By Gadge, in X-Wing

Awesome for an atmospheric flight table.

I've been toying with making a desert board for ages with mesas and rock piles instead of asteroids and small settlements, a 'canyon' etc.... it sjust going to look odd having black base chits. I might make some paper overlays on sand or brown base to print, cut out and just lay on top of the card chit.

Hmm... it occurred to me that I never got around to posting finished pics of my Imperial Customs Corvette Inquisitor .









I think I speak for all of us here when I tell you my pants have literally just flown right off .

Thx! Those panels that look white are actually steel, they're just really picking up the overhead lights. I'm about to paint up a Firespray to look like an F86 Sabre

I wanna see that when it's done.. haha.. that sounds awesome.

Seems to be coming along nicely...


Thx! Those panels that look white are actually steel, they're just really picking up the overhead lights. I'm about to paint up a Firespray to look like an F86 Sabre

I wanna see that when it's done.. haha.. that sounds awesome.

Seems to be coming along nicely...


That looks awesome.. looking forward to the finished results.


My second VT-49.


I thought the engine glow looked OK Lackwit.

Thx! Those panels that look white are actually steel, they're just really picking up the overhead lights. I'm about to paint up a Firespray to look like an F86 Sabre

I wanna see that when it's done.. haha.. that sounds awesome.

Seems to be coming along nicely...


That looks awesome.. looking forward to the finished results.

Love it, think it will look great once given a 'grime wash' of black ink. Or are you going for 'factory fresh'?

Factory fresh...HERETIC!

We do not do shiny gadge you know this, that's for the film's we do not mention.

If I may ask, what is holding the customs corvette together structurally? Those mandibles are sticking WAAAAY out and there doesn't seem to be any bowing. Impressive.

If i had to guess id say some kinda of thick plasticard tube or something like the evergreen I-beams.

Thx! Those panels that look white are actually steel, they're just really picking up the overhead lights. I'm about to paint up a Firespray to look like an F86 Sabre

I wanna see that when it's done.. haha.. that sounds awesome.

Seems to be coming along nicely...


That looks awesome.. looking forward to the finished results.

Love it, think it will look great once given a 'grime wash' of black ink. Or are you going for 'factory fresh'?

It will get a thinned out wash and some light weathering once the paint is done.

10801771_10154968442335249_8495231007778 10806419_10154968442405249_3309014808380 10420389_10154968442420249_7034159550918 10858350_10154968442520249_4314024816223 10689608_10154968442675249_7639142117864

And a full Rebel Squadron picture. The ones with the name identifiers were the first ones I painted, the ones without were finished this morning, about 4 hours total of work including the priming. Enjoy!


My second VT-49.

I like the shading a lot more on this one :)

Thx! Those panels that look white are actually steel, they're just really picking up the overhead lights. I'm about to paint up a Firespray to look like an F86 Sabre

I wanna see that when it's done.. haha.. that sounds awesome.

Seems to be coming along nicely...




My second VT-49.

Now that's fantastic. Love the grimy look..!

A good way to get 'grime' is to mix water and acrylic black paint ( i use foundry black, its perfect) to the consistancy of semi skimmed milk.

swab it on with a big brush, make sure it gets into the crevices them drag it off with soft toilet paper almost immeditatley after ards, dont try and do it all at once.

Not only do you get that ink wash shading a proper black ink would give you but you get a nice none glossy 'dulling' of the exisiting shade with smears/burns and marks. Its not overpowering but gives the same affect seen above and seems to be close to what FFG factories use as a final 'weather' so makes your fleet look consistant.

Using black ink tends to either make thins too dark and shiny or it dries quickly on on the edges leaving a hard 'tide mark' line where you swabbed.

A good way to get 'grime' is to mix water and acrylic black paint ( i use foundry black, its perfect) to the consistancy of semi skimmed milk.

swab it on with a big brush, make sure it gets into the crevices them drag it off with soft toilet paper almost immeditatley after ards, dont try and do it all at once.

Not only do you get that ink wash shading a proper black ink would give you but you get a nice none glossy 'dulling' of the exisiting shade with smears/burns and marks. Its not overpowering but gives the same affect seen above and seems to be close to what FFG factories use as a final 'weather' so makes your fleet look consistant.

Using black ink tends to either make thins too dark and shiny or it dries quickly on on the edges leaving a hard 'tide mark' line where you swabbed.

Secret Weapon Washes have this very same effect as well, though this is more viable than say, spending the extra money on 20mL bottles. I will say the secret weapon wash has a tendency to have an oxidizing effect; which, with every color except for black, looks fantastic.

here is the firespray i did for my wife

Pre 'grime wash'


and after


its as you can see quite subtle but keeps it inline with the stock painted ships we have.

Space station all painted! All set for Armada, would also work really well for Attack wing, should be available early next year after I clean up the parts and create a master mould :)


I admired this wonderful image .. and instantly saw Max Rebo playing his piano. Check out the small pontoon on the lower right. It's the little blue elephant fella from Jabba's Palace right? Right!?

Doozy! What has been seen can never be unseen.

Edited by Conandoodle

Arrgh, yeah i can totally see that now.....


If I may ask, what is holding the customs corvette together structurally? Those mandibles are sticking WAAAAY out and there doesn't seem to be any bowing. Impressive.

They both have one I-beam and one piece of 1/4" square stock going their length which help them keep their shape. They're cemented directly to the upper hull panels. In addition, the inner walls of the mandibles help them further to maintain their shape. I can actually grasp the ship by the end of one of the mandibles and there is no noticable bowing.

Edited by Millennium Falsehood

After breaking the flight stand, this is my first repaint job. The canopy is a bit dodgy, may strip that down and redo it at some point.

Mostly Vallejo paint, engine glow airbrushed (I almost never use airbrush OSL, but the style works here) with Andrea inks.


After breaking the flight stand, this is my first repaint job. The canopy is a bit dodgy, may strip that down and redo it at some point.

Mostly Vallejo paint, engine glow airbrushed (I almost never use airbrush OSL, but the style works here) with Andrea inks.


Very nice!

finished version of andrasta




nice work, is the twi'lek girl painted or a decal.

Just finished painting two Blue B-wings
