Want to see the face I made when I saw Neo Raging Storm for the first time?

By Itachi Uchiha, in UFS Off Topic

My friend and I were discussing The new sets at the time and we came the the card Neo Raging Storm... Now I will tell you my tale using pictures! And what we said to one another.

Chad (Me): HOLY CRAP!!!! -----> My face! 1234581572011.jpg

Jason(BoyF): What's the matter? ------> 1234648133324.jpg

Chad (Me): I... am crying buckets of tears! -----> 1234581423008.png

Jason (BoyF): Whats this? Let me see it, it better not be a super huge attack... -------> 1234146892191.jpg

Chad (Me): Well I just came oceans.... ----> 1234579531804.jpg fof078.jpg

Jason (Boyf): HA But you have to play two attacks to play it! ITS BALANCED! -> 1241745579357.jpg

Chad (ME): IT HAS POWERFUL 2!!!! EAT A ****! ----> 1241746273167.jpg

Jason (BoyF): Later... Right now I am looking at the glory of Neo Raging Storm ---> 1235009897902.png

Chad (ME): I can't wait to play this in Rock Howard! ---> 1242769106613.jpg

Jason: Well this should be an amazing deck if you plan everything out right! ----> 1234146617421.jpg

Chad: Well I guess I will get started.... What are you doing? I HATE THAT FACE YOU MAKE! -> 1237424144133.jpg

Jason: *Turns around 360 degrees*: What you looking at Betch!---> 1242793779187.jpg

Chad: Well I am done for now lets go do something else... ----> 1237009227109.jpg

Jason and I both then looked at the TV where a comercial for Twilight was on....WHAT!?> 1241191254141.png

Jason threw the Tv out the window and then asked: Lets cuddle... ---> 1241192004668.jpg

The end...

I like how he's bending over while doing it.

Almost like he's waiting for his


Creative way to do a post, and it was funny too =)

totally made my thoughts of Rock Howard's flamboyancey only better

Just as quick as Rock Howard dealt with his Fast Food Lover, someone new had just arrived in the picture!
