Hello all, first off, forgive me for posting this here, but I really wanted to share this with people who love Runebound as much as I do. I made a threat track for Runebound I posted on BGG, and I had alot of positive feedback on it, so I thought I could share this with you guys here. If you like Runebound, you are sure to like what's in store for you with Dungeon Crusade.
Dungeon Crusade is done. I'm calling this in pre-alpha stage. Basically, ALL of the mechanics are in place. Combat system, the game world mechanics, heroes, monsters, loot, etc. I'm re-doing some art for the prototype game for kickstarter, and de-bugging rules. I want Dungeon Crusade as polished as I can make it, before anyone views it. I assure you this, there is many brand new gameplay mechanics, that I have never seen before in a boardgame. I can say this with complete confidence....Dungeon Crusade is FUN, challenging, thrilling and thought provoking. My goal was to be creative, but still retain game mechanics, but rework them in a fresh unique way.
I'm focused, determined and confident with Dungeon Crusade you'll have a new dungeon crawl experience your going to love, and may have never seen before. I have many videos planned in the near future that will show and teach you everything about the game, it's quite easy to understand. But I want you to be the judge when you see it. THANK YOU to everyone for your interest, I promise, this will be worth the wait! Take care, talk to you soon...Rodger
you can follow at www.facebook.com/dungeoncrusade just hit the "LIKE" button, and you will get updates.
announcement trailer >>>