By Gadge, in X-Wing


Repainted Royal Guard TIE with winglets. Added a white stripe and kill markings on the underside (cant see in photo) to give it a little character, as TIEs are pretty bland in general.


Edited by Leon026

Repainted Royal Guard TIE with winglets. Added a white stripe and kill markings on the underside (cant see in photo) to give it a little character, as TIEs are pretty bland in general.


This is exquisite; wonderful work!

Not really canon, but had to do this...

Jean LeMay's Red Squadron No.3 X-Wing painted in VE-Day (Victory at Endor) colors.




That's a great scheme with a fun bit of story. I like the endor theme.

Is that from a book or some such? Or your own invention?

Its based off post-D-Day Allied aviation (D-Day Spitfire, to be precise), yesterday being VE-Day (Victory in Europe - May 8th, 1945) ;)

Edited by Leon026

Not really canon, but had to do this...

Jean LeMay's Red Squadron No.3 X-Wing painted in VE-Day (Victory at Endor) colors.




Edited by Sanguinary Dan

Sure, nothing extraordinary though...


Yea, but it completes the look. Very nice.

Edited by Sanguinary Dan

Not a full repaint, but wanted to mark 1 TIE-Fighter for named pilots :)


Repainted Royal Guard TIE with winglets. Added a white stripe and kill markings on the underside (cant see in photo) to give it a little character, as TIEs are pretty bland in general.


I am STILL so, so mad that this wasn't stock, man..!


BASE SHIP – Lambda Shuttle


Firepower – 4

Hull - 8

Firing Arc – 360

Special Rule - If destroyed, all ships within Range 3 suffer 1 Damage.

The Empire responded to the Dishogan/ Ohnaka raids by “hiring” Garginoolaara to modify Imperial ships to destroy the raiders with extreme prejudice. The Imperial Navy enlisted elite flight staff for the Silver Fox and White Fox Squadrons. The first wave of modded ships used a base Lambda Class Shuttles, converted to Gun Shuttles. The crew compartment area was reduced to seat Imperial Ship Gunners to man multiple cannons and fire a battery of small homing missiles, while a thicker hull was overlayed for battle endurance. The hull was also needed to protect the gunner compartment, as seats were replaced with explosive tibanna tanks that powered the multiple guns. Star Destroyers began to carry more Gun Shuttles after discouraging Dishogan/ Ohnaka raids. Vibrant red markings, especially to the additional guns were done as a warning to the raiders the Empire meant business. They were so successful that they were used for close escort for slower moving bombers.










**** those lambda's look fine with missile pods, some nice conversions.


For those who are repainting their ships, are you undercoating first? And what paints are you using when re-painting?


For those who are repainting their ships, are you undercoating first? And what paints are you using when re-painting?

Undercoating seems a matter of preference/depending on colour scheme, but not needed (i don't).

If you don't have painting experience this topic is nice to read.

He shows that even the cheapest acrylic paints seem to work just fine.

There is also some good advice spread through the topic.

edit: i use my army painter starter set, it works really well but i can't compare because that's the only paint i have for now. I guess its a bit expensive though.

Edited by Joruus


For those who are repainting their ships, are you undercoating first? And what paints are you using when re-painting?

I only prime because I'm in a monthly painting contest that requires a single colour to start. It's not remotely necessary, but it is worth giving the minis a scrub with dish soap and a good rinse to get rid of any oily residues that will stop paint sticking.

Most commonly used paint brands are probably Vallejo Game Colour, Reaper, P3, and Citadel/Games Workshop.


For those who are repainting their ships, are you undercoating first? And what paints are you using when re-painting?

Depends on whether you color you want of your ship is drastically different or not. X-Wing miniatures dont need a primer because they already have paint on them (which is not the case of regular miniatures you buy). For the Royal Guard TIE, I went ahead with the highlights and lighter coat of paint, while the winglets (from Mel Miniatures) were basecoated with Chaos Black primer. For the X-Wing, I base coated it with a 50/50 mix of Fenrisian Grey and Administratum Grey.

All of my miniatures are then sealed with matt varnish (Purity Seal).

While I dislike Games Workshop, I swear by Citadel paints - and as I've been using them since the mid 1990s, I'm very familiar with how they work, and what the colors are.

Edited by Leon026

Here’s a Micro Machines Wookiee Gunship painted up, my phone camera was struggling to get a good shot of it, its a bit brighter in real life. Working on a scenario involving this bad boy.


I've long been using colored stickers instead of numbers and letters to individualize my tournament ships, dials and TL tokens (I ran BYYZZ for over a year, making distinction important, and those little numbers always annoyed me). This year I've decided to paint my ships to match their label colors.

I'm part of a group called Silver Squadron (we originally met in Silverdale, WA), so silver trim in addition to colored noses and wingtips seemed appropriate.


The irony is that now that I've finally painted them, 4-5 ship Rebel Control is on its way out. I guess that'll give me another painting project this summer.

Here’s a Micro Machines Wookiee Gunship painted up, my phone camera was struggling to get a good shot of it, its a bit brighter in real life. Working on a scenario involving this bad boy.


That wouldn't be a half-bad stand-in for the Senator's Shuttle in the first mission of the rulebook!

Here’s a Micro Machines Wookiee Gunship painted up, my phone camera was struggling to get a good shot of it, its a bit brighter in real life. Working on a scenario involving this bad boy.

That wouldn't be a half-bad stand-in for the Senator's Shuttle in the first mission of the rulebook!

Thats a good idea, Micro Machines made escape pods at one point too, may need to hunt some down for scenario use.

Here a gratuitous repost of the Wookiee Gunship, the sun came out today so I could grab a better picture :D


That looks sweet, maybe add in some wood lines? they are supposedly made from trees (science=/= starwars) right?

I hope Mods can move this into the painting forum so it is never lost.

I think I'll just ignore the whole wood thing :lol:

**** didnt notice the painting forums up.

Not really canon, but had to do this...

Jean LeMay's Red Squadron No.3 X-Wing painted in VE-Day (Victory at Endor) colors.




I absolutely love what you did. Your X-wings are amazing and totally unique. I wish I could like your post twice!!!


My first X-Wing repaint!


Dark Helmet
