By Gadge, in X-Wing

Finished a few more re-paints...


Back shuttle is the Xmas Bauble and front is the FFG shuttle, as you can see the FFG is slightly smaller


This is the Xmas bauble shuttle, frankly its much better than the official FFG version and it lights up and plays the Empire march!


Even though I was one of the special few who had the personalised version of this stock shuttle with actual fingerprints from the little Chinese guy who dipped it in a bucket of emulsion (I kid you not) I still forced myself to re-paint...


Slave 1


Spiced up the two Ace Interceptors with a few extra wings, an idea blatantly copied from Major Tom because it looks brilliant and I have no shame...cheers Tom :)


Finally finished all the little chaps, up to date right now so can paint as they release, just I time for the next wave of Star Trek AW! :)

Falcon, Hawk, Tie Defender and Phantom done in this batch, still unsure whether I can be bothered to purchase the E-wing and headhunter right now but will probably end up with them in the name of a complete collection and to give more choice in games


Kept the Falcon as standard, just spruced it up a little


Re painted the Hawk


Defender and Phantom, basically just touched up and brought out the details and added the cloaking effect to the Phantom



Grabbed some brilliant templates and cards from '' by sans_fi. After playing around with the scale of the ship template got it to fit on my custom ISD base, voila a 'working ISD for my games using the huge ship rules. Of course, the 'special' people among us will be tearing their hair out screaming 'WHAT ABOUT SCALE' but frankly I don't care when I can have a couple of destroyers trading broad sides while the little guys are weaving in and out doing what they do best, finally getting a little bit of my keen back for X-wing with the prospect of huge battles like this, it's what SW is all about IMO! My new 6 x 3 space mat is preparing for some action!



Re-painted the Z-95 and E-wing. Just brought out the detail with a little extra shading and lining really. Zed is really growing on me, I actually like the shape and look better than the X-wing!




Grabbed some brilliant templates and cards from '' by sans_fi. After playing around with the scale of the ship template got it to fit on my custom ISD base, voila a 'working ISD for my games using the huge ship rules. Of course, the 'special' people among us will be tearing their hair out screaming 'WHAT ABOUT SCALE' but frankly I don't care when I can have a couple of destroyers trading broad sides while the little guys are weaving in and out doing what they do best, finally getting a little bit of my keen back for X-wing with the prospect of huge battles like this, it's what SW is all about IMO! My new 6 x 3 space mat is preparing for some action!



Those templates are great - I have one in A1 size, but there is no way I'd add a 3D model on top - it would be to huge to transport.

I really like the yellow trim on the shuttle.

Everyones work is really cool (and aren't loom bands awesome for target locks!) but the yellow/white shuttle caught my eye.

I liek the repositioned angles on the ships, magnets?

anychance of an idiots guide on how to put them on, where to get them from etc?

Really love those 2 shuttles Bulldog... especially the yellow stripping.. would go good with my school bus repaint.. lol.

I need to get another ... or 2 and do some more repaints.. I think something similar to what you've done. Of course with my own twist to it.. ;)

Here's another one to get it back up top. :)

I forgot about something special I'd built for my old fleet: a fully articulated X-wing! :D



Oh my gosh! That's also awsome. I've just realized you said the wings are foldable! How did you do that? Magnets? LEGO? Please, please... share with us the technique... :D

Wow!!! Trully a master piece!!!

Thank you! :D

I thought I would share my Tie Phantom cloaking repaint...


I totally want to do a phantom repaint but cant decide whether to do it on a clear one or stock one.

I think inks on a clear one for the 'cloaked' bit would look amazing


My most recent Firespray-31.

Are you doing this for your own collection or painting commissions.. you must have about ten firesprays by now! :)

Nothing fancy, I was just not very impressed with the stock paintjob on these birds.



Edited by Urrgok

Nothing fancy, I was just not very impressed with the stock paintjob on these birds.

These are BY FAR my favorite TIE repaints. Beautiful work.

Hey look! A stealth X-Wing and a bump!


Painting Source, Brian Wood's Star Wars comic book series (which is excellent if you're looking for a good read):


Are you doing this for your own collection or painting commissions.. you must have about ten firesprays by now! :)

I sell them on eBay! Follow my Instagram or twitter for the inside scoop on when one is posted!

Edited by TabletopXwingPilot

Ah thats cool, very nice work all the same. I just didnt know if you were one of those people who has hundreds of ships!

I like the 'stealth' xwing.

I save total repaints until its either something i really need or i've already got a flight (four to me) of one type and want the other flight to look a bit different.

Once rebel aces is out i plan to eventually have a blue white a wing flight and repaint by existing red ones.

Nothing fancy, I was just not very impressed with the stock paintjob on these birds.



Wow... nice... did you also paint the back windows? I would love to see that :P

Time to go back to the future!

Started work on a space station and some Debris fields for X-wing/Attack wing

Basic shape of the station has been fleshed out



Breaks down for easy storage


Also made up some parts to create Debris fields, Asteroids and Asteroid installations!

Debris and space junk


Asteroids of various sizes


Some little Asteroid bases, weapon platforms, etc and the mandatory SPACE SLUG!


Found a little time to assemble some debris fields, came out quite nice, just got to create a time machine so I can find the time to paint them now!

Some debris fields assembled



'Roids are removable to allow placement of ships


Some standard 'roids, I apologise for the lack of potatoes!


Some bases and facilities. I intend to link these using the walkways and magnets to create a network, I figure it would be fun to incorporate it into games and assign each section an ability, rather like huge ships


Space slug, careful he is hungry!
