Beast Coast Regionals report

By DaiAndOh, in UFS General Discussion

Just waking up after a nice long sleep. And getting to posting reports. Was a great time for all, I think.

25ish people. I played Air/Fire **Hata**. What? It's not like he can...well here.

Round 1 - John Macek (Centipede) Air Chun-Li
Did anyone read Shane's report? Then you know Mr. Macek ends up achieving great things today. But it's still the first round. Game 1 I catch him for plenty of damage in a blockless situation, and finish him off later. Game 2 results in my only major mistake of the tournament I think, which is not putting Airbase in his momentum on a Spinta he threw out. If I did, I could have basically rushed the crap out of him last turn, but I thought not...He takes it, and we end up drawing. 0-0-1.

Round 2 - Jonathan Silvestri (HolyDragonCloud) Good Hilde
Ok, Shaneth and Chubbs have to play, and I have to play him? Geez. Game 1 he basically beats me before I could beat him. Games 2 and 3, I side in Tag Along, and stop his shenanigans while promoting me walk all over his 18 life. 1-0-1

ooo Champion vs. Champion! Game 1 has me rush him turn 2 or 3, I forgot which, and take a surprising win. Game 2 is looking good when he can't set up due to some bad checks, but he ends up getting 6's on his blocks! So I can't hurt him, while eventually he gets back into it and kills me. Game 3, time did run out on my turn, and he probably would have killed me if he got one. No guarentee though, thems the breaks. Oh, and I had Hata shoot Olexa with a Machine Gun! 1-0-2.

Round 4 - Fred Erdhart (Protoaddict) All Talbain
Wow. I am not having great luck with the computer pairings it seems today! However, Fred has won a regional, so as stated, he's playing a deck made up of C's/UC's/Starters/Promos with the exception of Controller of Souls, which is pretty **** necessary in an All deck nowadays. He's also playing a deck that can play 10 cards in a turn no problem. Mad props for it Fred! Game 1 is a close one which I pull out a win. Game 2 comes close, but i think he' messing around a bit, and it goes to time. Fred realized he probably couldn't beat Will's Talbain at this point and planned at giving me the win anyway. 2-0-2.

Round 5 - Matt Good Kyo
Uggg, not something I want to fight. This deck, in the traditional style known around here as a "Goo deck" just sits down, and does next to nothing. Kyo is there primarily for his Lotus being impenetrable. Both games, he's able to just sit around, while I struggle to get through his wall. Quite painful. Also we agreed not to draw (though he never draws :P ).

Top 8 cut (in no order?, but I'm trying)
Brian McDermott - Hanzo (kick)
William Coats - J Talbain (good)
Matt (err I don't know your last name, sorry) - Kyo (good)
Shane Duckworth - Gill (order)
Noel Brown - Morrigan (Good)
Tyrell - Sakura (Water)
Chubbs - Olexa (air)
John Macek -Chun Li (THE ONLY ONE!) (Air)
Andrew Greenberg - James Hata (Air/Fire...WAIT 9th place don't make the cut :( )

If you want the matchups, check out Shane's report, but long story short, Macek climbs from the 8th seed to FINALLY win a regional.

Shout outs time:
HDC - Thank you for curbing your deck around mine. But seriously, don't take last place again or I'll kill you! And some smooth trading for the Hata updates!

John Macek - Was too awesome that day. From winning, to trading for his life counter, to driving me home. Thanks very much once again sir.

Omar - Thank you for running the tournament all well and smooth. It really sucks that you didn't get any compensation from FFG really. At least a life counter would have been nice people!

Paul Williams - Thank you for helping Omar run it. And find Gundam War for me ^_^ .

My opponents - For many great and close games. It was a challenge and hard fought battle every time for me.

Team tapout - For driving 4 hours to come play with us. You guys definitly helped out the tournament with the sheer presence and entry, besides the great times you all bring.

Top 8'ers - Good job!

NY - For following the path of Goo, and being the best collection of players ever. 3 Good decks in the top 8?

Osei - Sucks man, you took like 2nd in swiss? And got diversified still. Great talking about politics with ya during the finals lol.

James - Thank you for making yourself into such a hilarious character!

John Brown - Thank you for the use of Shooting Caps. I really do want to give them back to you, but you keep leaving early!


Magnus (unorthodox_style) - Come on man? No Ibuki's here today, you could have at least top 8'd. Gotta spend all that time in Miami eh? Well I guess it was your win in some way...

Me - 9th? 9th place is for people who don't make top 8! Next time in a situation like that, Imma think it out more about taking the draw in the last round (which I would have made it). Also for probably missing people in the shouts.

Thanks again everyone for an awesome time. Probably skipping Nats barring finding work and a great paycheck, so see you outside folk at ECC!

Hey as much i know dat i would still have the best ibuki record in the tournment, it was ok for me not to be in the tournment bcuz my team mate will did extremly good again alot of deck with his good deck. That was my main goal to see if dat deck could go all the way and it can so now we have our team for national. Also miami was too much fun i tried to get a earlier flight but it wasnt possible.

Wait a minute sorpresa.gif what the hell you mean you got last place what was you record. Seriously you HAD to have had a better record than mine.

No, I got last place. Tiebreakers, son =p.

Yeah, so, basically Andrew tag-alonging my lethal Enhance in game 2 set me off and made me realize i need to go back to the drawing board =p. It was your turn to top 9, sir =D.

This deck is so pringles, by the way. Now we get the headache of fitting in those new attacks you want to put in! Fun times.

Congrats again, sir. You're officially 1-0 against me in major tourneys =P