some questions about rtl campaign

By just a player, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

1. Can ironskin prevent sorcery from being used for range?

2. After a hero party flee from a dungeon to Tamalir, can Tamalir be upgraded in this turn?

3. At the start of the turn, hero group is in Tamalir and a lieutenant is also in Tamalir, and the heros want to (a)attack the lieutenant (b)visit the market, can both of the above action be done in one turn? If so, which one should be solved first?

4. Can knockback and alertness make a chained attack?(use knockback to strike an enemy to hero's another adjecent place and use alertness to stike again. Like rapid fire, a fighter can spend 2 fatigue to continue his attack.)

5. A hero makes an attack and inflict 9 damage, then OL plays dodge card and the result changes to 8, can hero now use fatigue to increase a power die? If so, can OL still dodge this extra power die?

thanks a lot

just a player said:

1. Can ironskin prevent sorcery from being used for range?

2. After a hero party flee from a dungeon to Tamalir, can Tamalir be upgraded in this turn?

3. At the start of the turn, hero group is in Tamalir and a lieutenant is also in Tamalir, and the heros want to (a)attack the lieutenant (b)visit the market, can both of the above action be done in one turn? If so, which one should be solved first?

4. Can knockback and alertness make a chained attack?(use knockback to strike an enemy to hero's another adjecent place and use alertness to stike again. Like rapid fire, a fighter can spend 2 fatigue to continue his attack.)

5. A hero makes an attack and inflict 9 damage, then OL plays dodge card and the result changes to 8, can hero now use fatigue to increase a power die? If so, can OL still dodge this extra power die?

thanks a lot

With the exclusion of #4, these are all answered in the FAQ.

Begin the cut and paste

1) Sorcery versus Ironskin
Sorcery may not add damage to any attack that includes a figure with Ironskin. It may add range to the attack, but not Sorcery. Yes, Laurel can get around this. The damage immunity granted by Ironskin does extend to all figures affected by an attack that includes a model with Ironskin.

2) Q: Can the heroes Visit buildings, purchase Tamalir upgrades, or fight lieutenants if the party marker is placed in Tamalir after ending/fleeing a dungeon?
A: No.

3) Q: If heroes are attacking a lieutenant in a town, can they "visit" the shops, etc. before encountering the lieutenant or only after battles have resolved?
A: Only after battles have ended.

4) This isn't in the FAQ I could find. I don't know the exact answer to this but I would be inclined to say no because I don't think Knockback counts as the figure moving, its being moved by someone else. I could very well be wrong about this one however.

5) Q: Is the effect of the overlord’s “Dodge” card that the hero’s attack completely misses, or that the overlord can force the hero to re-roll dice rolled for the attack, as with the hero dodge orders?
A: The “Dodge” card allows the overlord to force re-rolls. It does not allow more dice to be added after the re-roll. Once the dice are rolled, any fatigue may be spent to add power dice. Once all dice are done being rolled, the Overlord may play the dodge card. Once the card is played, no more dice may be added.

4) Since the Knockbacked figure is subject to Aura and trap damage, it is actually moved onto the landing square (no effects in between, though), so for me it´s a clear Yes, chaining Knockback and Alertness is allowed.

Parathion said:

4) Since the Knockbacked figure is subject to Aura and trap damage, it is actually moved onto the landing square (no effects in between, though), so for me it´s a clear Yes, chaining Knockback and Alertness is allowed.

Okay, that makes sense to me.

thank you guys, more questions.

1.If a hero with divine retribution is killed by another hero through dark charm, does DR take effect? If not, how about a monster controlled by another hero(using necromancy) kill that DR hero, does DR take effect this time? What's the defination of "enemy figure"?

2. Do hero group receive 50 coins when a master monster is killed by divine retribution?

just a player said:

thank you guys, more questions.

1.If a hero with divine retribution is killed by another hero through dark charm, does DR take effect? If not, how about a monster controlled by another hero(using necromancy) kill that DR hero, does DR take effect this time? What's the defination of "enemy figure"?

2. Do hero group receive 50 coins when a master monster is killed by divine retribution?

1) Yes, DR will take effect. I'm not sure about the necromancy part, but I'm inclined to say no. The definition of enemy figure, as far as I can tell, is one controlled by the OL which means Monsters, Lts and Dark Charmed Heroes . There is precedence in the FAQ for treating a DC Hero as an enemy figure since they (A) can make a Sweep attack and hit the heroes, and Sweep won't hit friendly figures and (B) DC heroes gain Command bonuses from monsters figures but not hero figures.

2) No, the master monster must be killed by an attack from a hero not a lingering effect or other ability. From the FAQ:

Q: If a master monster is killed via some indirect means, such as being knocked back into a pit, a hero’s aura ability, a lingering effect, or a familiar, who gets the bounty of coins?
A: No one. A “killing blow” must be the product of an attack roll.

DR would count as an indirect means.

Not to be rude since I don't really mind answering question that much, but have you read the FAQ? Most of the stuff you have been asking is in there.

1) DR doesn´t trigger if another hero kills the hero with DR, acoording to the FAQ. I am not aware of any FAQ entry that changed this in a DC hero case.

Normally, no, DR does not trigger if a hero is killed by another hero, since it requires and enemy figure to strike the killing blow. I could be wrong, but I said that because as far as I can tell from the FAQ, when a Hero is Dark Charmed by the OL he now considered an enemy figure . Three relevant FAQ entries lead me to that viewpoint.


Q: When the overlord is controlling a hero through “Dark Charm,” who decides how to spend the surges and power dice? Can the overlord move the character and attack, or just make a single attack without moving?

A: The overlord controls the hero for that attack, including the hero’s use of surges and power dice. The overlord may also play cards such as “Aim” with the attack. However, the overlord player cannot move the character, or force the hero to spend fatigue to add to the attack. The hero no longer benefits from any heroes with Command, but does receive a bonus from any of the Overlord's figures with command.

The only reason the hero would suddenly get a Command bonus from the OL's figures with Command would be if he was now considered an enemy figure.


Q: When the overlord is controlling a hero through “Dark Charm,” who decides how to spend the surges and power dice? Can the overlord move the character and attack, or just make a single attack without moving? What if the Dark Charmed character has an Aim or Dodge order? Who decides whether defensive abilities such as shields and Ghost Armor are used?

A: The overlord controls the hero for that attack, including the hero’s use of surges and power dice. The overlord may also play cards such as “Aim” with the attack. However, the overlord player cannot move the character, or force the hero to spend fatigue to add to the attack. The overlord may not force the character to use any orders. The hero retains control of any of her defensive options such as shields or Ghost Armor.

Again, playing an Aim card implies that the Hero is now considered an enemy figure since the OL can only play that card on monsters he is making an attack with.


Q: Does Sweep affect friendly figures? When a figure has both Sweep and Reach, does it strike every creature in range or only those to which it has Line of Sight?

A: Sweep affects only enemy figures, never friendly figures (unless Dark Charm is played, of course!). For the purposes of a Sweep attack, figures do not block line of sight – that is, a figure which is completely behind another figure (friendly or enemy) may still be affected by the Sweep attack. A figure that is completely obscured by rubble, a closed door, or some other effect that blocks line of sight would be immune to the Sweep attack, however.

This is original FAQ entry that used to imply by itself that a DC'd Hero was considered an enemy figure. Sweep only hits enemy figures, so a DC'd Hero making a Sweep attack would require that the Hero be considered an enemy figure for the purposes of the attack.

I not saying I couldn't be wrong about this, but those three entries to me certainly support the concept that by the rules a DC'd Hero is considered an enemy figure during the resolution of Dark Charm and would therefore trigger Divine Retribution if the OL for some reason wanted to actually trigger that.

Second: The OL can play an Aim card along with any attack he declares. Nothing on the card or elsewhere implies friendly/enemy/hero/monster as a restriction.

Third: The FAQ entry explicitly says that a DC Sweep attack affects friendly figures (!). This is a strong evidence that a DC Hero is still "friendly" to his comrades.

This seems to be a contradiction to First, but then again, in that FAQ entry the terms "friendly/enemy" are never used, but explicitly "OL´s figures" and "hero figures" are mentioned.

Consider Skye near a DC Hero - would she lower the DCs hero´s armor by one since he just became an enemy? I don´t think so.

Parathion said:

Second: The OL can play an Aim card along with any attack he declares. Nothing on the card or elsewhere implies friendly/enemy/hero/monster as a restriction.

Third: The FAQ entry explicitly says that a DC Sweep attack affects friendly figures (!). This is a strong evidence that a DC Hero is still "friendly" to his comrades.

This seems to be a contradiction to First, but then again, in that FAQ entry the terms "friendly/enemy" are never used, but explicitly "OL´s figures" and "hero figures" are mentioned.

Consider Skye near a DC Hero - would she lower the DCs hero´s armor by one since he just became an enemy? I don´t think so.

Okay on the Aim reasoning.

As for your statement on the third, I disagree. If the DC'd Hero remained "friendly" he would never be able to hit the other Heros with a Sweep attack while DC'd. That negates the example given in the entire sentence, not to mentioned the part in quotes that says "(unless Dark Charm is played, of course!)". If the Hero wans't considered "enemy", it would never be able to hit the Heroes with Sweep with the way the rules are.

As for Skye, if the Hero is now considered an enemy figure by the reasoning I put, I see not reason why Skye wouldn't lower the armor by 1.

Sadly, the whole "friendly/enemy" interaction in regards to Dark Charm is not clearly stated anywhere. However I know I am not the only person who feels this way about it. If you don't agree with my reasons that's fine, but I also see nothing in the RAW that is a solid convincing statement that says otherwise and I have three (okay well really two since my Aim example is shaky) FAQ entries whose wording all certainly seems to suggest to me that its the case, especially the one for Command.

Huh? No matter how often I read the sentence

"Sweep affects only enemy figures, never friendly figures (unless Dark Charm is played, of course!). "

I always come to the conclusion that this explicitly says "Sweep doesn´t affect friendly figures unless a DC is played" meaning "Sweep affects friendly figures if a DC is played"

I am not an English native speaker, but I am fairly certain that the meaning of the sentence is the way I see it.

As for the Command example, I cannot see any basis for your argument.

It simply defines how Command works in the circumstances of a DC. I certainly see how you can conclude that this may imply a reversal of "friendly/enemy", but I think that would be a stretch.

A figure with Command adds 1 to the damage and range of all attacks made by friendly figures within three spaces of it (including itself, and ignoring line of sight). If there are multiple figures with Command within three spaces of a figure, the effects stack (e.g., the figure would add 2 to the damage and range of its attacks if two figures with the Command ability were within three spaces of it).

The way Command is written it requires the figure in question to be friendly to the get the Command bonus. In the case of a DC hero, he would have to be considered a friendly (ie enemy to the other Heroes) to get the bonus.

Sweep attacks affect all enemy figures within melee range of the attacker. The Sweep ability deals its full damage to each figure affected by it. If a Sweep attack is dodged by more than one figure, only one re-roll may be made (the first dodging player to the attacking player’s left decides which dice, if any, are to be re-rolled).

Again, the same distinction between enemy and friendly is made here. Your reading of that sentence for the FAQ entry is right, but the reason why it works (as far as I understand it ) is because the playing of DC turns the Hero into an enemy figure for that attack.

Yes, but the FAQ entries explicitly override the basic rules for Command and Sweep in the DC case, without reversing "friendly/enemy". You don´t have to reverse it to make it work like it does according to the FAQ.

Parathion said:

Yes, but the FAQ entries explicitly override the basic rules for Command and Sweep in the DC case, without reversing "friendly/enemy". You don´t have to reverse it to make it work like it does according to the FAQ.

That is a distinct possibility, but I've always viewed them as working because it did the switch. Otherwise, it doesn't make sense to me as to why they made the ruling that the Hero loses Command bonuses from other Heroes and gains one from the Monsters if it didn't do the switch.

I guess they made this exception because an actual switch could open a big can of worms which they wanted to avoid. Just a guess, though.