By Gadge, in X-Wing

Knave Squadron E-Wing:



Loving that engine glow.

People don't use enough white when they do engines.

What did you use as the red color?

Edited by Explosive Ewok

Here's a little something I like to call: AVENGER SQUADRON!

The Rebel Alliance's Mightiest Heroes! (Based on the appearances in the Marvel films, obviously)

Iron Man


Captain America


Black Widow


The Incredible Hulk




and Hawkeye!


Avengers Assemble!


I'll post the villainous Destroyer Squadron later.

Somewhere, someone at Disney is very pleased.

I can totally get behind Rebel Avengers

Knave Squadron E-Wing: pic2265805_md.jpg pic2265806_md.jpg

Loving that engine glow.

People don't use enough white when they do engines.

What did you use as the red color?

Tsunnyjim: The Rebel Avengers are awesome! :)

Here's another model of mine, a Krayt Fang:


And is that a cameo by the Tesseract in the background of the Avengers Squad? :D

B wing conversion advice.

Personally I dont like the static looking B wing 'upright' pose and prefer more dynamic ones where they look liek they are rotating.

My first B wing conversion was a real pig, i spent ages carefully sawing off the cockpit front and when it came off i realised it was on a pin/bolt. Also i put the stand mount under the wings as i just couldnt get it to come off and reposition otherwise.

However with rebel aces i noticed that you can just get a scalpel between the join and if you wiggle it the cockpit pops off. So it made converting these two easier. Likewise the rear L shape post mount seems to rotate a lot easier.

I've taken a pic of the post for the cockpit, as you can see its flat on one side which stops repositioning and rotation but if you carefully shave a mm or so off the peg you end up with a cockpit that rotates but is still firm.





Sadly Arashi, nothing so well Easter-egged. It was, in actual fact, some of my groceries.

Now, onto the main event: DESTROYER SQUADRON!

The Red Skull




Iron Monger


General Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross (I went with him as an Air Force General rather than as the Red Hulk)


(the gold marks on the lower wing are meant to be the rank stars, and there is a lightning bolt on the top wing)

And the Winter Soldier



My green E-wing repaint.

B wing conversion advice.

Personally I dont like the static looking B wing 'upright' pose and prefer more dynamic ones where they look liek they are rotating.

My first B wing conversion was a real pig, i spent ages carefully sawing off the cockpit front and when it came off i realised it was on a pin/bolt. Also i put the stand mount under the wings as i just couldnt get it to come off and reposition otherwise.

However with rebel aces i noticed that you can just get a scalpel between the join and if you wiggle it the cockpit pops off. So it made converting these two easier. Likewise the rear L shape post mount seems to rotate a lot easier.

I've taken a pic of the post for the cockpit, as you can see its flat on one side which stops repositioning and rotation but if you carefully shave a mm or so off the peg you end up with a cockpit that rotates but is still firm.





Wow!!! Thanks! That will make everything easier! Have you tried this method with common B-Wings. I'm waiting for a batch to arrive and I'll do that as well

Thanks a lot!

Ha! I've converted three B-wings so far, and I never realized the cockpits were glued on like that. I cut mine off just a bit farther aft, in between the two parallel ridges. I also cut off the rear bulb and mounted it on an axle with the cockpit so the whole thing rotates.

Here are some of my other repaints as well, since I'm posting.





'Green Hornet'


'The Admiral Ackbar' (For those fans of the Dukes of Hazzard)


'The Hornet'


Yes, it flies upside down. Because screw your notions of up and down in space!



Side views because you can't see it when it's mounted. The aurebesh script reads 'LIKE A' on one side and 'BWING' on the other.

And to cap it all off - the Hello Kitty TIE fighter for Howlrunner. Because the only thing worse than getting killed by a TIE fighter is getting killed by a bright pink one.


The stars are nail decals, but the red bow was freehand painted.


Scum HWK-290 inspired by Pulda.

B wing conversion advice.

Personally I dont like the static looking B wing 'upright' pose and prefer more dynamic ones where they look liek they are rotating.

My first B wing conversion was a real pig, i spent ages carefully sawing off the cockpit front and when it came off i realised it was on a pin/bolt. Also i put the stand mount under the wings as i just couldnt get it to come off and reposition otherwise.

However with rebel aces i noticed that you can just get a scalpel between the join and if you wiggle it the cockpit pops off. So it made converting these two easier. Likewise the rear L shape post mount seems to rotate a lot easier.

I've taken a pic of the post for the cockpit, as you can see its flat on one side which stops repositioning and rotation but if you carefully shave a mm or so off the peg you end up with a cockpit that rotates but is still firm.





Wow!!! Thanks! That will make everything easier! Have you tried this method with common B-Wings. I'm waiting for a batch to arrive and I'll do that as well

Thanks a lot!

Afraid not, my first b wing reposition i slowly sawed off the front (couldnt see the point in doing the back as its not as obvious when its rotated) and it took ages. I noticed the 'plug' after cutting so i initialy thought it would be a circular cross section and would 'rotate off' with gentle pressure.

The rebel aces ones had a more visible gap and i tried rotating them (again put a cloth round the cockpit before gripping it to avoid deforming the plastic or grating the paint offf_ but they waggled but didnt rotate as the plug is flat on one side.

They do waggle off quite easily though.

Wanted to share a pic as well... Stupid question how do you do it? Couldn't find it in the help.

Use photobucket to upload your pics then paste the link in

Falcon conversion and repaint. Thanks Gadge for the tip.


Edited by Nickl

Always something cool to see here! Here are a couple of my latest projects:

Royal Guard Defender:


Imperial Colors Firespray:



My latest Lambda repaint. I don't have a name for it yet.

Love that Lambda, you do some really great work. I hope to have a couple more soon and will be figuring out what to do with them.

Also, that Royal Guard Defender is awesome. I thought about doing that with one of those, and maybe a couple of TIE/ln just for fun. Would make a nice look on the table, all red and matching.

Tried posting this in the normal forums but it disapears in minutes :)

This is me painting nebulas for gameboards, hope you like it.

I was really bothered by the Shuttle's flat nose, since most artwork, including the pilot cards, show it with a rounded nose. Some plasticard and a little sanding later, mine now looks like this:


THIS... IS... (ALMOST...) TOO... COOL!!!!

I was really bothered by the Shuttle's flat nose, since most artwork, including the pilot cards, show it with a rounded nose. Some plasticard and a little sanding later, mine now looks like this: shuttle.JPG

Maybe a couple shots at different angles.. just to help get a better view of it..

Edited by oneway