By Gadge, in X-Wing

The repaints thread has fallen off the front page! Quick - send a HWK-290 to smuggle it back to the front lines, past that blockade of Off Topic threads...




These are my happy bunch of TIE's
All got a repaint including some weathering and some with custom markings.


Good stuff! Lets keep em coming

here is my First Firespray repaint


cant paint more xwing till my warmachines minis are done.....why am i painting stuff thats prepainted......

Because it's what we do... lol

Must paint personalized Firesprays... or Kath... or scum ships... all must get paint.. lol oh and.. bump.. getting to the bottom again.. lol

I wanted to call attention to ImperialBucketHead's TIE Fighter repaint posted in the "Teach me to paint" thread (and incidentally, bump). I'm in love with the alternate blue from the second two movies of the OT.




Here's most of my Ice Squadron:

pic1820510_lg.jpg pic2068062_lg.jpg pic2068070_lg.jpg

Love the blue

and... bump

Good stuff!

@SumGuy, I really like what you did with the YT it looks sleek and mean. What did you do to make all the surfaces flat like that, did you us puttys, or styrene sheets??


I used putty to fill in the open spots, testors leaves a weird texture, and shaved the raised bits with a knife.

Just realized that I hadn't put the guns on yet in this pic.

Cool, good to know, thanks. I really dig that smoothed out look. I noticed the gun missing, just figured it was on purpose.. lol.

Just got my decals from that nail company that someone posted up last week.. will try them out on something and see how they look... might be good on a Firespray.. hmmmm or a Alabaster Void Manatee...

I've always found araubesh a pig to paint as you need really good angles and lines for a lot of it.

I tend to pencil it on first and then use lots of thin coats to build up pigment.

I made mine on decal paper and saved myself the headache. I just can't paint those straight lines. I wish I could, I'd have a bunch of aurebesh on my TIEs.. and advanced ships.

I did get some decals done today, as I mentioned I got in the ones I ordered, they look great and take well to micro sol and set, just be careful as always with those products. I did get a coupke that lifted off on me, I only had to toss one of them. Tell me what you think.

Comments or criticism welcom.


Here's my Deathstroke Firespray (also my first time trying engine glow):

IMAG0621_zpsf30f4bdb.jpg IMAG0622_zpsde800282.jpg

Edited by Arashi

Wow! So many ships! And... yeah! Cool stuff! :P

SumGuy - you need the "IMG" link from Photobucket's Shared Links section (right-hand side, if viewed on a desktop browser). Nice work though! I thought about doing something similar with fighters - hadn't thought to try it out on a larger ship.

Yup, i use photobucket 'img' links to put pics on this forum.

its a PITA compared to others where you can easily upload but hey ho...


Ha! Thanks for the tip. This is literally the first forum I have ever posted in. Ever.


Those decals look great.