By Gadge, in X-Wing

Robjedi, can we please x10 have more pics of the shuttle on the left?


It's also in a couple of Shapeways shops, including Mel's.


My most recent Scum Repaint.

Wow that chequer pattern is really tidy!

did you use an art pen or a brush, i can never get checks that tight.

Hah, thanks. It was all brush, including the kill marks further down too. The gold and green took forever though, with quite a few cleanup passes.

OK Gadge, will start to drip feed some of my older stuff until I catch up, hopefully we can keep this topic up't top :)

What the heck, have decided to scratch up a Nebulon B, always liked the freaky look...just looks like it should be floating around in space

My first decision really was size. Based on the picture below built to scale the Neb B would be 1.5M long, while easily do-able I just felt it was a little impractical for casual play an storing the **** thing on my already heaving shelves!


Anyhow, I have taken the decision to build this to a more suitable scale of about 50cm long, this puts it alongside my 'big ship' scale of the rest of the vessels in this thread and keeps everything pretty uniform, I also feel it offers a suitably impressive scale while still being practical to use in the sort of games I play

Now, I don't often do build blogs and I cant promise this will be a long winded thing as when I get stuck into something I usually tear through them without pausing for breath or pictures! However I have a lot of different projects on the go at the moment so maybe just maybe I may include a few more WIP pics than normal ;)

First up, imagine a bald dude wandering around the toiletry department with a printout of a neb b in one hand and a puzzled look on his face toying with most of the shampoo bottles on the shelves, the things we suffer for our hobby!

End of the day, found what I was looking for and I reckon I will probably have the only Nebulon B that smells of ylang ylang and Iris this side of Hoth


Doesn't look like much right now but prepare for the magic to happen :)

And simply because the above post looks like something I ordered from the Ann Summers catalogue I figure I better finish this build right here and now!

Been doing a little work on it, haven't scratched anything up for ages and really enjoying it, bear in mind I aint going for exact replica here, usually once I get started on these things I like to let my imagination take over a little, admittedly mainly because I am a lazy so and so :D

What I am aiming for is a cool looking larger ship that offers up some more eye candy and is playable in an already brilliant and fun game that you someone can point at and say '''ooooh, that's a Neb B'

Anyhow, bum end pretty much finished, I am building the Neb B so it can be broken down into engine, spar and front section to aid transport and storing

99% card seeing as its cheaper than plastic and I have tons of the stuff!


O knew those old space marine sprues would come in useful one day!


Good old pritt stick tubes, all those years of Blue Peter finally rubbed off ;)



Right, better crack on and get the rest done, I need my table back for paying jobs!

Done a little more work on the Neb. Central spar finished, will probably add a few docking pegs so the falcon and fighters can be attached during games, will make for some fun scenarios. Started work on the front end, if nothing gets in the way should have the build work finished by tomorrow I reckon, not much left to do now





Undercoated the Neb B and put together a base. Its only a prototype so locations might change but I had to be a little 'artistic' with target locations to keep things relatively in the areas they should be while still allowing for a nice smooth gameplay. Added a few extra defensive lasers as it seems a little naked up front and I figure so many re-fits out there would probably cover several configurations, we are only casual gamers so we can live with it ;)

The Neb B aint the most user friendly when it comes to basing! Even though it balances perfectly along that central spar a stand there would interfere with the docked ships and I don't trust one attachment point, it's quite a heavy ship. Sits nice and snug in my solution and quickly lifts out



Someone mentioned these were in service with the Empire too so had a little play with docked ship configurations....

maybe Fett, discussing Han's terms with the Vader himself?!


Or possibly the Emperor and his escorts stopping off for an emergency toilet break! (he is getting on a bit)


Neb B finished, looks OK considering it started life as a Ylang Ylang and Iris Shower gel bottle!




Right, got a Micro-machines Rebel Transport coming my way for a re-paint and another Blockade runner to convert into a Gunship...any suggestions what to scratch up after I have done with them? Bear in mind anything 'big' will be scaled down to game size

Quick base knocked up for the Transport, thought it might be fun to break up the cargo area into sections to allow for more options in scenario play


And a little get together of the Rebel fleet so far, just the wave 3 releases to add once they finally hit the UK shores and I another corvette to convert into a gunship

Obviously relative scale doesn't really bother me too much, just as long as the big ships are bigger things can be evened out in the rules and stats ;)



Seeing as the Imperials only have a Star Destroyer right now think next bit of spare time I have I will start work on either the planned Imperial Dreadnought or Imperial gunship...

All that greeble, very well done.

Absolutely awesome build! Love that collection of huge ships.

My mind is blown by the talent here.


Here is my 2 cents worth. f16e75b2db266953b1ebdca380662d95.jpg d6b42604de8897d836a36aece2f872aa.jpg 52f63ecec66b2a1c9174909d3d495538.jpg 53fb8bb1eabf57d1f3e69bdd41a54fd9.jpg 2df123fd689d9b15829d872b5f44c950.jpg




Edited by Boomer_J

The nebulons and real scale corvette are phenomina examples of skilled modelling, something i aspire to be able to do one day.

Keep em coming!

Not sure if i put these up earlier but these are partial repaints of my Y wings.

To me the stock paint job makes them look odd and too thin. The yellow is a bit anemic and weak. So i enhanced the contrast between the pale yellow and mid gray by changing it to deep golden yellow and pale gray.

I also blackened the turret guns as in grey on a grey ship they make it look like its got skis on a roof rack, not a turret!

Overall i think it makes the cockpit look chunkier and more in scale than the stock paint and more like the film models.

Also in this pic is my B wing, i altered the pose to make it more dynamic and rotated the cockpit


I like that you pose these ships over your WEG book.

Please find below a link to my current thread which will hopefully track a YT-1300 Conversion.

The plan is to have a armoured hull cockpit like below


I would like smooth panels like below


and a non metallic metal repaint like below


My skill probably will be way short to pull off what I have in my mind so it will be inteesting to see what I end up with.

Edited by BAGGY

and..... back to the top!

Here's another one to get it back up top. :)

I forgot about something special I'd built for my old fleet: a fully articulated X-wing! :D



Another project I made back when I heard that FFG was going capital ships: the Imperial Customs Corvette Inquisitor . It is completely scratchbuilt from polystyrene sheet and stock, plus many dozens of model kit parts and features a complete lighting system:





Here's the lighting system turned on (sorry about the bad picture quality. I'll probably take new pics later, once I repair the now-broken circuit and fix the engine vanes):



impressive! :)

Most Impressive.

and a non metallic metal repaint like below


My skill probably will be way short to pull off what I have in my mind so it will be inteesting to see what I end up with.

OH YEAH! I like that HWK! looks like W40K black legion ;-)

Both those Neb-Bs are amazing! I've done a bit of kitbashing for BFG and 40k, but never a scratch-build like that. It's inspiring!

Phenomenal work, everyone: please keep 'em coming!