Has anyone played this?
I've been looking for reviews on this game.
I love ffg games, and. I love games that take place during feudal Japan.
No video on YouTube
Just wondering if anyone played this really liked it.
Is there a lot to it?
Has anyone played this?
I've been looking for reviews on this game.
I love ffg games, and. I love games that take place during feudal Japan.
No video on YouTube
Just wondering if anyone played this really liked it.
Is there a lot to it?
Just spotted this myself and would also like to hear people's view on it.
Played it last night. It plays a lot like elder sign. You start with 7 dice, roll them, and try to complete one of the rows on a location card. Then you repeat trying to complete each row. If you don't complete a row you lose a die and reroll. Just like elder sign. If you fail to complete a location your turn ends and the next person goes. It seems fun enough as a quick filler, but I could see it getting boring waiting for 5 people rolling dice 4 or 5 times between turns. We played with 4 and it seemed paced well enough.
The game ends when all locations are captured. But you can steal locations from opponents so near the end that becomes more important than completing the last location.
I picked this up because I thought it would be a great game for the fiance and I (I can never get her into my LCGs or X-Wing), and she really enjoyed it! IMO 2-4 players is optimum as the more players rolling dice would get quite repetitive like bill mentioned in his post. It is a definitely an easy yet competitive party game for you and a few buds enjoying some pints or a couples night or something like that... anyways it got my fiance rolling dice so I was thrilled to see her get into it!
So it's like a non-co-op, stream lined elder signs?
Hmmm when it comes to dice games i usually stick with King of Tokio, Quarrior and Dicemasters, but if the price is right i'll pick it up.
Hmm, tried Eldar Signs and found it boring and too luck heavy for my liking. Will prob give this one a miss - thanks for the info though.
I picked it up today. I like these little "pocket" board games, if you will, because they are great for filling in 30 minutes or so of free time. Played a few games up at the FLGS before I left and I like it. It's quick, clean and efficient. Great game for before our big group board gaming sessions.
I picked this up last thursday and we have gotten in 5 games of it so far. Really like it, easy enough to teach in a roll or two, complex enough to be enjoyable.
One thing though, I think they are shooting themselves in the foot with their Age rating on it. Says 14+....I argue that as my 6 year old and his 7 year old cousin played it with us once, then continued to play 3 more games without any adults. I kept an ear out for rules arguments but they had it down.
My vote is Good.
I agree completely. This is a good game for kids under 14.
The SIZE!!!! it's so compact (not there's much in there) but it was perfect for a sunny sunday afternoon picnic blanket game.
Easy to learn, easier to play.
I have really enjoyed it. I went ahead and got a dice bag to put it in so that it travels better, but I wish that I had one with a japanese symbol (the mask printed on a dice bag would be awesome) I agree that the pacing goes best with 4 and under It isn't too bad as a solo endevor if you try to see how many points in X number of tries and keep track of your best score.
I've been waiting for this game to be released for a few months now. Finally got it and I love it, plays like Elder Sign which I also greatly enjoy. I'll be waiting for expansions on this in the future.
Played it last night. It plays a lot like elder sign.
That's because the engine is the same. If you look at the revised edition of Elder Sign, you'll notice Reiner Knizia thanked for the "original dice mechanic design": it was born for Risk! Express , and Age of War is nothing but a new dress for Risk! Express
It's totally worth it for the price point. It sold out of all of our locally gaming stores in days.
My daughter loves it, she is almost 3. Rolling the dice and matching them to the cards. She always wins of course and she makes up here own rules. LOL! Heck, my wife even tried it. I see the best uses for tthis game as something light and easy when hanging out. Because the components are so small and easily transportable makes it a no-brainer for things like camping/ hiking, boating, golf rain delays, drinking?!?
and again for less than $15, if you don't like it.. so what? How can you go wrong?
I like it better than Elder sign: lighter, leaner, quicker and you are not hit with a bunch of bad stuff when you roll bad and fail to take a card.
Age of War is nothing but a new dress for Risk! Express
That's what I thought after reading the rules. But that didn't stop me buying a copy.
Sometimes a game's theme can make all the difference. And feudal era Japan is a cool theme.
Indeed, it's cool
I had quite a lot of fun while testing it, and it's fast enough to end the evening when you're in the mood for something lighter and different than the usual stuff
For all intents and purposes it's PvP Elder Sign instead of PvE
oh, Age of War board game. I thought about another Age of War game on mobile that on https://techbigs.com , lol.
Edited by shidochiriI wouldn't say bad but it's just not my type.
Edited by sneazzy95
just to be sure, since i am searching this game online, but it is similar to rising sun?
if it is, i would love to learn and play the game