By Gadge, in X-Wing

My first "Public" completed repaint:


Roadbuster is that you? Wreck and Rule!?

Thanks for the tips! The last one gave me some ideas for both paint and game mechanics! (though my rebel troopers may be painted more generic colors to be used in any kind of setting, rather than only hoth)

I made a Firespray wreck !



Edited by whitus


WIP Tatooine Terrain unpainted


Hey there been seeing all these great re-paints and have thought about trying to add a little detail to my x-wing minis. So I've got a question or two... If I'm just adding a small detail like a stripe is re-painting necessary or can I just paint over the existing paint? Also would a wash like GW nuln oil be ok on the original paint or would it be better to just re-paint and apply nuln oil afterwards? And lastly what is the best way to strip the paint off the minis without damaging them? Sorry for all the questions but I just didn't wanna go in blind and ruin an x wing over this. Lol. Thanks for any help you all can give and great work on all the repaints I've seen in here. They are inspiring me to do this.

The factory paintjob is very easy to paint straight over. Whether small additions like stripes or a complete overhaul, the original paint has proven to be quite user friendly. I see no reason why a wash wouldn't work. As for stripping the paint, there are many methods and it often comes down to personal preference. I would use a methylated spirit but you really don't need to. I've repainted quite a few models and there has never been a need to strip the paint. Heck I don't even need to so so when painting commissions, a situation where I want the model to look at its best.

Whew well that's a relief. Was kind of dreading having to strip the paint off if I had too. Guess I'll start work on these minis then. Thanks for the help Macross, much appreciated.

And now we have a place to showcase those repaints.. with luck we can get this ported over there too...

I look forward to more repaints and remods..

with luck we can get this ported over there too...

I suppose. Really though I would rather that everyone who posted stuff in here repost it in a new thread in the new section (spread out over the next few months) and let this one die.

Or move this thread to that forum...

That doesn't help with searching for something specific or saving particularly inspiring works.

No, but it does preserve a thread we have all contributed to. Not sure why you are against keeping this thread around, there is some really great stuff here, that might not be able to be reproduced.. it would be a shame to lose it.. in my view..

No, but it does preserve a thread we have all contributed to. Not sure why you are against keeping this thread around, there is some really great stuff here, that might not be able to be reproduced.. it would be a shame to lose it.. in my view..


Are we still adding to this thread then?

Don't adjust your TV, you haven't been force fed hallucinogenic drugs, this is merely a more colourful version of my asteroid base, a home for my scum and villainy faction!




we will be selling the 'top bits' separately so you can customise too, this way you can simply purchase a full base and then buy separate tops for different systems (the base obviously is heavy and more expensive to ship) I also plan on making some more widgets to go with the base set so it can be used in various systems and be a little more unique but for now straight repaints are all I have time for, Klingon forward base and Federation science station next on my list!

Yay!!! We finally got a subforum for Repaints and MODs. Now please, someone put this topic in that subforum... lol ... there are a lot of useful info here, ase well as marvelous projects!!!

Hi guys I'm new in X wing miniatures, but I play also SW Edge of the Empire Rpg.

That's why I present to you my first repaint and own version of the Krayt Fang ( inspired by Macross VF1 ) that my players have ( in the game ) repaint and renamed " The bluetooth".


Edited by MrED

Berkana Rune on a Falcon ?

Berkana Rune on a Falcon ?

that's a bluetooth indicator .

So, it being a smuggler's ship and all, it is the Harald of Free Enterprise?

Berkana Rune on a Falcon ?

that's a bluetooth indicator .

I can never get itunes to play through my helmet speakers.

So, it being a smuggler's ship and all, it is the Harald of Free Enterprise?

Sorry I didn't get the joke. :S

So, it being a smuggler's ship and all, it is the Harald of Free Enterprise?

Sorry I didn't get the joke. :S

Don't feel sorry, can't blame you, it is very far fetched.

Smuggling, Free Enterprise.

Harald Bluetooth, the viking king the Bluetooth technology was named for.

The Herald of Free Enterprise, a ferry that sank in 1987.

My mind works in mysterious ways. Even to me.

So, it being a smuggler's ship and all, it is the Harald of Free Enterprise?

Sorry I didn't get the joke. :S

My mind works in mysterious ways. Even to me.

Wouah. Ok Joke level is **** too high for me ^^