By Gadge, in X-Wing

A couple very simple re-paints that I am happy with.





My Power Rangers squad. Of course Howlrunner gets the pink TIE.


I have to say i really dont like these.

I don't normally like to say negative stuff about other peoples paint jobs as i realise the effort put in but to me this just isnt 'star wars', its (uk prices) £60 comedy paint job that I *personally* wouldnt want to play against as it would knack up my play experience a bit.

To me 'star wars' is star wars and 'power rangers' is a different universe (and game?). I can see the fun in it and its tidily done but if you brought that out in a tournament i'd probably ask if you could borrow some star wars painted ones to play against me with (its the pink and yellow ones mainly and the crazy mix of colours,)

It would just ruin my 'immersion' and suspension of disbelief in a star wars game.

Like i say nicely painted and i think (bar the pink and yellow) the whole squad in white, black, blue, red etc would work as its fitting with the mythos but as a whole its cute but not my thing.

Please dont take that as a personal dig, i know some people play the game for other reasons than the 'star wars universe' and dont care about narrative or IP 'fit' but its a big part of the game for me.

Sort of felt the same about 'marvel super heroes' squads etc.

The white interceptor looks awesome though.

I might do a duo of white ones myself :)

My Power Rangers squad. Of course Howlrunner gets the pink TIE.


I have to say i really dont like these.

I don't normally like to say negative stuff about other peoples paint jobs as i realise the effort put in but to me this just isnt 'star wars', its (uk prices) £60 comedy paint job that I *personally* wouldnt want to play against as it would knack up my play experience a bit.

To me 'star wars' is star wars and 'power rangers' is a different universe (and game?). I can see the fun in it and its tidily done but if you brought that out in a tournament i'd probably ask if you could borrow some star wars painted ones to play against me with (its the pink and yellow ones mainly and the crazy mix of colours,)

It would just ruin my 'immersion' and suspension of disbelief in a star wars game.

Like i say nicely painted and i think (bar the pink and yellow) the whole squad in white, black, blue, red etc would work as its fitting with the mythos but as a whole its cute but not my thing.

Please dont take that as a personal dig, i know some people play the game for other reasons than the 'star wars universe' and dont care about narrative or IP 'fit' but its a big part of the game for me.

Sort of felt the same about 'marvel super heroes' squads etc.

Well then I hope to never see you in a tournament. Wouldn't want to hinder your experience by having fun.

Red Defender...


White Defender... (needs some more highlight work)


A B-Wing that I "Kath'd up" to practice before comitting one of my Firesprays...


Very sim Y-Wing...


A couple Firesprays getting a Kath-over. One done, one in progress...


My Power Rangers squad. Of course Howlrunner gets the pink TIE.


I have to say i really dont like these.

I don't normally like to say negative stuff about other peoples paint jobs as i realise the effort put in but to me this just isnt 'star wars', its (uk prices) £60 comedy paint job that I *personally* wouldnt want to play against as it would knack up my play experience a bit.

To me 'star wars' is star wars and 'power rangers' is a different universe (and game?). I can see the fun in it and its tidily done but if you brought that out in a tournament i'd probably ask if you could borrow some star wars painted ones to play against me with (its the pink and yellow ones mainly and the crazy mix of colours,)

It would just ruin my 'immersion' and suspension of disbelief in a star wars game.

Like i say nicely painted and i think (bar the pink and yellow) the whole squad in white, black, blue, red etc would work as its fitting with the mythos but as a whole its cute but not my thing.

Please dont take that as a personal dig, i know some people play the game for other reasons than the 'star wars universe' and dont care about narrative or IP 'fit' but its a big part of the game for me.

Sort of felt the same about 'marvel super heroes' squads etc.

Well then I hope to never see you in a tournament. Wouldn't want to hinder your experience by having fun.

You clearly didnt read a word i wrote there other than what you wanted to see.

I said i can see its fun but i also said 'to me' its not star wars and it would make the game less fun to play against a squad with 'novelty' paint schemes.

I tried to be as polite as I could be about it.

Its just to me this sort of paint job sits alongside 'hello kitty' space marine armies. Cute yeah, funny yeah but not really part of the game.

You clearly didnt read a word i wrote there other than what you wanted to see.

I said i can see its fun but i also said 'to me' its not star wars and it would make the game less fun to play against a squad with 'novelty' paint schemes.

I tried to be as polite as I could be about it.

Its just to me this sort of paint job sits alongside 'hello kitty' space marine armies. Cute yeah, funny yeah but not really part of the game.

You don't like the paint scheme, that's fine. I suspect many wont. You don't think its "thematic" or "star wars", I 100% agree. I have a boatload of TIEs and wanted to do something goofy with them and yes I'm perfectly capable of running this same list with models that have no additional paint.

What got me and caused me to get a little overly raged is how you insinuated that you would not play against such a list in a tournament. I'm going to a tournament in a few weeks while on vacation and won't be taking any extra stuff to keep the load light. In the tournament rules it says that you can have paint jobs as long as they aren't offensive "and do not adversely affect another player’s experience." Just thinking in my head that I may get to this event and have someone try to disqualify me because they don't like my paint scheme got me a bit heated. Then that got redirected at you. Though I'll admit, if that were to happen and I got DQ'd, I would prolly snap and throw a tantrum that would make my 4 year old jealous (as petty as it sounds).

Sorry for my response. I hope that if you see an unfavorable paint job at a tournament you're able to look past it for a match. If you really need theme, imagine your pilots as glitterstim addicts and they're seeing things :lol:

I was planning on painting up a TIE all zombied out with open wounds and blood and what-not. Goofy, maybe, but fun. I would be bummed out if someone got chippy when I put it on the table becuase no TIE fighters in the movie were actually big green piles of rotting flesh. I like goofy sometimes. :)

You clearly didnt read a word i wrote there other than what you wanted to see.

I said i can see its fun but i also said 'to me' its not star wars and it would make the game less fun to play against a squad with 'novelty' paint schemes.

I tried to be as polite as I could be about it.

Its just to me this sort of paint job sits alongside 'hello kitty' space marine armies. Cute yeah, funny yeah but not really part of the game.

Sorry for my response. I hope that if you see an unfavorable paint job at a tournament you're able to look past it for a match. If you really need theme, imagine your pilots as glitterstim addicts and they're seeing things :lol:

Heheh, you have a PM :)

But i am, if i'm honest so into the narrative of star wars that this would fit into that tourny category of 'affecting play experience', i've explained it in detail in the PM so as not to argue here.

I probably wouldnt refuse to play someone outright but I would ask if they could borrow more star wars themed ships for a star wars game, and as i've said in the the PM it would probably be only the pink and yellow ones as the others all have film style equivalents to a degree.

But yeah you'd have to be a real git to refuse to play if some one *couldnt* change their fleet. Worth considering though that im pretty easy going in general. If its a big event you might meet someone who would really push the issue so pack a few spare TIEs ?

And like i say the actual paint jobs are really quite neat. I do like that white interceptor.

Edited by Gadge

You clearly didnt read a word i wrote there other than what you wanted to see.

I said i can see its fun but i also said 'to me' its not star wars and it would make the game less fun to play against a squad with 'novelty' paint schemes.

I tried to be as polite as I could be about it.

Its just to me this sort of paint job sits alongside 'hello kitty' space marine armies. Cute yeah, funny yeah but not really part of the game.

Sorry for my response. I hope that if you see an unfavorable paint job at a tournament you're able to look past it for a match. If you really need theme, imagine your pilots as glitterstim addicts and they're seeing things :lol:

Heheh, you have a PM :)

But i am, if i'm honest so into the narrative of star wars that this would fit into that tourny category of 'affecting play experience', i've explained it in detail in the PM so as not to argue here.

I probably wouldnt refuse to play someone outright but I would ask if they could borrow more star wars themed ships for a star wars game, and as i've said in the the PM it would probably be only the pink and yellow ones as the others all have film style equivalents to a degree.

Would you fly against a Lambda sporting big black spots? Think Holstein cow...

But i am, if i'm honest so into the narrative of star wars that this would fit into that tourny category of 'affecting play experience' , i've explained it in detail in the PM so as not to argue here.

Plastic space ships: SRS PEW-PEW BSNS.

You clearly didnt read a word i wrote there other than what you wanted to see.

I said i can see its fun but i also said 'to me' its not star wars and it would make the game less fun to play against a squad with 'novelty' paint schemes.

I tried to be as polite as I could be about it.

Its just to me this sort of paint job sits alongside 'hello kitty' space marine armies. Cute yeah, funny yeah but not really part of the game.

Sorry for my response. I hope that if you see an unfavorable paint job at a tournament you're able to look past it for a match. If you really need theme, imagine your pilots as glitterstim addicts and they're seeing things :lol:

Heheh, you have a PM :)

But i am, if i'm honest so into the narrative of star wars that this would fit into that tourny category of 'affecting play experience', i've explained it in detail in the PM so as not to argue here.

I probably wouldnt refuse to play someone outright but I would ask if they could borrow more star wars themed ships for a star wars game, and as i've said in the the PM it would probably be only the pink and yellow ones as the others all have film style equivalents to a degree.

Would you fly against a Lambda sporting big black spots? Think Holstein cow...

You see it would make me laugh but i'd have to try to ignore it, i could see it as some sort of 'space camo' but if a list is purposely removed from the star wars universe i find it hard to get into.

Lets assume im playing a squad where all his ships are sand and green camo and have swastikas on them as hes gone for a WWII german look... .i'd be thinking, 'why not just play flames of war'?

To me i play this game for the setting. I've worked in the games industry for over a decade, i've ran tournys for years and i've seen all sorts of wierd and wonderful lists. often they are done to try and get the judges attentions for best painted army.

I've seen a halfling 'cook book' based army, i've seen a space ork 'italian job' battlewagons force etc etc. All great fun.

But with hundreds on games on the shelves at home the game that got me buying stuff again rather than playing old games was 'x wing'... and that was for the mythos its based in coupled with a great rules set. I dont play attack wing as im not into star trek, im not going to play D&D attack wing as i've got enough fantasy minatures to collapse my flooring under lead weight and WFB fulfils my 'fantasy' niche. I might play 'wings of glory' if i can save up enough to buy oneways aircraft off him but in the same way i wouldnt want to play a WWi dogfight game if my 'german' opponents had star wars rebel logos all over them.

Setting/mythos/story is everything for me.

If i play 40k and my mate rolls three hits, two wounds and I save one... im not thinking dice rolls... in my head a volley of fire came at my section , the guys dived for cover but two troopers were too slow, while the rounds ricocheted of trooper trents armour his buddy is hit in the neck and drops like a stone.

Narrative play, we make laser noises and everything :)

But i am, if i'm honest so into the narrative of star wars that this would fit into that tourny category of 'affecting play experience' , i've explained it in detail in the PM so as not to argue here.

Plastic space ships: SRS PEW-PEW BSNS.

If the setting is irrelevant play attack wing then?

I'm a star wars fan first, xwing player second. :)

I'm a star wars fan first, xwing player second. :)

As am I.

But I know when I'm taking myself too seriously, too.

And if you knew me you'd know i'm probably the least 'taking myself too seriously' person in Nottingham.

I mean come on, see anyone else play their games in a plastic bucket tie fighter helmet.. i can assure you i'm not doing that because i think i actually am a tie pilot , more that its funny... well for a minute then its just annoying when you can barely read the dials :)

I'm notorious for being irreverent...

But setting is setting and i like things in wargames to fit in with their setting.

Wargames to me are stories and i like the story to be visual as well. In the same way i'd rather play a game of 40k on a well made gaming table rather than with a sheet draped over books for hills and crepe paper for roads... i'd rather the playing pieces looked the part too.

I'd just like to add before anyone throws anymore sticks on this fire Killerardvaark and I have had some chatty PMs and neither of us meant to come across quite like we did and we're cool with each other.

Also i wouldnt push for someone to 'replace or not play', i just think i'd whinge a bit internally :)

So, anyway back to paint jobs, nothing to see here, move along :)

So here's the TIE-Cutter I posted a WIP shot of forever ago.


I may have rushed the paint job a little, but I was tired of the thing just sitting on my desk.


I swear the speeder's chin gun is still on there. You can kind of see it peeking out from underneath the hull. Yes, those are snowspeeders doubling as TIE-style engine panel nacelles. If they're engine or cannon mounts, I have no idea. If the thing's role as a cutter/PT boat, they're probably extra cannon mounts to make it extra-nasty when it's coming at you. The thing is about as long as the GR-75 model, but bulks considerably less. Look at those bigass engines in the back. The Empire must've gotten tired of being trounced by pirates in hot-rodded freighters.


A size shot with a wingman. Probably larger than a Decimator model, but who knows? It's probably too small to proxy as anything else, so I'll just mount it using a taller post on a Falcon-sized base and say it's another Decimator.

I really like the replacement rusty engine.

Its like when you see old cars with a wing or a bonnet in a different shade/colour as its from a scrapyard.

I used to do a similar thing with occasionally painting a part of a 40k robot or tank in 'red oxide' primer as if it had not had time to be properly repainted in chapter colours.

Thanks man. Yeah as a car guy I saw a lot of this.

My next Scum Z-95 will be a "scrapyard special" with the whole thing built off bits of other z-95's

That was the plan for the HWK but i liked the blue scheme too much to do more than the engine.

My Power Rangers squad. Of course Howlrunner gets the pink TIE.


I have to say i really dont like these.

I don't normally like to say negative stuff about other peoples paint jobs as i realise the effort put in but to me this just isnt 'star wars', its (uk prices) £60 comedy paint job that I *personally* wouldnt want to play against as it would knack up my play experience a bit.

To me 'star wars' is star wars and 'power rangers' is a different universe (and game?). I can see the fun in it and its tidily done but if you brought that out in a tournament i'd probably ask if you could borrow some star wars painted ones to play against me with (its the pink and yellow ones mainly and the crazy mix of colours,)

It would just ruin my 'immersion' and suspension of disbelief in a star wars game.

Like i say nicely painted and i think (bar the pink and yellow) the whole squad in white, black, blue, red etc would work as its fitting with the mythos but as a whole its cute but not my thing.

Please dont take that as a personal dig, i know some people play the game for other reasons than the 'star wars universe' and dont care about narrative or IP 'fit' but its a big part of the game for me.

Sort of felt the same about 'marvel super heroes' squads etc.

Well then I hope to never see you in a tournament. Wouldn't want to hinder your experience by having fun.

You clearly didnt read a word i wrote there other than what you wanted to see.

I said i can see its fun but i also said 'to me' its not star wars and it would make the game less fun to play against a squad with 'novelty' paint schemes.

I tried to be as polite as I could be about it.

Its just to me this sort of paint job sits alongside 'hello kitty' space marine armies. Cute yeah, funny yeah but not really part of the game.

The Empire would never permit such "customisation" of its starfighters.

That being said, remember The Force Unleashed? The first level is a raid on a TIE fighter factory which is destroyed over the course of the level, raided and sabotaged by a Rahm Kota's rebel militia. Much is outright destroyed and its stabilisers are knocked out.

This factory was in high orbit of Nar Shaddaa. While the Imperial Navy almost certainly would respond as soon as they could, let's just say it explains how the black market got quite so many TIE fighter parts for uglies.

Being a TIE factory it did almost certainly have several complete TIE fighters and it's not unreasonable to suggest that they could fall into criminal, and thus pirate, hands.

And pirates just love repainting their ships.

Rebels has now established some precedent for the wacky paint job. Sabine tagged them and they had to take off and fly before maintenance could fix it. Thematic problem solved Gadge ;)

hahah nice fix! :)

I would go one simpler. These are Academy Test Ties.

When the scrubs in the Acadamy are learning formations they need bright, clear and identifiable markers to associate sight recognition to their sensor results.

"Awww man, Blue 1 is a head of me somewhere, where is he? Oh there he is."

Of course when they pass the training they are expected to have learned how to identify ships without these training wheel methods.

Sadly some Rebel have grown bold and assaulted the training grounds. Time for the pilots (and a visiting Veteran) to chase of the impertinent Rebels and make them taste Green Laser fire.

Ok i'll buy that as long as they still cost the same but have PS0 :)

That or someone stuck hallucinogenic spice into your X-wing's air filters.

My Power Rangers squad. Of course Howlrunner gets the pink TIE.


I have to say i really dont like these.

I don't normally like to say negative stuff about other peoples paint jobs as i realise the effort put in but to me this just isnt 'star wars', its (uk prices) £60 comedy paint job that I *personally* wouldnt want to play against as it would knack up my play experience a bit.

To me 'star wars' is star wars and 'power rangers' is a different universe (and game?). I can see the fun in it and its tidily done but if you brought that out in a tournament i'd probably ask if you could borrow some star wars painted ones to play against me with (its the pink and yellow ones mainly and the crazy mix of colours,)

It would just ruin my 'immersion' and suspension of disbelief in a star wars game.

Like i say nicely painted and i think (bar the pink and yellow) the whole squad in white, black, blue, red etc would work as its fitting with the mythos but as a whole its cute but not my thing.

Please dont take that as a personal dig, i know some people play the game for other reasons than the 'star wars universe' and dont care about narrative or IP 'fit' but its a big part of the game for me.

Sort of felt the same about 'marvel super heroes' squads etc.

Well then I hope to never see you in a tournament. Wouldn't want to hinder your experience by having fun.

You clearly didnt read a word i wrote there other than what you wanted to see.

I said i can see its fun but i also said 'to me' its not star wars and it would make the game less fun to play against a squad with 'novelty' paint schemes.

I tried to be as polite as I could be about it.

Its just to me this sort of paint job sits alongside 'hello kitty' space marine armies. Cute yeah, funny yeah but not really part of the game.

Boooo hoooo?

If you wanted to be as polite as possible why even respond?

I'm personally obsessed with having my models match the corresponding card art as much as possible, but I won't complain to somebody on the internet because they decided to indulge in a bit of fun with his toys.

Nice power Rangers by the way, pretty clean paint job