How to improve "Hey, that's my Fish!"

By Docknock, in The Crystal Ball and The Wishing Well

One of the few things that people complain about this game is how easy it is to disturb and move the tiles when picking them up after moving. One of the BGG threads that address this mentions using a nerf suction dart to lift them straight up from the table. It would make sense if the suction cups were already on the penguins that land on the tiles! I understand that it would likely increase the price point, could make a suction cup that can slide onto the base of the penguin pieces and sell them separately! This game is so good that I think it should displace the dross that is found in Target and Wal-mart and if you do try to reach those outlets, I would seriously think about having a suction cup on the penguins. I am considering getting a roll of adhesive magnets from the hardware store and sticking sections to the tiles and the penguins and seeing if that would work or cutting up some suction darts and seeing if I glue them to the bottom of the penguins. Otherwise love the game!