King's Games Regional Report

By Shaneth, in UFS General Discussion

I'm exhausted as hell, but I might as well post what I remember :)

25+ ppl in attendance

Like, half the games in swiss ended in draws. Not kidding.

I decided to play Tanner's version of the Gill Arrow Lock. I first scrapped it cause I heard Shajir was coming down and I didn't want to diversity compete with a friend, but I put it back together cause I wanted to top, and I knew Tanner's version is more consistent than Shajir's (sorry bud!).

2-0 1st Round vs Norbert Wagner w/ Sakura
0-0 2nd Round vs Chubbzinator w/ Olexa (intentional draw)
2-0 3rd Round vs Can't Remember w/ Hanzo
0-2 4th Round vs Micky D w/ Hanzo (I scooped to get him in top 8)
2-0 5th Round vs Jihan Crichlow w/ Bishamon

So I technically didn't lose a single game in swiss rounds.
Props to Goo and the crazy-ass Bishamon. My hands were sweating SOOOOOOO bad. First time I ever beat you, homie!!!

Top 8 from what I recall: TT = Team Tapout | NY = New York
4-0-1 (TT) Bryan McDermott - Hanzo Kick
?-?-? (NY) Will Booty-Poppin' - Good Talbain
?-?-? (NY) Can't Remember - Good Kyo
3-1-1 (TT) Shane Duckworth - Order Gill
?-?-? (NY) Noel Brown - Good Morrigan
?-?-? (NY) Can't Remember - Something Sakura
2-0-3 (TT) Chubbzinator - Air Olexa
?-?-? (NY) John Macek - Split Chun-Li

I think everybody had a draw going into top 8.
Osei Tyson got diversified in SECOND PLACE!!! He played Hanzo Kick as well. So two Hanzo Kick decks were ranked the highest after swiss.
Norbert Wagner also got diversified by the Sakura.
Props to my biological brother Chubbs for the funniest record in top 8.

Top 8:
Chun-Li over Hanzo
Talbain over Olexa
Kyo over Sakura
Gill over Morrigan

I am able to take the first game from Noel with ease because he didn't expect me to Spiral Lock so early. He over-extended and I took advantage. He told me that the other Spiral Arrow deck he played against didn't play it until turn 10 or whatever, while I dropped it on turn 3. I got around his damage redux with Holding Ground, and Divination helped out a lot as well. Glad I had 1 maindecked. If I had about 5 more minutes then I would have come clean with a good 2-0, but whatever, a 1-0 is fine enough to bump me into top 4.

MickyD loses because of that stupid First Blood crap and throws being so broken in First Blood. That pissed pretty much everyone off, even Macek.

Top 4:
Chun-Li over Gill
Talbain over Kyo

At this point I don't even have the passion to play because this regional was supposed to get MickyD into that dinner with us. I tell Macek that I'll give him the win anyways but I want to play it out. I wasn't screwing around either. I wanted to see if he could beat me fair and square. He took first game against me despite failing his first two turns. I dunno what happened. Stuff didn't show up. 2nd game I was about to lose the Arrow Lock cause of no Tenacious. My Spiral Arrow was out and enhanced, and I knew he could block it, so I Amy's Assistance'd which put it to -1. We go to block step and John sees no point in blocking, so he doesn't block. BAAAAAAAM!!!!!!!! Holding Ground for 5dmg completing the lock!!! 3rd game he kinda beats my ass.

Chun-Li over Talbain

A well-respected win for John Macek. He is one of my favorite players and is definitely well overdue. He even said that he should win this tournament because he got 4th at Nova, 3rd at POTM, 2nd at somewhere else, and yeah, 1st at King's Games. He plays some JANK-ASS booty-poppin in his deck, which inspired this rap I pulled out of my naked self in top 4!

I liek it when they call me John Macek, John Macek!
I liek it when they call me John Macek, John Macek!
I play the booster Chun-Li it's not basic, not basic!
Put a challenge in front of me and I will ACE IT!
I liek it when they call me John Macek, John Macek!

Best Moment of the Day:
1st Round - HolyDragonCloud (Hilde) vs The Air Hanzo
I was sitting next to HDC.
HDC goes first and plays 4 foundations.
Air Hanzo plays Hanzo Kick. I look at HDC's hand.
Shaneth - "Did you just lose?"

That was honestly the first time I ever seen Hanzo FTK somebody.

This was definitely one of the most fun events I've been to. Everybody up in NY is awesome.

A billion and two. I loved this event. Everybody was awesome.
That Holding Ground play against Macek was definitely the best win I pulled out of my ass in all of my UFS.

First Blood

Ya know if he would have just blocked the spiral you wouldnt have won?

Congrats on the win, If I went I would have played air vega to be honest, so you didn't have to worry about diversity. What's the difference between your deck and mine is? More arrows less spintas? or different foundation base?

Shaneth said:

First Blood

There's a reason it wasn't used in the Tuesday vs. Shajir match in first round of top 8 at the Canadian Nationals.

It was def a fun event, one hell of a drive there and back, but a good time while there. Always good to play against better people and still do pretty good heh.

OMG my freakin Hilde sucked bad as hell but I know for next time to not run that type of deck EVER AGAIN.

At least mine is bigger than Hata..........

Nice job Shane! I cant believe it's been almost a year since I've seen you guys! Good thing Origins is coming up. Chubbs still owes me a 50 cent fcuk!

I don't think I'll ever live that down. No mid blocks in my first hand, mulligen...and no mid blocks. I was basically a dead fish in the water. =/. My day was just so terrible. Back to the drawing board.

Macek made it in since Osei got diversified by MickeyD, btw =p

Oh, and by the way, I'll fill in the names you don't know, Shane

The Kyo deck was ran by Matt, a local player. Goo designed the deck, and Matt made some tweaks to it. It's a Good mill deck (A deck of Goo's being mill? NO WAY!). That's all I'll say-the rest is no one's business =p.

The Sakura deck was ran by Tyrell, another local player. He ran Lunar Slash and Fweem Beam as his kill-he doesn't own Spike, and actually said he wouldn't play it even if he did. He prefers Lunar Slash.

We have a lot of local players no one knows about, since they can't travel much.

I,M NEVER RUNNING HER AGAIN IN LIFE CAUSE OF THE DEADEST LUCK EVER. John I mean that s@#t word as born cause ok my first match was against Will and I didn't even get the set-up both games so he killed me easy. Second was against Fred again killed me easy( yeah this was SUCH GOOD LUCK ON MY PART GETTING BOTH TALBAINS BACK TO BACK). Third was against a fire Akuma which cc hacked me to death like it should. then to make matters worst I get a draw in the forth against a Mignon player and a bye in the last.

Oh but on a good note I now know who i,m running for east coast but **** it man.

tannerface said:

Ya know if he would have just blocked the spiral you wouldnt have won?

Exactly, which is why I used Amy's to see if he would block or not. I knew I wasn't going to get the lock if I left it at 5dmg, so I tricked him into thinking that I was screwing around :)

Best play all day.

sir_shajir said:

Congrats on the win, If I went I would have played air vega to be honest, so you didn't have to worry about diversity. What's the difference between your deck and mine is? More arrows less spintas? or different foundation base?

I don't play Spinta. I don't main Donovan and side the Defenders/Rejections/Spikes.
The deck is supposed to Spiral Arrow Lock, so you have to stick with the plan.

Our foundations are similar, but just like Tanner, I run Enslaved to easily push Spiral Arrow through. +3spd for a commit is awesome. Nobody blocks 10spd Spiral Arrows.
You can screw yourself out of the lock with BRT cause they can draw a crap check and check a good check. Plus if you can't take care of Destiny, that's not gonna work.

And Chun-Li wins yet again!

Two Good decks? Top 4? A Kyo mill?

Something makes me think that players are using their noggins these days...

You'd be pleasantly surprised by our meta, Shinji. Outside of a few people, we're all trying new ideas constantly. The results often show themselves.

Well, two Good decks in top 4 is WOWZ

But yep, you guys seem to have a pretty experimental (and successful!) meta. Congrats.

To quote DaiAndOh-the Kyo deck is a classical Goo deck. It sits on its ass and does nothing until the cool win condition comes up.

Will's Talbain is very fun and techy, too. Though it really had no chance in hell against Chun-li.

I was sitting next to Macek while he and Shane were playing top 4, and when Shane broke out that song, I sorta couldn't stop laughing. The match took about 10 seconds to get back on track (my subsequent cracking up added to Macek's, so we needed to breathe a bit =p)

Eh, after playing a Chaos Kyo deck, that seems to be Kyo's only real purpose: hide behind his untouchable staging area and wait til you get your kill.

I'm mostly just interested because I heard it was a Good MILL deck?! Definitely gotta see this.

Ya, I didn't really expect it, even though I almost forced a draw if I could only make him draw one more card heh. Uses complete good protection stuff to make sure you can't do anything to his stuff, then he heal snipes, flashy legworks it to godly speed, them plays domination on it so you both are holding your deck in your hands, but he has like 80 cards vs most 60 card decks heh. Was def a fun deck to play against, so Kudos.

^Ahahahaha. Can I assume you mean Deadly Ground? I actually had an idea like that, on Life, using Heidern's Assassination Arts (commit: +X speed, X = 1/2 the # of life foundations in your area)

Sounds really fun 8)

HolyDragonCloud said:

To quote DaiAndOh-the Kyo deck is a classical Goo deck. It sits on its ass and does nothing until the cool win condition comes up.

Will's Talbain is very fun and techy, too. Though it really had no chance in hell against Chun-li.

I was sitting next to Macek while he and Shane were playing top 4, and when Shane broke out that song, I sorta couldn't stop laughing. The match took about 10 seconds to get back on track (my subsequent cracking up added to Macek's, so we needed to breathe a bit =p)

How do u figure it stand no chance in hell against Chun-Li

Boo at revealing the hotness of the Good Kyo deck =p.

Magnus, it doesn't have a chance because iSpin eats the deck alive. plus Macek's Chunners isn't typical at all. Against a cookie-cutter Chunners, it stands a marginal chance, but Chunners is definitely one of the worst matchups for that deck.

MarcoPulleaux said:

And Chun-Li wins yet again!

Two Good decks? Top 4? A Kyo mill?

Something makes me think that players are using their noggins these days...

So your saying that the chun li deck that only made it to the top 8 because someone was diversified out and didnt run spike in a top 8 where a ton of off beat characters and a ton of offbeat symbols made top 8 proves that the chun li decks that are nothing like it are a problem?

I do believe youll find that not only did a lot of people not come with the same deck in droves but the decks that are considered typically good (There were 3 Hildies and none of them did well) were the wrong choices to make for this event. There were not many spike builds, there were not 12 people sandbagging chunners, and it wasent air/order fest.

The only thing this tournament showed is the dominance of ISpin if anything, and even then im not sure more than hafl of us were running it.

HolyDragonCloud said:

Boo at revealing the hotness of the Good Kyo deck =p.

Magnus, it doesn't have a chance because iSpin eats the deck alive. plus Macek's Chunners isn't typical at all. Against a cookie-cutter Chunners, it stands a marginal chance, but Chunners is definitely one of the worst matchups for that deck.

I disagree if it didnt stand a chance it would not have been a 2-1 victory it would have been just a 2-0

Protoaddict said:

So your saying that the chun li deck that only made it to the top 8 because someone was diversified out and didnt run spike in a top 8 where a ton of off beat characters and a ton of offbeat symbols made top 8 proves that the chun li decks that are nothing like it are a problem?
OK now you're just starting trouble =p
Also, this tournament wasn't necessary to prove Ira-Spinta's dominance: the card generates a type of advantage it shouldn't be allowed to generate, not without first having a much heftier cost.

Unorthodox_Style said:

HolyDragonCloud said:

Boo at revealing the hotness of the Good Kyo deck =p.

Magnus, it doesn't have a chance because iSpin eats the deck alive. plus Macek's Chunners isn't typical at all. Against a cookie-cutter Chunners, it stands a marginal chance, but Chunners is definitely one of the worst matchups for that deck.

I disagree if it didnt stand a chance it would not have been a 2-1 victory it would have been just a 2-0

I was going by what Macek basically told me about the game. I suppose I missed some details.