By Gadge, in X-Wing

I think that would actually make a big difference actually.

if i wasnt a WWII british airborne re-enactor and hadnt got a1/72 scale british airborne miniatures army and hadnt painted 3 1/72 scale horsas it probably wouldnt be such an engrained image in my mind :)

im sure most people wont see it as 'overlord' as i do.

its technically a great paint job but i think it hits my 'wwii' swtich too quickly as it is :)

Bulldog, how did you mount the bearing on those two. I'm probably doing mine this way as well and would like to see your solution. If you don't mind...

I couldn't say for sure, of course, but it looks like he did them the same way I did, as detailed here: Magnets: How They Work

If not the same, it looks very similar.

Magnets! I figured out how they work!



You know what's ALWAYS bugged me? The quads on the underside of the Falcon being mounted backwards. If they were just POINTED backwards, that would have been fine, but since the gunner is supposed to be sitting in the window, aiming more or less straight down the barrels, I always hated how they had to be mounted to accommodate the factory peg. So with a little careful prying and cutting and gluing, I reattached the lower quads the right way and I'm MUCH happier with it. :)


I made a whole thread about them here :

My magnets should be arriving anytime now today!! I am excited for making the conversions as soon as they are here - I have B-Wing's just waiting .

Two questions:

A) Where do you get the magnets?

B) How do you mount them?


Has anyone seen the DS-9 out for Attack Wing. Would that be any good or is it just too small. The overall model isn't small but the arms and body isn't very big compared to our game scale. The CR-90 would dwarf it. I think I have have answered my own question.

Bulldog, how did you mount the bearing on those two. I'm probably doing mine this way as well and would like to see your solution. If you don't mind...

I couldn't say for sure, of course, but it looks like he did them the same way I did, as detailed here: Magnets: How They Work

If not the same, it looks very similar.

Pretty much what I figured, just was looking for confirmation is all, nice article by the way. I have been tempted to just do the same, I just have issues with aesthetics on how they look. I always want to hide the magnets on the model side.. lol.. call it OCD issues.. lol. I have put bearings on a TIE and an advanced that I sunk the bearing inside the ships to be barely seen.

Edited by oneway

Hmm... it occurred to me that I never got around to posting finished pics of my Imperial Customs Corvette Inquisitor .


Hmm... it occurred to me that I never got around to posting finished pics of my Imperial Customs Corvette Inquisitor .

[your pictures]

Wow - that's amazing!

Is there a pic with a mini for scale? Or, is it just too out-of-scale with the smalls to really make sense to image them together?

did a touch up onto my deimator, the grey was way to dull, a friend suggested red instead of blue and now im torn whether or not to change it X3



You could always roll a chance cube!

Keep it blue

That much red would give it a non imperial look.

I use a red aurebehs 'H' to mark out that my ships are mine (for events) and also that they are docked on the ISD 'Harbinger'

The custom frigate above is TRULY epic in every sense of the word.

Hmm... it occurred to me that I never got around to posting finished pics of my Imperial Customs Corvette Inquisitor .

[your pictures]

Wow - that's amazing!

Is there a pic with a mini for scale? Or, is it just too out-of-scale with the smalls to really make sense to image them together?


Yeah. Here's a visually edited image from his old thread. The miniatures are to scale. This is from before it was finished, so there are some differences.

But it's actually at a solid enough scale to make sense for the game.

Exquisite, just exquisite Falsehood.

Better pics of my rapid phantom repaint/add on.

I *honestly* spent less than 30 minutes on this, possibly less than 15 and did it while watching epIII so wasnt paying any attention to my painting really so im amazed it came out so well.

I'd also had a glass or three of port. I was fully epecting to have to repaint it in the morning but i think i'll leave it as is.



Hmm... it occurred to me that I never got around to posting finished pics of my Imperial Customs Corvette Inquisitor .








/ l2sjZEM.jpg

nicely done, out of curiosity, how long did this take you?

Playing around with one of my new YTs. Sorta sloppy and not a whole lot of detail or weathering. Just something a little different.




nicely done, out of curiosity, how long did this take you?

About two and a half months altogether, though that doesn't count the massive break I took from the project when I got fed up with all the little things that went wrong with it.


My first VT-49 repaint.

Playing around with one of my new YTs. Sorta sloppy and not a whole lot of detail or weathering. Just something a little different.




I love the gonzo colors! The colors are so garish but it works! Well done!


My first VT-49 repaint.

So uh.

...You're gonna' paint the cockpit in, give it a light wash, work on the glow and... Shade pieces, right?

Thx! Those panels that look white are actually steel, they're just really picking up the overhead lights. I'm about to paint up a Firespray to look like an F86 Sabre

Thx! Those panels that look white are actually steel, they're just really picking up the overhead lights. I'm about to paint up a Firespray to look like an F86 Sabre

I wanna see that when it's done.. haha.. that sounds awesome.

Pardon the poor pictures, just finished these tonight. Started around 6PM, finished around 10PM. That included priming and all that jazz.

10846304_10154960893860249_8167458969947 10675522_10154960893865249_3905703607902 10858496_10154960893925249_6680789539895 8977_10154960893985249_86145241651683733


My first VT-49 repaint.

I LOVE this as like an 'emperors emmissary' type ship, maybe doesnt have the emperor on it but its sent when he needs to make more of an impact than a shuttle. Might do one myslef, great work

Its a little monochrome though, i think i'd put dark green windows (almost black on it) and perhaps a black imperial cog motiff to break it up a bit but the idea rocks

Pardon the poor pictures, just finished these tonight. Started around 6PM, finished around 10PM. That included priming and all that jazz.

10846304_10154960893860249_8167458969947 10675522_10154960893865249_3905703607902 10858496_10154960893925249_6680789539895 8977_10154960893985249_86145241651683733

nice clean work, dark grey and deep red sit well togehter. to me the dark grey makes them look like perhaps a private army, pirate force or mercs rather than true rebels.

Little Tatooine Droid Shop
