By Gadge, in X-Wing

Very nice recreation of the detail on the side strip of the new section (where the old cockpit walkway would be).

Is that taken from somewhere else, press moulded or scratchbuilt?

It came from between the front prongs where the new cockpit is located and was removed to make room so was win-win.

Good stuff, nicely done so far. look forwards to seeing it finished.

Me too however with my painting skills it'll probably take a lot longer to paint than to build.

Edited by BAGGY


I won't create another topic, so... guys, do you know any 6mm infantry out there that I could use as stormtroopers for my own mocs? I also would like some civilian figures to place inside space stations and bases for aesthetic purposes. Do you happen to know any good place to buy them?

Thanks a lot,

With my eyesight anything 6mm tall, painted white, would look like stormtroopers!

@Hugo Y

check ....


online store....

cav ....(CAV strike operations)

scroll down they have some tiny infantry in white metal.

I wish I could figure out how to cut and paste links (or quote replies) I would just link the page.

Edited by arcdodger

Wow! Thanks! They have very nice minis.

still need customs/repaints subforum.....


this thread should stay on page one.

found it on page 3 this morning.

Edited by arcdodger

Stegocent suggested I should post some more of my stuff here. Don't know why I didn't think of it earlier.



Hey Hugo, Arc

The only issue with Reaper cav is that the figures are roughly 10mm.

other options are

Irregular minis

Check half way down the page for an image of their alien infantry, catalogue code NSF9. They are cheap and cheerful. Detail isn't great which in this case is a bit of a bonus as there isn't any detail that screams...this is not a stormtrooper.

Other option ...Dark star minis. Here's the link to their federation minis

Good detail which means you'ed have to rely on the paint job inferring that they are stormtroopers.

And thirdly CinC

Again paint them white and you'ed get away with it.

Wow! Thanks! I really loved the CinC ones. I've just ordered some from Plasmablast Games. When they arrive, I'm gonna post the pics here. I've ordered some GW epic as well. But next month, I'm surely buying something from CinC.

Thanks a lot, mate

How is everyone's rebel aces repaints going? All these cool customs make my fingers itchy. Keep up the awesome work!

Lots of inspiring stuff here. I particularly like Falsehood's Customs Corvette, Bulldog and Boomer's Nebulon-Bs, and Veldrin's Ice Squadron. This is probably my favourite picture of all:


I finally got around to getting pictures of my meager forces. Like many I wanted weathering and engine glow, and personally didn't care for the colours on the Firespray. Paints used are a variety of Citadel, Vallejo, and craft store brands like Acrylique and Americana.



The browns are Ushabti Bone and Espresso, while grey panels are Codex Grey and Graphite, all washed with Agrax Earthshade. Engines are a ~6:1 mix of white and Medium Blue washed with Nihilakh Oxide, and the blaster cannons get a dab of Khorne Red.


Nothing fancy here, just two washes of Nuln Oil and Khorne Red on the laser emitters.


TIE/LNs got a similar basic treatment but a wash of Drakenhof Nightshade instead that does not seem to show up well in photos.


I really like the B-Wing. Heavily-armed strike craft with a very unconventional shape. Painted over the red circles with Pallid Wych Flesh and redid the blue in Vallejo Medium Blue. Engine colour is a ~3:1 mix of Citadel Yriel Yellow and Vallejo Sunset Red. Light wash of Nuln Oil.



X-Wings got their red touched up with Khorne and a few extra yellow panels done with Yriel. Some panels repainted Codex Grey, a light drybrush of black on the engines while their interiors got a hit of Sunset Red, and a wash of Agrax to finish them off.

Look what I found halfway down the second page. Are the painters and modders running out of steam ;-)

It would be great if we could keep all the repaints on here as a reference thread at least but understandably a lot of people proud of paint job they have done want to put up a unique thread.

Personally i think they should do but repost their efforts to here as well so when i want inspiration i can read through it and see some of the best you guys on here have put up, rather than having to trawl through hundreds of posts.

Here is a quick and dirty repaint of my Y-Wing. Subtle nod to Celtic FC on the nacells. :-)


Green works well on the Y

It would be great if we could keep all the repaints on here as a reference thread at least but understandably a lot of people proud of paint job they have done want to put up a unique thread.

Personally i think they should do but repost their efforts to here as well so when i want inspiration i can read through it and see some of the best you guys on here have put up, rather than having to trawl through hundreds of posts.

That is until the Mods just give us our own Subforum to trawl through at our own discretion...

If any ship deserves a muscle car style racing paintjob, it's the B-Wing:

IMAG0629_zpsa53f61a9.jpg IMAG0625_zps0ef7b415.jpg

Love it. The asymmetry is cool, especially since the B-Wing is so beautifully asymmetrical.

Dat Shuttle!

If any ship deserves a muscle car style racing paintjob, it's the B-Wing:

IMAG0629_zpsa53f61a9.jpg IMAG0625_zps0ef7b415.jpg

Here is a quick and dirty repaint of my Y-Wing. Subtle nod to Celtic FC on the nacells. :-)


Wow. All of those are really good. Simple but striking. I so love this thread.

Here's some of my work in chronological order. I started out with not much experience at all, and (at least in person) you can easily see the progression of skill. I still got A LONG way to go though before I'd consider myself skilled.

Wedge X Wing (attempt #1)


Corran X Wing:


Lite up MF (attempt 1):


Stealth X:


Blue B Wing (first one I was moderately happy with):


Red B Wing (not specifically designed to be a Dagger, to this day, it is still my favorite design with the Red being the primary color from the top, and the yellow being the primary color underneath)


Prototype A Wing (I took a few liberties such as the red blasters):



Green A Wing (this is the only one I didn't do a full 100% repaint, just a recolor)
