A "The Lord of the Rings"-Themed Descent

By aniedrig, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

Now that FFG brings out a "Star Wars"-Themed Descent, how about they completely abandon the Terrinoth Theme of the original Descent and instead also release a "The Lord of the Rings"-Themed Descent to cover Sci-Fi as well as Fantasy.

An awesome game published in two incredibly popular settings, would certainly interest a lot of fans.

I would be temted to collect both versions indeed.

Edited by aniedrig

I would buy both, but i doubt they will since descent is already fantasy. Plus the way these games work is they have third tier made up heroes. I suppose they could make some new heroes for LOTR, But if I am gonna be a dwarf i wanna be Gimli!

or since all the frame work for the game is built, FFG could release expansions for the battle of osgiliath or plennor fields, any scenario really since lots of the tiles exist. The re-sculpt of descent 1e would be a great way to release miniatures for LOTR or the one I am trying to home brew Diablo 3. I have the stuff off bgg and just have to find balance for the figures but i have restarted now becasue of the co-op version working that in. if you have the games workshop models you could proxy them into the game

dragon= balrog

goblins= moria goblins

brisbane= gimli

tomble= frodo

just a little imagination can take you far in the descent rule set.

FFG PLEASE take this into account LOTR, Diablo universe, and maybe even Shannara books that is my inspiration for home brew adventures. More people would buy into the series!!!