By Gadge, in X-Wing

Id love a squadron like that but tbh im actually looking at that Crisp yellow and wouldnt mind a full Imperial TIE fleet (TIE/Interceptor/Phantom etc) in that scheme.


Instead of painting the entire engine area, I went to look for some sky blue oil paints and did a wash instead, the effect is a lot better, as you can see here

My Power Rangers squad. Of course Howlrunner gets the pink TIE.


I have to say i really dont like these.

I don't normally like to say negative stuff about other peoples paint jobs as i realise the effort put in but to me this just isnt 'star wars', its (uk prices) £60 comedy paint job that I *personally* wouldnt want to play against as it would knack up my play experience a bit.

To me 'star wars' is star wars and 'power rangers' is a different universe (and game?). I can see the fun in it and its tidily done but if you brought that out in a tournament i'd probably ask if you could borrow some star wars painted ones to play against me with (its the pink and yellow ones mainly and the crazy mix of colours,)

It would just ruin my 'immersion' and suspension of disbelief in a star wars game.

Like i say nicely painted and i think (bar the pink and yellow) the whole squad in white, black, blue, red etc would work as its fitting with the mythos but as a whole its cute but not my thing.

Please dont take that as a personal dig, i know some people play the game for other reasons than the 'star wars universe' and dont care about narrative or IP 'fit' but its a big part of the game for me.

Sort of felt the same about 'marvel super heroes' squads etc.

Well then I hope to never see you in a tournament. Wouldn't want to hinder your experience by having fun.

You clearly didnt read a word i wrote there other than what you wanted to see.

I said i can see its fun but i also said 'to me' its not star wars and it would make the game less fun to play against a squad with 'novelty' paint schemes.

I tried to be as polite as I could be about it.

Its just to me this sort of paint job sits alongside 'hello kitty' space marine armies. Cute yeah, funny yeah but not really part of the game.

Boooo hoooo?

If you wanted to be as polite as possible why even respond?

Did you miss the bit that said we're all sorted now thanks no need to comment... why even respond? :)





Edited by TabletopXwingPilot

Very slick, loving the green.

I've a repaint squadron myself with blue accents but no ships with green yet.

That might have to be rectified when S&V comes out!


The reds are lovely too. the red Y wing particularly.

Not so keen on the orange A wing, the edges look a bit 'soft' on the orange accents and you're usually very sharp.

Its still infinitely better than my painting :)



I have mixed color ships too but I didn't think to call them power rangers. I just did different colors so I wouldn't have to use numbers on generic pilot cards.

What do those Power Ranger TIEs morph into? Go go Gozanti?

Ok, im sold on it now....power ranger TIEs might actually be quite fun :)

For anyone wondering what the list is...


Dark Curse (or Night Beast for the 99 point initiative bid)

3x Academy

Soontir Fel /w Push the Limit

My Power Rangers squad. Of course Howlrunner gets the pink TIE.


I wonder if this would get my kid to play?

I think if you got them to help paint like killeraardvark did then defintiely as they have invested time in it and it makes them 'their' ships.

which is always a good thing.

One of the small flaws i think xwing might suffer from in the long term is that because you dont put any time/effort into painting your force like you do with warhammer its easier to go 'sod it' and sell up if you get down on it for a while.

I've always thought twice about selling painted minis as i put hours of time into them.

[...] One of the small flaws i think xwing might suffer from in the long term is that because you dont put any time/effort into painting your force like you do with warhammer its easier to go 'sod it' and sell up if you get down on it for a while.

But one of the BIG reasons I dropped GW and got into X-Wing was specifically because I don't have to paint miniatures. Don't get me wrong I'm happy to look at some of the awesome work others do. There isn't anything stopping others from repainting. It's just not for me.

Are there more painters than gamers? I don't know. But for my group, what you see as a flaw is what attracted us into the game.

+1 to the above

Edited by nathankc

I really want to be able to paint my other games like Shadows Over Camelot and eventually Imperial Assault. Working on my extra X-Wing minis help get me practice. I've never painted a ship that I didn't have at least 2 of. I like the originals so I want at least 1 of each to remain untouched.

No i agree totally

I've not bought anything 'new' for wargames for years til xwing

the attraction and 'buy in' for me was that i didnt have to paint yet another army


If i had a downer on the game, knowing that if i wanted to get back into it i could buy a new tie swarm that was *exactly* the same would make me less reticent about selling up.

Whereas my Kath Scarlet firespray i wouldnt sell becasue it took me a couple of hours to paint and i cant be bothered to do it again.

Im not saying pre paints is a bad thing. Im just saying that when you've put a long time into making something you're less likely to want to let it go.

When i was at GW i made this massive case for selling 'pre painted' armies of the more popular ones (marines, eldar, orcs) as i was playing 20mm WWII at the time and 'dragon' were making 1/72 scale tiger tanks with amazing pre paints for not much more than buying the plastic kit so all my WWII amrour was pre painted.

I brought it up at a strategy meeting and was pretty much given a bollocking because it 'wasnt the hobby'. I could not get people to see that to some people they have no interest in painting, they just want to buy and play. But then again paints are 15 per cent of GWs sales!

My Power Rangers squad. Of course Howlrunner gets the pink TIE. pic2305388_md.jpg

I have to say i really dont like these.

I don't normally like to say negative stuff about other peoples paint jobs as i realise the effort put in but to me this just isnt 'star wars', its (uk prices) £60 comedy paint job that I *personally* wouldnt want to play against as it would knack up my play experience a bit.

To me 'star wars' is star wars and 'power rangers' is a different universe (and game?). I can see the fun in it and its tidily done but if you brought that out in a tournament i'd probably ask if you could borrow some star wars painted ones to play against me with (its the pink and yellow ones mainly and the crazy mix of colours,)

It would just ruin my 'immersion' and suspension of disbelief in a star wars game.

Like i say nicely painted and i think (bar the pink and yellow) the whole squad in white, black, blue, red etc would work as its fitting with the mythos but as a whole its cute but not my thing.

Please dont take that as a personal dig, i know some people play the game for other reasons than the 'star wars universe' and dont care about narrative or IP 'fit' but its a big part of the game for me.

Sort of felt the same about 'marvel super heroes' squads etc.

Well then I hope to never see you in a tournament. Wouldn't want to hinder your experience by having fun.

You clearly didnt read a word i wrote there other than what you wanted to see.

I said i can see its fun but i also said 'to me' its not star wars and it would make the game less fun to play against a squad with 'novelty' paint schemes.

I tried to be as polite as I could be about it.

Its just to me this sort of paint job sits alongside 'hello kitty' space marine armies. Cute yeah, funny yeah but not really part of the game.

Boooo hoooo?

If you wanted to be as polite as possible why even respond?

Did you miss the bit that said we're all sorted now thanks no need to comment... why even respond? :)

You started a trend.

Bumpety Bump. Great stuff guys, Anyone know of any V-wing fighters in scale for conversion?

Firespray I just finished


Nice.. crisp and clean... good job

My Power Rangers squad. Of course Howlrunner gets the pink TIE. pic2305388_md.jpg

I have to say i really dont like these.

I don't normally like to say negative stuff about other peoples paint jobs as i realise the effort put in but to me this just isnt 'star wars', its (uk prices) £60 comedy paint job that I *personally* wouldnt want to play against as it would knack up my play experience a bit.

To me 'star wars' is star wars and 'power rangers' is a different universe (and game?). I can see the fun in it and its tidily done but if you brought that out in a tournament i'd probably ask if you could borrow some star wars painted ones to play against me with (its the pink and yellow ones mainly and the crazy mix of colours,)

It would just ruin my 'immersion' and suspension of disbelief in a star wars game.

Like i say nicely painted and i think (bar the pink and yellow) the whole squad in white, black, blue, red etc would work as its fitting with the mythos but as a whole its cute but not my thing.

Please dont take that as a personal dig, i know some people play the game for other reasons than the 'star wars universe' and dont care about narrative or IP 'fit' but its a big part of the game for me.

Sort of felt the same about 'marvel super heroes' squads etc.

Well then I hope to never see you in a tournament. Wouldn't want to hinder your experience by having fun.

You clearly didnt read a word i wrote there other than what you wanted to see.

I said i can see its fun but i also said 'to me' its not star wars and it would make the game less fun to play against a squad with 'novelty' paint schemes.

I tried to be as polite as I could be about it.

Its just to me this sort of paint job sits alongside 'hello kitty' space marine armies. Cute yeah, funny yeah but not really part of the game.

Boooo hoooo?

If you wanted to be as polite as possible why even respond?

Did you miss the bit that said we're all sorted now thanks no need to comment... why even respond? :)

You started a trend.

I finished it too but you seemed to have missed that bit :)


Edited by M240guy

Gawd knows how but I managed to sneak in some time to finish the space station off, I can finally throw it on the shelf and reclaim a large space on my table!





Amputee with breathing difficulties, of course Vader has a reserved parking spot!


As do Chewy and Han!


Now to get this **** Frigate finished!

That right there is something else.
