held dized object in the area and creates a storm of them surrounding you. The storm stretches 5m times your Psy Rating from you. Anyone caught in the storm counts as being in difficult terrain and takes a -20 to any rolls using vision. The storm only picks up non-living matter.
Pushed: Any objects the size of a human are also picked up by the storm, still only affecting non-living objects, and not affecting attended or held objects. The large objects in the storm mean that at the start of a character within the storm’s turn, you may choose to make an attack against them as a free action using the same modifiers you used to activate this power and dealing 1d10 +PR damage. This attack can be dodged normally.
Force of Space
Minor: You may completely silence a fixed 10 yard area around yourself or choose an area within eyesight of yourself and increase the sound to allow you to hear it. This grants +20 to relevant rolls.
Major: Psychic Attack. 1d10+PR, ½ PR Pen, can be single, semi, or full auto.
Pushed: As above, but the attack gains the storm and blast qualities.
Force of the Machine
Minor: Choose any nearby object of a size equal to or less than handheld that possesses a machine spirit. You may command the machine spirit within to activate the function within the object, although the machine spirit cannot act to harm its true owner in this manner.
Major: You may target a single object and enact a haywire effect on it.
Pushed: The haywire effect targets an area the size of 2 times your Psy Rating in meters.
Force of Gravity
Minor: You may drastically increase the weight of an object making it impossible to lift for a single attempt. The object is held in place and does not exert any downward force. This grants +20 or -20 to applicable rolls.
Major: A target becomes burdened and must make a strength check minus your Psy Rating times 5 to act. Regardless of success, the target suffers 1 fatigue.
Pushed: You may target an area equal to your Psy Rating in meters.