Who made this rule?
It's one of the stupidest things ever. Why would you have that kind of rule when throws exist?
I was extremely skeptical of the ruling when it first came out. Did they not realize throws were in the game?
I was bitter about it after what happened at Team Worlds 2008.
I am furious after what happened at King's Games Regional.
In top 16 of Team Worlds 2008, John Macek's team played against Adrian Bautista's Team. They both each had 1 win on both teams and the remaining game ended in a draw with same RFG, life, yadayada. Staff ruled that they had to play First Blood. San drops his deck in anger as he sides in his Broken Legs. Seth Morrigan, former STG staff member and opponent of Adrian's team immediately says that is not fair because Macek got to choose who went first and the existance of throws in the game. Seth fought so hard that staff had to re-rule the match so they play a 4th game and whoever won that took their team to top 8.
In top 8 of King's Games Regionals, MickyD lost to John Macek because Ira Spinta is the most heavily played throw to date. Seriously, 50% of tournament decks play that card, and other throws like Mega Spike and such are populated elsewhere. John Macek even said that the win was bull because of how broken throws are in First Blood. Just mulligan for a Spinta and you win. Chun-Li with Spinta is stupid too because it forces you to play with 1 foundation a turn to avoid getting Spinta'd [losing] on your own turn.
The best bet you have is to mulligan for a Rev's Calling, but not all decks can play that card.
Also, what happens when two decks that have no attacks are playing First Blood?
Don't even say that it won't happen because TWO of the top 8 decks at King's Games didn't attack.
My proposal:
I understand First Blood is a little better than a coinflip, but why not just have the players continue their game until one has more RFG cards or takes damage? That can definitely happen in the time it takes to pick up your cards, sideboard, reshuffle, draw, decide to mulligan, and play First Blood.
If you're afraid of time then just force them to play with 2 minutes on the clock for each turn.