Misk/Agency Rush

By Vox_Dargard, in Call of Cthulhu Deck Construction


3x Restless and Wary

3x Open for Inspection

3x Strange Librarian

3x Sleeping Pills

3x Binding

3x Dr. Carson

3x Lab Assistant

3x Rabbit's Foot


3x Torch the Joint

3x Government Exorcist

3x Undercover Security

3x Paul Lemond

3x Small Price to Pay

3x Working a Hunch

3x Shotgun


3x Descendant of Eibon

3x Gentleman's Club

3x Eldritch Nexus

The deck is intended to be a weenie rush deck. It's possible to take a story 1st turn if going second and the opponent fails to bring out a character on turn 1 with the Open for Inspection and Dr. Carson/Lab Asst. combo. Govt exorcist's provide latitude in being aggressive by blocking out opponent's characters. Paul Lemond makes for a great way to adapt to various situations. The Strange Librarian is intended to help the Rabbit's foot fire more effectively. I find most frequently that I use Undercover Security for Agency resources. I also find myself often using a Gentleman's Club for a resource if it's in my opening hand. My previous iteration had 2 less Misk cards in it and I always felt like I was low on Misk cards for resources so I'm expecting to use librarians, and sleeping pills/binding/restless and wary for resources. I generally don't build most domains above 2 resources. Get 1 to 3 for the Descendant the rest are for clubs or firing shotguns and paul lemond. I've found that at 4 or 5 domains I'm very effective at getting a lot of use out of lemond and other activations.


I'm also considering a deck that focuses on trying to use the independent cards that can allow you to score successes on arcane struggles and run arcane struggles first. I'm thinking a Hastur/purple(yog?) deck with heavy independent usage.


One thing you might be interested in is the Chess Prodigy. With the sleeping pills in there, if you have a chess prodigy as well, you can get rid of both combat and terror, and have a good result with all the investigation.

Hi Vox,

Nice idea about building a deck around Stealing the Glory & Struggling Artist!

Here is my deck list based on your idea:

3x Stealing the Glory
3x Struggling Artist
3x Inside Information
3x Fountain of Youth
3x Clever Zoog
3x Aspiring Artist
3x Power Drain
3x •Victoria Glasser, The Society Hostess
3x Arcane Initiate
3x Shadow Sorceress
3x •The Sleepwalker, Trapped by Nightmare
3x Unfathomable Elder Thing
2x Descendant of Eibon, Master of the Black Arts
3x Dabbler in the Unknown
3x A Single Glimpse
3x Journey to the Other Side
3x Overzealous Initiate

- Stealing the Glory -
This is the main card of this deck.

- Struggling Artist -
This character can get you passed either the terror or combat struggle, and win the end game by sending in suicide arcane bombers.

- Inside Information -
Again, as this deck is not strong on either terror or combat, it is nice to skip those pesky struggles.

- Fountain of Youth -
A story with two arcane struggles, what more could this deck ask for.

- Clever Zoog -
Gaining arcane icons is perfect in a deck that wins success tokens by arcane struggles.

- Aspiring Artist -
A 1 cost character with an arcane icon.

- Power Drain -
This is a toolbox card, basically trow in 3 of these in any deck that spots Hastur.

- •Victoria Glasser, The Society Hostess -
Victoria can gain you some tempo against very fast rush decks, that she has 2 arcane icons is just a nice bonus.

- Arcane Initiate -
Again a 1 cost character with an arcane icon.

- Shadow Sorceress -
Recycling your spells toolbox style, as this deck is sure to win quite a lot of arcane struggles.

- •The Sleepwalker, Trapped by Nightmare -
In the end game, getting a little less combat at the final story you need.

- Unfathomable Elder Thing -
Same as above, it just uses a different icon to prevent a crowd at that final story.

- Descendant of Eibon, Master of the Black Arts -
This card has a nice little combo with Dabbler in the Unknown. (turn 1, play & sacrifice Dabbler -> Play the Descendant -> ??? -> Profit)

- Dabbler in the Unknown -
Just sacrifice this character whenever you do have the Descendant, but no success tokens yet.

- A Single Glimpse -
Win back some tempo from rush decks, and also a nice card to recycle with the Shadow Sorceress.

- Journey to the Other Side -
This deck revolves around Stealing the Glory, so it would be a shame if you did not have that card in play.

- Overzealous Initiate -
This deck is not in dire need of extra domains, but having a 2 cost character with 2 arcane icons does fit nicely.

I have an Hastur deck which is really similar to yours, except that is all neutral and Hastur : I named this deck "An Artistic Point of view, as I fulfilled it with a lot of Artists ! This was my line.

3 x Keeper of the Yellow Sign (2 A icons + possibility to stall at little cost)
3x Mad artist (basic creature with an A icon, low cost) a good start.

3x •Charles Dexter Ward (Reaaly cool, as I can go throught Madness without a single problem 3 x Feathery Watchers (commission stuffs + nice icons at low price 3 x Polar Mirage (another commiting stuff +possibility to keep racing aginst Rush decks.)

3 x Aspiring Artist (another Artist + A icon + drawing)
3 x•Victoria Glasser, The Society Hostess (a must have in any Hastur deck, and 2 A icon !)
3 x Demon Lover (stalling when played first (T and A icons are sweat !) 3x Performance Artist (cancelling, stalling and a god start. Drawback, no icons!) 3x Scotophobia (avoiding the T struggle, which is one of the weakiest point of this deck. 3 x Blind Submission (some commiting and tricky stuff that is huge once played). 3 x Power Drain (Cancelling is a key to success) 3 x •Infernal Obsession (another committing and tricky stuffs, but more powerfull) 3 x Stealthy Byakhee (good chara with low cost and CA icons, committing tricks too) 3x Coffee House (it's a try to improve the A strategy) 3x Overzealous Initiate (Low cost chara with AA and a nice effect for domains) 3x Moving the Scenery (increasing the potential of the A struggle to steal tokens)
3 x Inside Information (removing a struggle, which is usefull for T and C) 3 x •Julia Brown, Insomniac (low cost chara with a benefit for A and I, it's a try too) 3x Clever Zoog (I can't get ride of this one, he's essential for the A strategy 3x Struggling Artist (another artist which can increase the whole power of my A strategy) 3 x Total Eclipse (increasing the A resolution, for stuffs like moving the scenery or stealing the Glory)
3x Stealing the Glory (the pinpoint of the A startegy, like said before, this card has the biggest potential, except it needs to be prepared well3 x Fountain of Youth (it's a try, but this one might be removed soon)

As you might notice, it's a 70 cards-decks, much too heavy to run efficently, but I'll make some changes soon.

The strategy is based on the knowledge even if I play a rush deck (9 characters cost 1, 24 characters cost 2, 6 characters cost 3), I can't take care of the opposite side of the table with commiting tricks and stealing characters.

As I then might play my characters to win the A struggle, I manage to have my characters readied most f the time, in situation to confront any danger. I case I have to face bigger problems, I play cancellation. In case I need a speed boost, Julia and the overzealous initiate are here to launch the power

I'll post it somewhere else to discuss it later !

Here is the Agency/MU deck that I took second with at he staff tournament, I've made some changes sense then that I will try and post before Gen Con.

3x Descendant of Eibon

2x Marshall Greene

1x Steve Clarney

3x Undercover Security

3x Government Exorist

2x Unorthodox Psychologist

2x Paul Lemond

1x Dr. Ali Kafour

1x Professor Nathaniel Peaslee

3x Anthropology Advisor

3x Chess Prodigy

1x Cafeteria Lady

3x Laboratory Assistant

2x Dr. Carson

3x Short Fuse

3x Shot Gun

2x Shot Gun Blast

3x Small Price to Pay

3x Open for Inspection

2x Sleeping Pills

2x Binding

2x Eldritch Nexus



Vox_Dargard said:

The deck is intended to be a weenie rush deck. It's possible to take a story 1st turn if going second and the opponent fails to bring out a character on turn 1 with the Open for Inspection and Dr. Carson/Lab Asst. combo.


Not so much a deck suggestion as a playing strategy, I would say that if your opponent can't play a character turn one, its probably much more to your advantage to put 3 success tokens on 2 or 3 stories than to win one story. The investigation struggle makes it easy for you to put one or two success tokens on a story late game, but winning an entire story from scratch could be rather difficult with weenies. On a similar note, it might be useful to have more characters to rush with... Julia is actually awesome in that sense, low cost, good icons, high skill, and the ability to dodge the terror struggle. Student Archeologist is nice as well, since she likes to go insane. Either way, I would say that having a deck of 18/50 fairly flimsy characters probably won't be sustainable in a game that an opponent manages to draw out.