By Gadge, in X-Wing


Here is my latest Lambda.

These are my first repaints:


Nice X-55 Rhino in the background! I love mine! Are you in ED, SC, or both? I'm in both, same username as here.

Oh, and incredible job on that A-Wing!

I play SC, but since I only own an Aurora I normally play vanduul swarm (and play on special occasions when you can also play the M50). I tried multiplayer once but it was very choppy (back in summer).

I whipped this up in about an hour tonight. It's not super stunning, but it's fun. You see, I went to game night for the second time this week and while there, all the guys were talking about the X-Wing books. There was pretty much a consensus that Ooryl Qrygg was perhaps the coolest member of Rogue Squadron, and being a huge Gand fan myself, I tended to agree with them.

For those who don't know, at one point in the story arc, Rogue Squadron leaves their official position as a branch of the New Republic Military. To bring this point home, they each repainted their X-wings. Ooryl's X-wing appeared completely white, but that's because he could see in the ultraviolet spectrum, so all his design work was only visible in the UV spectrum. I decided to give it a try, painting a white X-wing that would fluoresce under UV light to evoke the sense of looking at Ooryl's X-wing..

IMG_1708_zpsb66ad8d5.jpg IMG_1712_zps53a79ac7.jpg Some day I'll buy some actual fluorescent paint and try this job again, but for now, I'm cool with it. I think the white would turn up better if I stripped the figure first, but I'm not ready to do that. I could have also been more patient and put on multiple layers over days, but I was too eager to figure out the fluorescence thing. I read online that you can mix certain detergents with acrylic paints and get a fluorescent effect. This didn't work for me, so I just put a little water in my detergent, mixed it around, and applied it strait to the figure.

In summary, not the most impressive figure, but it's white and it fluoresces so my job here is done.

Edited by Budgernaut


Here is my latest Lambda.

That is very cool indeed. Shuttles are so repaintable:)

Before the Scum&Villainy factions was announced I build a TYE-Fighter (also called DIE-Fighter) and a Y-TIE.

llph-1r-44f6.jpg llph-1s-03af.jpg llph-1t-ea5d.jpg

A banged-up Firespray....




Just finished this..

Really dig the Nuln Oil.. wanted to try some red lit interior for the TIE just to see what it looks like.. I like it.

Now.. I have another repaint to finish and ship off this week. Just need to print off some Stop sign decals.. lol


Edited by oneway

Just finished this..

Image is gone

Crap... I'll have to fix it tonight.. lol...

Before the Scum&Villainy factions was announced I build a TYE-Fighter (also called DIE-Fighter) and a Y-TIE.

llph-1r-44f6.jpg llph-1s-03af.jpg llph-1t-ea5d.jpg

Excellent work, and I love that you're using the WEG Pirates & Privateers as reference!

My desk is turning into a Firespray customization assembly line... :huh:


I know the feeling. Firespray re-paints is one of the most common.

My desk is turning into a Firespray customization assembly line... :huh:


That's a lot of Firesprays. I have to wonder, do you have two Kath Scarlett paint jobs so that you can run one Imperial and one Scum at the same time?

They are not both mine

Here's some WIP of a space station I am making, designed for Armada but no reason why it can't be used in trek or Xwing or any other space combat game of your choice :)

You know that feeling, you see a turkey baster an instantly think 'SPACE STATION'!


I am including lots of different options to create a space station which fits the needs of a specific game..

Defence station for instance with gun pods



Or replace the gun pods with envirodomes maybe?


How about docking arms?


The top sections can be changed too


An X-wing chases a Tie past station TB-01


Federation ships take on supplies


I have a sensor pod in the works too, I'll get some paint slapped on this fella ASAP, can't wait to use it in my own games!

btw, our Backerkit is still open so it's still not too late to jump in and grab some of our other battlefield bling ;)

First try for ground terrain: Moisture Farm!


Very nice, atmospheric flight tatooine table then?

Very nice, atmospheric flight tatooine table then?

Yes, a cantina, port/warehouse and some hills are planned.

TieAdvPrototype_zpsca4e1a3f.jpg Built me this Tie Advanced Prototype from the new Rebels show yesterday and finished painting it today!

Not a massively in depth repaint, more a cover up of the red accents but...

Well my replaced corvette (thanks Miniaturemarket! :) ) was metaphorically smashed up (rather than being litterally smashed up like my first one) during the tantive campaign so i decided with S&V coming out to repaint the CR90 a more neutral colour scheme.

So here we have it, if anything its leaning towards being slightly imperial but i thought a black/dark grey and grey/white scheme would suit rebels, imperials *and* pirates.

What do you think?





Just something minor. It's been forever since I was able to paint a ship, so I needed to brush up on my skills before painting some X-Wing minis as gifts for my little cousin and as prize support for an upcoming Toys-for-Younglings tournament my local group is having.

Stealth E-Wing (inspired by your other thread about the Lego set Gadge!):



And a Green Squadron A-Wing:


Awesome, you made the e-wing look good! :)

Bumped as it was down to page three and it is proving useful keeping everyones paintjobs in one easy to find place

Sweet thread. Love the builds here

I have a bunch of repainted stuff but (brace for stupid question) how do I post pictures in my reply? I can't for the life of me figure it out.