By Gadge, in X-Wing

Looks pretty decent; why not paint that Y-wing's astromech?

good point... I will! I don't think it even occurred to me :lol:

Looks pretty decent; why not paint that Y-wing's astromech?

good point... I will! I don't think it even occurred to me :lol:

There's some truly astonishing repaints in this thread, but something that's been bugging me are the TIE Fighters.

The big hole in the back, is not the engine exhaust.

Here's a few pictures showing where the engine exhaust is on a TIE Fighter.




I hope that helps :D

Custom X-Z Ugly (Booster Terrik) with turned brass barrels upgrade (lighting is bad, but I figured I'd put it up before I put any paint on the barrels):


Edited by GreatMazinkaiser

Hi everybody,

I'm not a painter at all. I have plenty of board games with minis and have never painted a single one but somehow I found myself grabbing my wife's paint supplies and trying my hand at repainting X-wing minis...

I started with a Decimator but made a huge mess and tried to correct it and then made more of a mess. I'm embarrassed to post that picture although in the end all things considered I don't think it turned out toooo bad.

I was able to learn a few good lessons from that attempt though and here is what I painted next. Feel free to critique. I don't know how much more I'll be painting but I did have fun with these:

20160107_100726_zps6kggzpmm.jpg 20160107_100748_zpszxiflq7w.jpg 20160107_100706_zps0erijtmq.jpg

Gold Squadron Pilot (18)
Twin Laser Turret (6)
R3-A2 (2)
BTL-A4 Y-Wing (0)
Eaden Vrill (32)
"Mangler" Cannon (4)
Recon Specialist (3)
Jan Ors (25)
Veteran Instincts (1)
Twin Laser Turret (6)
Kyle Katarn (3)
Total: 100

Looks pretty decent; why not paint that Y-wing's astromech?

This is awesome. Very. Very. Awesome.

Edited by Darkcloak

I'll throw my projects in here too. My scratch builds, kit bashes, are linked in my signature.

I love it when a plan comes together.

Been away from the paintbrush for a while, too busy with work and other things, but managed to find some time at the weekend to knock out some ships.

Poe's T-70 (because I just haven't seen enough of these) :)


Red Ace


K-Wing "Red Death" - needs a bit more weathering, but otherwise, I'm happy with it.


Really enjoy sitting down and cracking out the paint.I find it very therapeutic.


sorry - double post

Edited by KMitchell

Love the Red Ace and Red K Death :)

nice work!

Any recommendations for paint and brushes? The finer details seem smaller then my plague marine.

Are we still adding to this thread then?

Don't adjust your TV, you haven't been force fed hallucinogenic drugs, this is merely a more colourful version of my asteroid base, a home for my scum and villainy faction!

we will be selling the 'top bits' separately so you can customise too, this way you can simply purchase a full base and then buy separate tops for different systems (the base obviously is heavy and more expensive to ship) I also plan on making some more widgets to go with the base set so it can be used in various systems and be a little more unique but for now straight repaints are all I have time for, Klingon forward base and Federation science station next on my list!

I was going to ask you to share some of your construction details but instead i'll just ask, where do you sell these?

Magnus042, on 01 Oct 2015 - 7:17 PM, said:

For those of us who have never painted at all before, but would like to try:

Is there some kind of starter set that includes a few brushes and paints?

Also I would love it if some of you guys made some youtube videos of your painting!

Ah, a little while ago I was like you, a poor, uninformed sap with the soul of an artist buried beneath layers of menial laborer, but then I asked this community and they game me some awesome tips .

Others might want to shoot this down but as I am banned from all my LGS's and can't always get access to my grandmother's clothing to pretend to be her and shop in peace, I bought this beginner's set from Amazon . I had tried Testors and some other stuff but it was weaksauce compared with those.

Good luck - this has really helped with my rage therapy and I slashed zero tires last week.

MonkeyInSpace, on 08 Feb 2016 - 2:18 PM, said:

Good luck - this has really helped with my rage therapy and I slashed zero tires last week.

Actually, that's not entirely true but hey, if Grandma won't lend me her clothes to be able to compete in Store Championships, Grandma gets a trip to Tire Express.

Edited by MonkeyInSpace

Didn't realise there were two of these mega threads doing the rounds...

Some WIP ships for a commission I'm working on...


Didn't realise there were two of these mega threads doing the rounds...

Some WIP ships for a commission I'm working on...


Wow! Those are amazing!

Is that Optimus the K-Wing?

There's some truly astonishing repaints in this thread, but something that's been bugging me are the TIE Fighters.

The big hole in the back, is not the engine exhaust.

Here's a few pictures showing where the engine exhaust is on a TIE Fighter. papercraft_star_wars_tie_fighter_schemat



I hope that helps :D

The Ties from the original trilogy had hatches or covers in three locations to cover the attachment points for thd motion control arms. I'm not sure they had exhaust effects. It's been a very long time since I watched them.


Another Poe! Worked really hard on this guy. Tough work for me, since I usually paint Space Marines. More at this link .

There's some truly astonishing repaints in this thread, but something that's been bugging me are the TIE Fighters.

The big hole in the back, is not the engine exhaust.

Here's a few pictures showing where the engine exhaust is on a TIE Fighter. papercraft_star_wars_tie_fighter_schemat



I hope that helps :D

The Ties from the original trilogy had hatches or covers in three locations to cover the attachment points for thd motion control arms. I'm not sure they had exhaust effects. It's been a very long time since I watched them.

I just checked the scene where they arrive at the (now blown-up) planet of Alderaan, and there are faint red "lights" where those exhausts are.

But the exhausts have never been very noticable on TIE fighters in the movies.

And they certainly never were portrayed as being in that big central hole :P

Given the extremely small size of the Ion exhaust ports, they sure did make a lot of noise. They should've be retrofitted with exhaust mufflers. ;)

Only recently tried getting in to X wing and am enjoying it so far. Am playing Scum and Villainy so I had to repaint a Z-95 to look less rebelly. Then decided to try my hand at Virago (which came out awful) and then Guri's starviper which I am pretty pleased with. v3bortw.jpg JsytFgS.jpg O6CScyS.jpg

An improved Virago


Just found this thread today, so many awesome painted ships!

I recently bought a starter paint set but didn't get to use it yet, I've never painted before

but seeing all this i just Had to give it a try on my Phantom.

I only have 1 and i am flying it this weekend on my first store tournament,

so i am happy the result is better than i expected :)


I really like the "cloaking" phantoms! I wish I knew how to do that.

It was a lot easier than i expected!

-I painted everything i wanted to be cloaked matt black. Let it dry a short while

-Then i used purple to outline between the black and the non-painted front, added some forks towards the back.

-Then same thing with blue, a little bit thinner so not all purple dissapeared.

-Then painted a very thin line of white in the middle of the blue lines.

Funny thing is i only have 1 color blue and no purple, but the blue came out of its bottle as purple first.. i guess i didn't shake it enough, i decided to use it anyway so that gave me two tones of blue.

You can also do it with just 1 blue color. Or if you want a nicer lightning effect use more colors of blue, going from dark to lighter shades, then white.

For those of us who have never painted at all before, but would like to try:

Is there some kind of starter set that includes a few brushes and paints?

Also I would love it if some of you guys made some youtube videos of your painting!

I used the army painters 'hobby starter paint set', came with 9 nice colors and a really nice brush.

I can't find the one i have on their site, i got mine at my flgs.

I hope I post this correctly.

Assuming I do, first I'd like to say I'm glad I found this thread. Lots of wonderful stuff here. I really enjoy looking at everyone's creativity, imagination, and personalization. I've just started trying my hand at repaints. I've done some scratchbuild as well with more stuff planned. Here's some of my creations:

1.) This is my first debris field. I used a micro machine for this as it is much cheaper. Slightly smaller, but I'm ok with it. It serves it's purpose.


2.) This pic shows my asteroids I made along with my (caricaturized) space slug. The kids have named him "Wormy."


3.) This was my first repaint. I have a Firespray in work, so I'll post that one soon.


Thanks for looking.