By Gadge, in X-Wing

That is one clean looking shuttle!

I sanded off the paint on the nose, after complete disassembly of the Shuttle. I glued 1mm thick plasticard to the whole top part of the nose, including a piece on the windshield. I then sanded the corners round. I'll try to make a couple of additional pictures.

Updates with shading and weathering.

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A few steps left, hairspray prepped.


My latest Lambda repaint. I don't have a name for it yet.

Pirate shuttle? Looks like a really old one pressed into service by space pirates to me. Very nice all the same

Here is my HWK, the Saltire Pride:

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My latest Lambda repaint. I don't have a name for it yet.

Pirate shuttle? Looks like a really old one pressed into service by space pirates to me. Very nice all the same

Slapped a little paint on Mr Chompy

Hey, that asteroid over there looks a little strange...


Wow, its full of loot!

I don't know bob, I got a bad feeling about this...

Don't be silly, my X-wing is bristling with weapons, what could possibly go wrong?




well, least my A-wing is more nimble and faster, see yaaaa!



Had some fun creating a couple more planets too, WIP so just got to now tidy them up, get them cast and slap some paint on them. Desert and Ice world some familiar landmarks to spot while you are flying around blowing your opponent to smithereens!

Desert Planet




Ice Planet




Getting ready for Scum & Villainy with a Black Sun inspired Y-Wing :)



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I've got some realy nice tips in this topic. Plus, there are a bunch of wonderfull pics of mods. Let's keep up with this! Ow, btw, I've just receive my Plasmablast minis. They look fantastic. Any tips on how to paint them like stormtroopers? I was thinking about using a needle to do the details... anyone with experience in 6mm soldiers?

Did a new Y-Wing for a little extra color on the table and a new TIE/In.

The Y-Wing was hard as I couldn't get paint to stick to the front of the engines very well - so unfortunately got kind of clumped. I'm new to this whole painting thing. The TIE/In was inspired by a friend's suggestion as to colors. I ended up really liking the idea.



I am nowhere near the level of talent that I see on this thread. I also am limited to having sharpie oil pens to work with so I thought I would do small changes and highlights to individualize my ships. pic2283603_md.jpg

E-wing front: yellow on nose and on engine inlets.


E-wing rear: engine highlights in yellow.


Z-95: yellow nose. My favourite conversion so far.


Tie Bomber: red highlights on engines


Y-wing: Green astromech, red on laser tips.


X-wing: Blue on engines.

I may get the courage up and buy some paints and brushes and do more, but for now I'm happy with being able to identify my little personal tweeks on my ships.

@ Sergovan - I think you've done a great job. You clearly have a steady hand and good control for application, so definitely go for it with regards to using a brush and paints - I forsee great things :)

I'm getting ready for Scum and Villainy as well. I've always loved Y-wings best, so I'm excited to get a second dial in Most Wanted. But that means I need a ship to go with it.

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I have nothing to contribute to this thread, except for my praise.
Amazing work in here & I'm really enjoying seeing it all. Love the WIP's as well.

Keep em coming people!

I've never been entranced with the HWK model. Whatever game it was featured in came out after i drifted away from computer games. As others here have noticed that ship is really similar in size and purpose to the Eagle 5 Winnebago from Spaceballs, which is very dear to me heart.

Gosric has a very nice model on Shapeways :


I painted it using Testors paints- the base coat is Modern Desert Sand spray enamel (which they annoyingly do not make in a jar) The main accent color is Testors Acryl Rust, with other Acryl colors as details. The stripe and 'W' were masked and then brush painted. I finished the model with a little Citadel Nuln Oil drybrushing to gently pick out a few more details.


And here it is in its place as a HWK replacement:


Here's Dutch and Roark approaching their adversaries in my first run out with it yesterday:


The meta at that tournament turned out to be generally low PS and no Phantoms, so Roark wound up being a poor substitute for the Gold Sqn. he replaced, but I really wanted to use the model, and did manage to come second.

On a whim, I've also made up a modification card to work with the ship in its original flavor:


Painting a Shapeways model wasn't as easy as I expected. The plastic was kind of gritty and absorbent, which made masking difficult and caused paint to bleed a bit. The next Shapeways model (probably a gunboat) is going to be Airbrushed

really nice model - I'm with you when it comes to the HWK.. I've never played a game with it and until this game had never even heard of it in the SW fluff

The HWK first showed up in the original Dark Forces game, the first 1st-person shooter in the Star Wars universe back in 1995. It pretty much only featured in the cut scenes as the protagonist, Kyle Katarn, traveled from mission to mission, though you could get to its landing site and walk around the outside of it in some of the levels.

What kind of plebs have never known the glory of the bearded one?


Great job on the Winnebago... Err, I mean Eagle 5!

Here's a little something I like to call: AVENGER SQUADRON!

The Rebel Alliance's Mightiest Heroes! (Based on the appearances in the Marvel films, obviously)

Iron Man

Captain America

Black Widow

The Incredible Hulk


and Hawkeye!

Avengers Assemble!


I'll post the villainous Destroyer Squadron later.

I have to say, that is awesome. There needs to be a tournament match that will allow however many points it takes to field this! Great job!

Here are some of my other repaints as well, since I'm posting.

And to cap it all off - the Hello Kitty TIE fighter for Howlrunner. Because the only thing worse than getting killed by a TIE fighter is getting killed by a bright pink one.


The stars are nail decals, but the red bow was freehand painted.

That is so awesome! My daughter wants me to paint one of my Tie's like that now (with sparkles too)! I do agree with you on being embarrassed by being killed by this Tie FIghter. Great job though!

I've never been entranced with the HWK model. Whatever game it was featured in came out after i drifted away from computer games. As others here have noticed that ship is really similar in size and purpose to the Eagle 5 Winnebago from Spaceballs, which is very dear to me heart.

Gosric has a very nice model on Shapeways :


I painted it using Testors paints- the base coat is Modern Desert Sand spray enamel (which they annoyingly do not make in a jar) The main accent color is Testors Acryl Rust, with other Acryl colors as details. The stripe and 'W' were masked and then brush painted. I finished the model with a little Citadel Nuln Oil drybrushing to gently pick out a few more details.


And here it is in its place as a HWK replacement:


Here's Dutch and Roark approaching their adversaries in my first run out with it yesterday:


The meta at that tournament turned out to be generally low PS and no Phantoms, so Roark wound up being a poor substitute for the Gold Sqn. he replaced, but I really wanted to use the model, and did manage to come second.

On a whim, I've also made up a modification card to work with the ship in its original flavor:


Painting a Shapeways model wasn't as easy as I expected. The plastic was kind of gritty and absorbent, which made masking difficult and caused paint to bleed a bit. The next Shapeways model (probably a gunboat) is going to be Airbrushed


Decided to have a go at one of the E-Wings I own. Think the stock colors are kind of boring personally, and now Corran has his own personal E-Wing to fly in my squads.


Here are some of my other repaints as well, since I'm posting.

And to cap it all off - the Hello Kitty TIE fighter for Howlrunner. Because the only thing worse than getting killed by a TIE fighter is getting killed by a bright pink one.


The stars are nail decals, but the red bow was freehand painted.

That is so awesome! My daughter wants me to paint one of my Tie's like that now (with sparkles too)! I do agree with you on being embarrassed by being killed by this Tie FIghter. Great job though!

I have to remember this for the future!