I am stuck,
I run a game that many of us are really enjoying, but we have a scale problem. My group's Psyker is completely unkillable, **** he is unchallengable, while everyone else is struggling. Normal mobs are a standard challenge for all the rest. They will overcome them and only take minimal damage, buuuuut that is if they even get an action before the gets all scary and makes them all run away, or Force barages them into heresy paste. I tried to put something in that might be able to challenge him, the Herald of Korn from Ascension, but it whacked the party mates on its way to him, before he spanked it like a small misbehaving puppy.
I thought I was the only one annoyed about it, but one of the other players stopped coming for a few sessions, and when I reached out to him, he tells me that he, "doesn't want to drive a half hour and sit in my living room to watch the Psyker be awesome for 5 hours". Now its hurting my game. Perhaps I am running his rules wrong, or not running his powers right. I am at a loss. The only thing I can think of is to just not allow people to play Psykers anymore.
Please help.